Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1609

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INDEX. 3021 Tanqier Light, Morocco, Pan Tate, Galen L., Pan. appropriation for annual contribu- credit in accounts ol`, allowed ......... 1468 tion _,,._____...._...__,_, 335, 1184 Tate, Phebe D. (widow), Tangier, _Morocco, . pension increased ,_.______..,,._..,. 1578 appropriation for agent and consul gen- Tatro, Martha A. (widow), eral at .................... 331, 1180 pension .............._............. 1686 for alterations, etc., Government- Taunton River, Mass., owned buildings at ,__.,___,___ 1181 preliminary examination, etc., Of, to be Tangier Sound, Va., made .._...__................ 1017 preliminary examination, etc., of, to be Taussig, Captain Joseph K., N avy, made ,................._..... 1018 may accept decoration from Chile ..... 1785 Tank Schools, Army, Tax Appeals, Board of (see also Board of appropriation for incidental expenses-- 278, 'ljax Appeals), k S A 1128 appropgation RX- texpenses of, und§6·8 1072 Tan ervice, rmy, evenue c .............. , appropriition for civilian employegség 28 Tag:l1{oiens,hInternal Rizflenueéd to f e ....................... , 11 ` in c ancery au oriz _ en orce, for expenses of tank schools ...... 278, 1128 on real _estate for unpaid taxes- 123 Tanks, Arrny, persons claiming mterest, etc., in appropriation for purchase, etc., of, and _property made parties ......... 123 T jmtherhuzotor armored vehicles 275, 1125 ugents tp gegergrinedfby courgwi 123 anner oscp ., s e an is r1 u 1011 o procee s, 1 reimbursement of .............,..... 1795 of United States estab- 124 Tarentum, Pa. i 6 ;---; —-----—-—--- - --—--— limit of tcost increased, public building 872 P€¥'¤°¤i_Egi*·;§§té¥;1l;?'}$$:éq$1l;‘;£ sgm fsh 3 —------—-----—-------—---— . . ` public building authorization for ...... 632 may¤;<;;¤§{0*;>1t;;j7;>¤(l1-éggrl-J BE Bm 124 Tarif Act of 1922 . . domestic cattle straying, etc., across t°.d°t°rm1“° ctmmst °t°·· °“ failure of commissioner ........ 124 boundary before May 1, 1926, .t. ted U .wd St ws t

d;·¤m¤;d· {mh g**,;g;*¤¤»,;;;¢ 0* ‘ m“§3‘$ paitiesm “ ’ ° °" tot

u y, 1 re urne ore em- . . ················· b 31, 1926__________________ 629 service on Umted States ......... 124 dutieselpaid on, returned after De- °dJ?d1Fa‘1i1°u by °°(;u't;u§°x t°°¤' 124 oomoor 30,1925,to be romodoa- 629 T . °_§*¤"° Y P’°¤“m° " ·° °-—— proclamation decreasing duty on bob- “i“"°"· ftawé. lb k b. t to b white quail, to equalize differ- B ares ° tm mlm an S Su Vic ·. Y ences in p,.0ducti0u___ _______ _ 2588 legislatures of States in which on paint brush handles, to equalize T D1°g,’°t°di mmm °'u°w°d ········· 223 giggfwf jg _(i?it?_ ff 2627 asrigropriation for advertising notices of increasing duty on butter, to equalize ziicag? °f· F1: ·t·: ·········· 423* diiierences in costs of production- 2604 I 6 Pu wa mn ° . E U} n°:&sp“1_I;?’;S·· on gold leaf, to equalize differences ‘ ° °‘°“°X°?'pp’}°p"“ mn f°’ v° mug 846 in costs of production ......... 2636 b d mt? ‘°° Pt aréems ° ···· : ······· I on iron_in pigs and kentledge, to 08* tz Szisls an a'SS°SS°” mc 833

§0:lE$r???? lit _(i(iS_t?_ fig 2638 designation by the assessor of three

on men’s sewed straw hats, to equal- fw ariml cstize and thr°° fm P"' 833

 msrcucs *¤ com 0* me ,6,,,, to title 1%,*52%-’.l°o?2o;t;;12;;t1.;;,·:t;;‘

uction ...................... ¤ ·¤ on methanol, to equalize diiler- °$ ml °Sii*?° “‘““°!;z°“t°· “lS° 33 ences in costs of production .... 2631 ° paigugad ax aigpiits ···&···B· 8 on dpéitassium _chlora;te, tz; equalize P€'s°“§eg2‘:% igtanggg; ggmoggl pgp: erences in cos s o pro uc- . tion ___________ _ _____________ 2574 _erty tax; except1on-- .......... 833 oo toot rollers, to equalize differ- C¤l>¤;¤¢¤ <>§,‘i¤g*s,£¤gg ¤¤¤}¤¤§,¤1¢<=*¢g ences in costs of production .... 2615 .°"1“ d fi tu rm ° ° °“· u° 833 on taximeters, to equalize diH'er- b 1};:;}* ° ···{cX··:··}··j ······ ences in costs of production .... 2595 new ui 0;“5:c§r;'ém_ agggg ig tgggmr; Tarif, Chinese Customs international treaty relating to revision 2 22 as a;_:§:I;g,{§8';f°;;:g$,:S:;°8S§¤;$u::;}Q 833 ° --—-----———--—----·— ‘ ----——— 1 t sas deficiency appro riation for expenses Pm ear ' 7 `'’` ?"T" _ ~viei·>;¤ <>*ii b¤¤=~¤¤¢ ¤v¤¤=·¤*·=-J 866 h°“’i£`$o$tivYX’T‘}’}’T{’{ii.tZYYE`{'TlZTY'} ooo Tamil C0'{lml;88W"*» _ taxable property to be listed at not 3ppl`0p!‘l&tl0l1 for 88].81185 8Ild BX- legs than true value ____ _ _______ f P?¤§°¤ --·-·- q--; ---—--—-—— 317, 1081 all taxes ayable in equal installments or printing and binding for- -1--_ 317, 1081 m pfgmbgr and March _______ 333 d€6Cl€D•'}y 8»PpI`9pI’|8tl0I1 f0l‘ pflllirlllg penalty fg; dg]iuqugDcy__ __________ 833 tot- oZ321o`Ztl§d1°g ‘‘‘‘°`°```‘``‘‘‘`` $$2 ""”°“‘*l *’§§"°'§" '°°“’,§*“ *°t§° '§“d‘§

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Tarifs, I rternational Bureau for Publalca- year in which levied ........... 833 tion af Customs, valuation of, as of January 1, for next appropriation for share of expenses- 336, 1185 fiscal year ..................... 834