Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1565

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INDEX. 2977 Retirement of Claeeijied Civil Service Em- Pass- Retirement of Classified Civil Service Em- Pan ployeee Act of 1920, Amend- ployser Act of 1920, Amend- mente—Continuod. ment•——Continued. * consent of employees of monthly pay moneys mentioned herein not assign- deductions inferred ....... - .... 910 able, subject to execution, etc--- 913 reduced pay a full acquittance of effeotiveas of July 1, 1926 ........... 913 all claims for salary, etc .... ---- 910 inconsistent laws repealed as of that annuity benefits excepted ........ 910 date. ,........ --- ...,........ 913 former laws notto affect ......... 910 time requirement for certificate for investment of fund in Federal securi- retention, omitted ............ 1381 ties, etc.· use of income ...... -- 910 validation of continuance in odice accounting by Comptroller General .... 911 of present employees, notwith- return of pay deductions, if employee . standing time when certifica- transferred to position not in- tion was made ............ ---- 1381 eluded in this Act ............. 911· Retirement sg Publi: · School Teachers, absolutely separated before retire- D. .,_ ment age .............. - ...... 911 amended Flrovisions for .............. 727 redepoeit of money, etcqifreinstated- 911 Rettenmeir, ary (widow), rules, etc., to be made by Gommis- pension increased-- ................. 1865 sioner of Pensions ,........... _- 911 Returns of Income Tous, payment to legal representative if to be public records when determined annuitant die before, receiving _ by Commissioner--- .......... 51 total amount of deductions--- - - 911 open to inspection only upon order of if employee die before retirement ~ the President- .......... .---_--- 51 age, or established claim for certified copy of, to be furnished annuity- ....-..-.--.-..-.... - 911 , persons upon request; fee au- guardian to receive entire amount of gthoriaed .,.- ----- --.,.---..-- 51 return of deductions due legally _ e data from, to furnished committees of inccmpctcnt.cmp1cycc .---~---- 911 - Congress in executive session--- 51 payment of amounts due legally in- _ inspection of, by order of committees, competent former employee, if etc ...-..-....,....- --; .-... _-4 51 not over $1,000, to person ap- submission of infomation to the parently legally entitled, if no ~ HonsesofCongress----------- 51 _ guardian, etc., make demand,--. A 911 · access to corporationmeturns by State . annuitiestobepaidmenthlybycheeks- 912_ · otlicers upon request of the application of cligbln for annuity ---- 912- » govcrnors-_---r----,·--- ---.. -- 51 certincate of,. sad of department,. Z . allowed shareholders thereof.--l -.-.. 51 etc., to accompany- -.---.---.- 912 5 punishment for unauthorised di- upon receipt, etc., certificate to be · ·_ vulging infomation from by--. 51 issued to annuitant .---.....-- 912, _· list of income to be P1? commencement-and continuance of age- _ » · r - pared ann y for inspection, in · retirement annuities---- .-.-.-. 912 , _ odice of collector .-.-.. - ---.-.-. — 52 disability and involuntary separa- · Revenue Acts}? .1084, ··‘, , l i: _- ‘ .· . ~, - tion .--. -,--.- -.-.. _ --....-.-. 912 appropriation.-for Board ;of Tax Ap-, employees returning to annuity status peels, under-.---4 .... ----4 --.-- 308 , fromothar Governmentposition, parts ‘of, repealed: Title H, Income credited for that service-- -.-.-. 912 , Tax as of Janu%gk1925 ----. 125 contribution from, to retirement . . atonoe-- 125 . fund, required .--..- _-- -.-- , -.-- 912, , 'Iitle III P1zt>I gte Tax --.- .--- 126 Civil Service Commission to keep rec- · Part II, Gii’t·Tax, asof January 1, ord of appointments, transfers, _1926 ...-.--.- - --.---..------. 126 etc., of employees- ...- ,-.---,-- " 912_ Tit1e,»IV, Tax. on Tobacco, . to furnish therefrom information to ; and _Man¤f¤ctnl¤¤_ sreof, ex- Commissioner ot Pensions, to * cept section 400------- ....---- A 126 adjust claims, etc ...-.-....- .;- 912 , section 400, in 30 dt s----_ --...-. 126 to prepare tables, etc., as a guide to , l - Title V, Tax on Admissions and dues, y future valuations, etc ..-.. . -.-- 912· in 30_ days .... ---. .---.... --- 126 Board of Actuaries to be selected by Title VI, Excise T¢xcs.»..----- -.--.. 126 . Commissionerpf Pensions. .-.-. 912, on certain autoinobiles in 30 annual report by, upon operation of ‘ dalys .....-.- ---.. ---- --,. ---.. , .126 Act, with recommendations .... 913 Title _ _ I, Special Taxes, on June 30, to be submitted to Congress with · · ' , 1926 -..-....- - ..-.-----.-..- _ 126 report of Commissioner-- -.---. 913 . Title VIII, Stamp {Taxes, in 30 days- 126 to make valuation of, civil service re- Title X, certain administrative pro- tirement and valuation fund--- - 913 visions ..-.-. ---..,- ---..----... 126 compensation of _,.---..--. - -...-- , 913 repealed wportions of, in force for col- admimstration vested in Commissioner 1 ion of accrued taxes, eto .... 126 of Pensions --.. -- .-.-----.. »--- 913 Revenue Act of 1926, »_ - _ a‘€1°i’e°¤lY‘f.l€J;l'°*?!$'»?€.?'3?,*“,s‘2.*l?»is; 9*3 em ¤¤%*=#-*· e=—*=~¤=¤*$¤ —-—»--———- 9 disbursements, etc., to be made title of Act- ........--......-.--.--- 9 _ by Commissioner-------. ..-- ,-_ 913 .-2 meaning of te1·ms;,f‘r;person"-----_--.-- 9 estimates annually to Budget Bureau, "corporation'"; ‘ domcstic"; "for— by the Secretary .,-..--.------ 913 eign"- -.---.---------. - .--..- 9