Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1626

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3038 mnnx. Vicksburg National Military Park, Miss.- P¤¥€- Virgin I slands—C0ntinued. P•¤¤· Continued. naturalization authorized without deficiency appropriation for .......... 194 making first intention; except for improving road approach; con- persons, not American citizens, dition ....................... 879 who resided in the islands at Vidalia, La., time of cession, and now residing bridge authorized across Mississippi there ........................ 1234 River, from Natchez, Miss., to-- 392 persons born in, on or after January 17, Vier, Sarah F. (widow), 1917, declared citizens of the pension increased- .................. 1537 United States ................ 1235 Viets, Amelia (widow), district court given jurisdiction for pension increased ................... 1543 naturalization purposes to set Village Delivery, Postal Service, aside former certificates, etc .... 1235 appropriation for ................ 157, 1048 residence in Virgin Islands considered deficiency appropriation for additional, residence in United States, for 1926 ........................ 178 naturalization purposes ........ 1235 for expenses .................... 191, 884 export duty on sugar reduced from $8 to Vincennes, Ind., $6 a ton ..................... 1235 time extended for bridging Wabash construction authorized of public high- River at .........,.. - ........ 249 ways in ...................... 1244 tolls authorized, as fixed by Illinois no expenditure until contracts with and Indiana .................. 250 owners of adjoining lands to sell Vincent, David A., one·ha1f to actual settlers ...... 1244 patent to, on payment of price, of cer- price, conditions, etc., in the con- tain lands in Oklahoma ........ 1750 tracts ....................... 1244 Vincent, Semantha J. (widow), if owner refused to sell, etc., expendi- pension increased- .................. 1673 tures on bordering highway may Vincentelli, M .A., be withheld .................. 1245 release of, as surety on bond ......... 1480 income provisions in, not affected by Viney, Catherine L. (widow), Revenue Act of 1926 .......... 52 pension increased ................... 1935 legitimate sale, etc., of narcotics per- Vineyard, George W., mitted in, upon issue of Execu- pension increased ................... 1594 tive orders of the President Vineyard Haven, M ass., _ *Wth0nZm8;; ----—· y -------·-- 1023 preliminary examination, etc., of harbor, ¤0t Ulcluiiéd $5 P0¤§¤S¤¤0¤S ¤f the to be made __________________ 1017 United States" in Revenue Act "***¢¤#·=*d—*» s£'5°2°‘i"r"‘a·‘"2 ‘‘‘‘ ri; 52 appropriation for investigating insects pmc Hghlcm °x.°“.m$ lm? °’ °S F ' affecting ___,.._,____,____.. 517, 993 to l%%e£L§;_1g¥ §%;g°°» °t°·¤ mv 2575 Vmwli 4*2**** (“”d°"’)· to September so 192e ```````` " 2592 P·=¤¤¤<>¤ ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤<¤— ——--————-—-—--——-- 1634 it september so; nmiiiiiiiiiiiii 2620 Vinita, Okla., Virginia, terms Of °°lu't at ----·-·-—·--—-—---- 409 cession to, of made land in the Potomac Virgin Islangs, f _ It 1 _ liéiver, C? at Battery Cdveil- 1176 appropria ion or agncu ura experi- coopera ion wi , or purposes o t e ment stations in ......... --- 502, 979 National Capital Park, etc., sale of products. .............. 502, 979 Commission ....,..___,__._.,. 375 for expenses, temporary government may acquire and operate, after com- for ....................... 594, 1277 pletion, bridge across southern citizenship requirements for hold- branch of Elizabeth River, at ing office in ............... 594, 1277 Norfolk and Portsmouth ....... 619 for relief, etc., shipwmcked seamen Potomac River from Dahlgren, Va., ID ........................ 334, 1183 to Popes Creek, Md ........... 398 citizenship declared of former Danish Petersburg National Military Park residents, not retaining their established in ._._ _ _,_..__._,._ 822 citizenship of, or subsequently acceptance of lands granted by the renouncing ................... 1234 State for ..................... 822 natives residents not nationals of a Shenandoah National Forest, W. Va. ». foreign country ............... 1234 and, boundaries modified ,..... G3 natives, who resided in United States Shenandoah National Park to be estab- at time of cession, not nationals lished in ,_______.____________ 616 of a foreign country, and now Unaka National Forest, N. C., Tenn. residing in the Islands ......... 1234 and, boundaries modified ...... 2638 naturalization authorized, without mak- Virginia Bill of Rights, ing first intention, of natives, joint committee created to attend ses- foreign nationals, who resided in uicentennial of adoption of .... 1978 United States at time of cession, Virginia Shipbuilding Corporation, and now residents of the islands, no waiver, etc., of claim against, or by, etc .......................... 1234 affected by cession of Battery natives, not foreign nationals, who Cove on Potomac River, to resided in United States at time Virginia ..................... 1176 of cession, now residing in United Virtue, Sara E. (widow), States or Porto Rico .......... 1234 pension increased ................... 1882