Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/268

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1700 SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. I. CHS. 732, 808, 809. 1926. and pay her a pension at the rate of $40 per month in lieu of that she is now “’°"M°’°°· The name of Sarah Morse, widow of Alcendar O. Morse, late of Company I, Thirty-seventh Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, ‘ and pay her a pension at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that renenene. she is now E“*‘H“dd‘°“°”- The name of El a Huddlestou, widow of James Huddleston, late of Company H, First Regiment_Missouri Volunteer Cavalry, and J MBN pay her a pension at the rate of $30 pier month. °m°° °m°°‘ he name of James McNamee, elpless and dependent son of Patrick Hem·y McNamee, late of Company C, Eig ty-ninth Regli- ment Illinois Vohmteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at t e Pmomm 1 rate of $12 per month. . E1ectaA. Putnam: The name of Electa A. Putnam, widow of Albert C. Putnam, late of Company E, Thirty-Erst Regiment Iowa Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that she is . now receiving. L°°md° M' Dm" The name of Lucinda M. Davis, widow of Thomas J. Davis, late of Company C, Eighteenth Regiment Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, and pay- her a pension at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that she is now receiving. . “"“° H“'““°" The name of Annie Hammer widow of Knute 0. Hammer, alias John Smith, late of Company C, Eighth Regiment Vermont Volun- teer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $50 per month in Pm,0m_ lieu of that she is now receiving. Maw P¤¤l¤¤d- The name of Mabel Packard helpless and deplendent daughter of George W. Packard, late of Company A, Nint Regiment Kansas _ Cava ry, and pa her a pension at the rate of $20 per month. E°"“°°”"’· The name of Rdith 1;>ee1md,1.e1p1eee and dependent daughter er Geor e W. Packard, late of Company A, Ninth Regiment Kansas Pension ,11 I Cavalry, and pay her a gension at the rate of $20 per month. Naom1Treiethen.· The name of Naomi refethen, widow of Alfred M. Trefethen, late of Company E, Forty-sixth Regiment Illinois Infantry and pay her a pension at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that she is now receiving. ‘ Approved, July 2, 1926.

 CHAP 808 —An Act For the relief of the estate of J A Galloway

[Private, No.237.1 ° ° ° ° ` ,_ A_Gmm _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the gelyment to. br me United States of America in Oongrees assembled, That the Secretary °° i°’°d°°‘ of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to the estate of J. A. Galloway, late of Brevard, Transylvania County, North Carolina, the sum of $2,040 in full compensation and final settlement of all claim or demands for in'uries sustained by the said J. A. Galloway on or about the 25th day of November, 1915, in Jackson County, North Carolina, while in the active discharge of his duties as revenue oiiicer of the United States Government in destroying illicit distilleries, when he was shot from ambush by persons he was seeking to arrest, resulting in his serious personal mjury, including the permanent loss of one of his eyes and great phys1cal suffering. Approved, July 3, 1926.

 CHAP 809 —An Act For the relief of Mr and Mrs Charles Vanderveer

[Private, No. 238.] ° ` ° ° ° M I Be it enacted by the Senate and Home of Representatives ef the v,LI,§;,°,'$‘,;e,_”‘°h°' °’ United States of America in. Oongress assembled, That the Secretary