Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/290

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1722 SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sus. I. Cn. 845. 1926. P•¤¤°¤· Th · f E11 Hu hes, widow of Patrick Hughes alias Pat- mm Hmm rick Kel;§,(late oimGom]§any D Twenty-sixth Regiment, Iowa Vol- unteer Infantry and Company F, Thirtyyiiith Regiment W1S($0DS1D Vohmteer Infantry, and pay herraapension at the rate of $30 per 0l1¢l'B!I89d. th• `v*: '·' i` `_ ’ i ]1;:’I§i’i”“i§·B°"’*°*· m0'I}he name of·'Deborah E; widow_of Nicholas Bowling, late of Company_B, Thirteenth Bzgiment Oh10 Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate o $50 per month in lieu ofthat she . w V ‘ ` i . §;]£‘n;·K°“”· 1S'I‘l)1e·Tname oi; Amelia Keith,_·wigiow of Mathias Keith, late of Company D, Eighth Regiment Il11no1s Volunteer Infantry, and pay Nm E Dm her a. pension at therate of $30 per month. _ _ °’ · °“· The name of Nano D1llon, widow of D1llo§ late of Sroinpgey (3, Igrst K4f4_menthPotomae .H0lI1:tE1'1gB€°B, f ggrgland oun r av ry,an pay erapensiona era 0 per month. ‘ V F ‘ ~ ‘ Mis N¤¤¤•· The name of Artie Nol ` widow of John T. No1es,[l�te of Com- panyh F, Seventy·sevetn1tl1 Ohio Veglunteer fantry, and a r a pension ot= erate o V r mon . Mm °‘ T“°"°'· P Thecname of O. Tucker, latepsf Conépany K, Eleventh Reg- iment Connecticut Volunteer Infantuz, and mpany D, First Regi- ment Maine Sharpshooters, and pay 'm a pension at the rate of $50 Penaionsincreaeed. per { i , ' . MwH..·.pp¤¤=¤¤. The name ofr Mary H. Appleton, widow of Charles F. Appleton, late of Company B, Thirtreth Regiment: Massachusetts Volnnteer Infantry, an _ pay her_ a pension at the rateof $50 per month -1n neu m’·“°m*"°**· °fq*£‘2‘e;".Z.°e»‘Z£”§Z'.ei?°§T‘é‘2§;e1ee§i_veeee of eee.-.e W s;;.5..»1ee, late of`C°ovmpan*y*A; Twenty¤·ninth‘< giment Indiana Volunteer In-

and [pg; her a pension at the rate of $50 per month 111 heu of

a . fm, A ·' 1 _ ' , · · , , 1 ‘ ‘ . v, K ’·°“’°° S°“"“°‘· · ·'I'lie*name M widow of eumee Semmel, late of

I), Oneéhundred znlddmghth  t·New York Xglun-

teer an an unassi etaclm e etem `Reserve . gihnd- apéndihxi `8£%BiI'ltQ,0f $40 per,month_in lieu of t-Est B1S`DOW’1'K)0l7!.Hg. ·'*· ‘·—‘ 5+ 1 _ ‘ ii?1’iS°1}’i.a»eweeu. The name of Edna M: ZBrownel1,~ helpless and dependent daughter · ~ · ~ ra 0 ‘£?.eK‘¤?§.?E¥v.?aeee’°“i°ei$i.i.§.f {i%“§£§‘i..$’.1Q;Y§‘e5;”.’€“e§Z°g‘?;°“$ D n U $20€h;__V _,___s,, . X 4, ,_ , . m"-i·i@¤¤·»¤· wil`: ¤eme¤e1~~n;ae~J. Johnson, ymew e; Merit Johnson, late °f.$°*‘*"iI*" *fp.eN‘“s°“"*“‘i°2?.duR°t%°%em*“°‘S V‘i%""°‘i*` I"’?“e‘{’a an payi er a onja ein o ~ permon Q 111 1eu o * a Mm A‘°'°”‘ Tl; of_?M:1§yA;"Crow,`widowl ea Samuel- `B. Crow, late of E°“P"’“{mE’· Ni"€§2i‘h§°i‘?£§s?‘ °hi° Ve£1`z‘£S"*“ £’??i.?"€’ei.“"°ie’“’ era i _a · _ra o per mon 1eu _a ,e_—;s·¤ew _ reeei L¤¤‘·» · * -‘*·· V ‘ a y ` M·¤°··¤°W¤=“°· e·_m1;§}eme‘er-Mmqeee Wright, wiaew of James s. weight, late ef Company¥K,·Eilghth‘Regiment··Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, and pa her a pension _at t ehratet of $50 per ment]; in lieu, of that shd"is M°””° "°’h°°‘· ·-The name §f‘Melissa Vorliees, widovwof Wihiam Vorhees, late of Company I3, ‘Th1rteenth Regiment Ohio Volunteer G'ava1ry` and pay her n penswn atthe rate.of’$50 per month lieu‘of that she‘is new Mm ’· *"°'°°· naine;of_fMaria J:=Pie1*ée,·‘widow Robert Pierce, late 6f_Com- pany C, Th1rt1eth· Regiment Oh1o Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that s e is now receiving.