Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/192

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1624 SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. I. Cris. 729-731. 1926. Jul Zim. GIA! 799.-·—An Act Authorid the ealeof lot 2in uaren11l3ln the Dis- i Ei

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mh! cu Béiitenacted bythe Senate and House. of €i?1·eeen¢attv}e.s of the g.m.;.,g¤.,..,.w United States o America in Congress aeeemb " That the Director mP'°$—•:§{{’{,"*,g£ of Public Buil ` and marks of the N,ationa.l Capital_ be · ¤m¤i`b¤¤mbx•Z._ and he is hereby, authorized to sell and convey the title of the Umted States of America to lot 2, in square .1118, in the District of Columbia,_at private sale, at the best rice obtainable, at not less than the assessed value of the said lot, andito pa , cat of the proceeds

 sale, to Julia»F. Cole, asuin  to the totalj amount

» whichhas been paid byosaidylulia F. Qoe, and by herdeceased

 Beverly F. Co ‘ ,‘ as taxes and redemption‘froin_ tax- sales

of sardproperty tofether with 6 per centumeinterest on all such B k { I payments from the ate of·’their respective to the date of .,.,.§,q°§.,° '°m " ° the pamage of this Act, and to de srt the b ance received from said sale in the general frmds of the 'lgreasury or the United States. Approved. July 2, 1926.

 CHAP. 730.-An Act For the relief of Herbert A. Wilson,.

Be it enacted by the Senate amd House o Representatives of the iis°Si°1?.•‘iir:v¤i»l?°°` United States ogelimerioa in 6'ono·rese°asaem]bZed, That the Secretary of the Interior , and he is hereby, authorized and directed to issue ateut to Herbert A. ilson to fractional section 26 south of the old Choctaw boundary lingo township 18»north, range 4. west, Groctaw meridian, Sunllower unty,·Mississippi, containing twenty-three and twenty·seven one-hundredths acres, more or less, upon payment of $1.25 pier acre therefor within one year from the date of the approval ereof. V Approved, July 2, 1926. [Pd;i;§f1i&;m] (mar.- 781.-An Act Fer the relief of Caleb W. Swink.

 Be it enacted bi the Senate and House of Representatives of the

gZii2¤v;ié¢i•Yigi'1m United States of it/mericc in (Zongreae assembled, Thatjthe Secretary h"`_’j,*g,*'¥°°'°•*“°"°" of the Treasur be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to ` I after 15 1926, in favor of, Caleb Swink Concord North Carolina, Treasury notes, series B—1925, numbered 7164,;. 7165, 7166, and 7167 inthe denomination of $500 each, and - num _ 25349 in the denomination of $1,000,} issued June 15, 1922, and matured December 15,,1925, with mterest from the date of issue to the date of maturity at the rate of 4% per centum per annum, without presentation of the notes, the said notes, together with coupons due December 15, 1922, to December 15, 1925, inclusive, attached, having been lost, stolen, P , or destroyed while in the possession of-the Cabarrus Savings Bank, cmu. of Concord, North Carolma: Provided, That the said notes shall not have been previouslyiprwented for.paynient,and` that no payment m_m,,,bm,_ shall be made hereunder for any coupons thereof which shall have been {previously presented andjpaid: Provided further, That the said Swinlr shall first file in the Treasury Department a bond rn the penal sum of double the amount of he said notes and theinterestwhich has accrued thereon, in such form and with such surety or sureties as may be acceptable to the Secretary of the, Treasury with cdnditionim indemmigy and save harmless the United States from any loss on accoun of the Treasury notes . hereinbefore described. Approved, July 2, 1926.