Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/294

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1726 SIXTYSNINTH CONGRESSC Sass. I. CH. 845. 1926. 0***** B”‘· .?»·vTl1e»na¤ie€of.·G1a1·issa· Bard, widowof (Austin T._ Bard, late of - -Compamy;LF,: One hundred andeiefomty-sixth Regiment ~ Illinois Voltgioteér Infantry, and pay. her ·a. pension ·at the rate of $30 per . mon - ~ J. » . » sauna. mum. » The name 5 of, Adalaide Belleau, widow of A:bI'8»h8.!I.l'B6uB&l1, late of Company A, Oneohundredand twenty-fourth Re iment New York Volunteer Infantry, and Company E, Twentieth §egiment~Veteran rum mum. Reserve Corps, and pay her a pension at the rate of $30 per month. m°‘°"°°°’°"°“· . i'I?he IlBI!l8i0f·Fl0I'6D08.GTOW611;=WldOW of iMartin Crowell, late of Company H, Sixty-eighth ?RBglm8Dh -New; York Volunteer

   pay her a pension at the rate of. $50 peremonth in

`eu o at e is now receivin . w . t . Emily nw:. .a Thexnaine of Emily Roof, wgdow of Abram Roof, late of Com- pany M,r’Tenth Regiment New York Volunteer Heavy Artillery, g pay here at the rate of $50 per month in- ieu of that n eoeivi . · · » M"' °· w“"""*Y· ’*?1‘hi. »n(dv1;1erof Mldigy C. Witherby, widow of James L. Witherby, late·6f Companyl E, Tenth. Regiment New York Volunteer Heavy

andpay her a pension at the rate of $50 per month in lieu

’ *1: t" ,`=fu g. . " 5 , J N°”°’ L H‘“""”’· 0 Thezndme lst lgzncy I. Hamkinshwidow of Benjamin F. H. Hankins, late of Com any C, Sixty-eight Regiment and Com];-:1.ny E, One lumd1ied‘a‘ndpninety·second Regiment Ohio Volunteer fantry, and P `-pay her a pension at the rate=of·$50 per month in lieu of that she is °¤¤*°¤· ow `in. .2 t Num mm' .n~ ·Th:91(i6h?1i1e?§f·>Nanni•·KirbZ —, former widow of Richard S. Draper, DRY-‘§»"i‘° °°?.%"" ‘% ”“"°,.¤.&g‘“¥.‘i.“é‘1;"°"t."‘;’?.et}’°"‘“*°“t1l‘“"‘“° rem memes. a°era ll · era »o _ rmon -' Am g2?H°°k°”‘“‘ Tlieehyaine oflhhn M. eekaman widow of G'B0I‘gBP°W. Heckaman, hte of Gem I, Eightyl-seventlnillegimenti Pennsylvania Volun-

 payfher aiipensiondt the rate o£$50iper»·m0nth

in o·t’ GZl§·110Wl'0l>B1Yl.l1g.J· u·: r r —- . .. L¥'”•’·•“· Thename of Lydia Lau, widow of John K. Lau, late of Company D;i0¤egl1�lidred- and · sixtywixthi {Regiment Pennsylvania- Volnmteer

 and pay l1er?a pensionat t e rate of ‘$50;pe1¤ month in lieu

= t eisnowreeeiwm e -. . --,- &_ °""““`° “°““"“‘ }3.;‘““°‘¥·%°‘t%f.“‘R.g.° §m0EmmMary,wi‘lg.:d°;VIlBw;’e?'YIFfi(i§1l:1m’kbd o· ‘¥ui" `inti- iunr tan pay¤he1 o1ig at the rate$1£—$50¥per·mont;)1 in lieu of thatyshe is nowgmw A ; {.`[‘j ‘ , ., {K , i · _` I. t I _ Il ` B°°M'I°°°¤` ) The name of Sarah J. Laucks, widowvof~Benj•minLai1cks, late of E,‘0ne hundrecf and sixty·sixth: Regiment Pennsylvania Bra _ a , pay he1·La»pension ·at thewtrate of $50 ¢ rmon °111.0�' isnowreeeivm · .  » m*'**’°“‘L°"°· P°’l‘he name of Elizabeth Lowe, widow,ofgGe0r e ·Lowe, late dt.Compimy G,·’1*we1ith~Rsgiment Pennsylvania rve Volunteer I1ifai1#tnY,»‘¤l1d Coinpany F One hundre and ninetieth Bpgiment Tenney vania Volunteer Infantry,. and pay her apension at e rate s J of $50 per month in lieu of that she is now receiving. - ’°"'“°’·°°'°" ` "I‘he name of Jennie E. Derby, widow of Derby, °unior, late of{Qomga.¤y F, Second New York eteran olnmteer ‘Cpvuigi*y,ha11 pay. her a pension atzthe rate of $50 per mouth in lieu 1>¤m¤¤.» tseisnowreoei X · · s ,,,¥§°°' m' ch"` 9 of Nanc Aman, widow orf Austin J. Chalglman, · late ofdC0mp£ny C," ;_ Vsggsconsin Vttgnmteer fan- Pensienlncnucd. an a erapeusiona ‘ra o rm . · i i °"°°° B` mb"' ngnz of Claudia _B.· Tribble, widow o¥°Alfre03 Tribble late of Gomgeany E,-Seventh Regiment Mmsouri State Militia Cavalry, and pay r¥a·pens1on·at the rateof $50 per-month in lieu of that she 18 now receiving.