Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/204

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1636 SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. I. Cu. 732. 1926 éalhdipay her a_pension at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that e now receiving. . A ‘ ““‘*’”·“’°“· The name of Sarah E. Ethell, widow of George F. Ethell, late of Nineteenth Beg:-pent, and Company A, Twentieth Regiment, diana Volnmteer antry, and pay her a pension at ¤···=·¤ ¤······· °"?i—i`.°°°...?.i.$5‘i*§"’ “i{"§hiL‘§J§$“d°f @55 Sh§€35’§X§°?QZ0'i§.%d ia. ‘ ‘ e e o ara . r wi w . of Company Dv Fiftieth Regiment Indiana Voltmteer Infahtry, J v . . _ .

.hnd_pay-her a_pens1on at the rate of $50 per month m lieu of that

e is now receiving. · ‘ N‘“°"E‘°“‘“‘ The name of Nancy E. Gum, widow of Erasmus Gum late of Company B, Sixty-ninth Regiment Indiana Volnmteer Infantry, and_pay her a_pension at the rate of $50 per month lieu of that she is now receiving. _ _ _ S“""‘N°°°°‘“' The name of Sarah J. Needham, widow of W1ll1am Needham, late of Company B, One hundred and forty-seventh Regiment Indi- ana Volunteer nfantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $50 M U C B andy permnhonth in lipubtpf thaté sh;} is ngwbpeceivingé f J B d '[" ' enameo ary . ran rrywiowo esse rany- mm berry, late of Company F, One hundred and forty-seventh Regi- ment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate imma. of $50 per month in lieu of that she is now receiv1 . ‘ » M““‘ ’·°“°‘· The name of Matilda J. Gates, former widow ofn§ohn M. Thorn- burg, late of Company B, One hundred and eighteenth Regiment $Ipg1ana Volplnteer In antry, and pay her a pension at the rate of r mont . . °°]°°° M'B°°d° Th; name of Celena M. Reed, widow of Samuel S. Reed, late of Company L, Ninth Regiment Indiana Volunteer Caval , and a , YY P Y her a pension at the rate of $30 per month. L°'“`*°° ·*·B‘"°”· The name of Lauvica A. Bitters, widow of John N. Bitters, late ‘ of Comtpany K, Twenty-ninth Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infan- p:£,.g%.&d. tryfhan pay liar a pe%o1§‘;::uphe rat; of $é30Dper(;11Xnt}§éh I I · · e name o I0 . er wi ow o avi . u er, ate of general service, United States ,Army, Civil War, and ay her a

 tth t f$50 th'l° fh  

pensiona eraeo permon mieuotatseisnow receiving. Mm E°K°°k' The name of Mary E. Kepler, widow of Levi F. Kepler, late of Company C Fifty-fourth Regiment Pennspylvania Volnmteer Infanpix ppg pay her a pension at the rate o $50 per month in 1euo a GISDOWIBCGIVI . m’“ ’·°"*‘““"" The name of Eliza J. Creighton, widow of Frederick Creighton, alias Gillenck, late first-class boy, United States Navy, Civil War, and pay her a pension at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that she P,,,,,,,,,_ is now _ _ Nm M·H¤*¤“- The name of ora M. Howell, widow of Peter Howell, alias John Kimmerley, late landsman, United States Navy, Civil War, and pay mem mmm. her a pension at the rate of $30 per month. . · . ’*“‘°“°’·“‘°· The name of Amelia J. Edie, widow of William H. Edie, late of Company L, First Relgiment Ohio Volunteer Artillery, and pay er a pension at t e rate of $50 per month in lieu of that she is mmm. now receiving. H°'“" °· °°"°‘“· Thename of Henry C. Duncan, late of Company G, Thirggseventh Regiment and Provisional Company A, Tlurty-seventh giment, Enrolled lhiissouri Militia, and pay him a pension at the rate of $50 per mont . ‘ ‘ JM H·F¤’*<*· The name of John H. Frick, late of John W. Younger’s company of Clay ang Clppitop $(g8unties, lrgssouri Militia, and pay. him a` rms away:. nsion at t e ra o per mon . “‘"":‘s °““‘°"‘ peThe name of Malinda Cannon, widow of Isaac W. Cannon, late of Company D, Fourteenth Regiment Missouri Volunteer Cavalry, and