Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/322

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1754 8IKTY»MHTH.eGONGRESS. .S¤ée;1> Ones 878-#880; T1928. __ .§¥4g»u& thugs;. ·Gime¤;»eerNersn¤n rqser Milli certain iiuidoin e i Howe éf.3 s5£"""“ Nr -,n%·’ in .sp¤¤ ,_g;¤•,g·,g¢_,_•·;{g byth¤¢S•¢re¤:3 ¤¤··.w¤ >» , nn-.h¢mhy·¥»¤th¤¤¤z¤d.nsnd ’d!¤§¤t0d?*·¤ sell _ 3“.%&’ sib e,.s%’°’“sser“ “e£°’§1¥3¥*£KZ°s$l¢*5°3:°v?&.??;‘¥£ in liuth i te"6 usiness'in`tb whatever ”““"°“°"· right: title, or interest the United %tateg_·gney_;hay•§ inaor to;an unsurveyed islandrging in the Menomonee River opposite section 29, township 37 no rangei2Q..west,Michigan meri `an, Michigan, 2. v of aplpiroximately onediglftiacreaan two islanggvlying —— in sm river~o bn , ‘ pv *11 J gran? “ West,

   s . , ' Uéipgv   Fm] §6,W*3Q*¤¤¤iP,.35,&=¤§¢dé;l   22

c c fourth, 5 s it . ¤¤·¤>¤¤i¤» ‘‘Li.»; im .. 7 if P¤*°¥i*¤*W? in P°¥¤P*i¤i¤BLIQ*> 44 sg · ‘n ` " $g§ B§%<*~§S¢•°_.<>¤¤¢h. ·if1¤1T1$h¤¤, man. " = ~· · =¤· , , ,0¤ ., . ‘*“`”·i r. h°.."°.°.°" ...‘?.&.f" """‘ "°‘ ‘“” Thi = @ ‘¢¤¤¤¤ig%@¤ ¤i*¢¤* ¤* déféewig ei vbfiid =-• ¤· ui! _gl}i§ i1}.®¤,j,. v8¤¢h. A !4}<X8;” Q1`; ¤¤Y.I?¤¢$ *h¢K°9f• "F mail-have been 1n1t1atedtby any ggrson qrypersons, or by the State gm Lchigan, or by the State of IBOODSID, prior to the passage of ' et. °¤"•¥•¤d·¤¤**· Sno. 2. That the Secretary "fthe Inte ' ' h b th 'zed •¤?:’°°°"°° W to surveg and appraise said is(iands_and rtrdmpiisscrghg dl1m1iecg;a.ry rules an regulations for admrnistermg the provisions of this Act. V Approvedjiluly 3,1926. · v_ ‘

   eve.-an Aecfrq perm:   mimmeed may ge Jenn Hama. r

No.¤. .. ; . . _ .. V. V · . a Bi 'tM»S'eia§1.tqandH' Q [R ,_ entativ `the {,°g,}’°°,_,';, Mm, Qntged State: ogyamqrea That tiiseqddi-

3,. new on nu- Vervthe stock9i“p,ising4,homestead_ of

vu no,p.a¤z. 29, 1916 ( at page 862), made by John Hebneg on March 3, 1 , for east h f ofeast half of section 22, township 7 north, my 9 east, Montana principal meridian, Montana, is hereby vali ted. I ' Approyed, July 3, 1926. p

`%?¤*E=•°Y cnn. eso.--An Act For stm-rene! d&—Virglnin Strickland.

‘ .t 9 the "* r ¢heS,iia¢éiq5¢i`H Re v me ‘ lm . vw?4 4·»·¢»Z=·» °··{··»r”$}$i»,, r¤»'¥¤'?3?·’ we n¤•¤· o any laws r1$hte,§ and_benefits um w¤1¤w¤ ¤f h¤¤¤¤l>1y ·¤ dwrs Orme -.S¢¤¤k1¤nd, Iateiof D One hundred and eleventh Begment fennsyl-

 Vqlnngeer. Infantry, shall hereafter be bdd. and wrgsndered t¤

have discharged homrably from the military service of the _Un1ted States as a member, of said 00D1'F;:y and regiment on the §;=·:•&p” M 26th day of December 1864: Promkled, y t no back pay, pension ' ' ;)§i1]k)c¥·&1l0B' shall be heldvto have accrued prior to the passage oi s Approved, July 3, 1926.