1762 SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. II. Cus. 13, 14, 16, 69. 1926-1927 damages for the loss and nondelivery of one case of silk belonging to sai company while the said case of silk was in the custody ot the United States at the United States ap5>raisers’ stores in the city of New York, Oéztober <g N ovexlnber, 1 ig, ar;drf·;1i the dlutybpaid on
- - , $0. ~ nit . ¤r¤¤n, rc e .,..,.wt_e a_urt <>
Pmhoi ? ,. Bllthbklty JVOj`h081Y CBWTHLIHB the ’1‘im¤¤mi¢•¤¤¤. same to Eidgment, with the right of appeal as in other cases: Pro- mded, T at no suit shall be brought imder the provisions of this Act after _months from the date, of the passage thereof. Approved;F*December 16, :1926. D°°'“°".}&°m”‘ . GHAP. `14.·-—An Act For therelief of the Broad Brook Bank and Trust
¤¤¤¤1>•¤y·· · ~ X » a
_; _ . e ·Be it enacted by the Senate and Home of Representatives we m§'.§.°f,,,m‘f‘*, States of Ameriea.i<n. Congress assembled, That the, re- ¤R·d·¤bx:g3¤t°M lm tary of the Treasury be, and he is herebg, authorized and directed mw ' to redeem in favor of the Broad Brook ankand Trust Compnny, Broad Brook, Connecticut, .rUnited States couplon note num red H—1728011 in the denomination of $1,000 of t e Victor; Liberty loan 4% per centum convertible gold notes of 1922-23, wi coupons due, December 15, 1922, and Mag 20, 1923, without presentation of the said, or _the ‘coupons,`t e note with the coulpons attached mm hawiin beenlnst or destroyed while beinébheld as co ateral by_ the csnsxum. 'id_ tie Broad Brook”Bank and Trust mpmgz Provided That ihejsaldi nets nqti have been previously p esented andjpaid
that aha __not made hereunder for any coupon
I“°°“‘““’ °°"°‘ ’ have been previously presented and Provided YfJgg1‘j¢[te?‘,4 That the the Broad Brcok‘Bank and _ st Company .shillf?li1‘8l¢QHI6, iii, Department of United_States a theTpe!1al__s}1mj_of-double the amount of the principal of the said note and theunterest whichihad accrued when t_ e principal became due and payablein such form {and with such surety or sureties as may be acceptable to the Secretary of the Treasury to indemnify an save harmless the United States from any loss on 3ccoun)tBdof the lost or destroyed note and coupons hereinbefore _ Approved, December 16, 1926. . D•camber1811¤. . " ’ f ‘ _
GQAP. 18.——An Act For-the relief of Cyrus S.
V B6 by Nw Bmaie and House of Representatives og the §’,,’,{,“’,,,*} ·'¥,;’§{§',j;,,,..United.»6'ta¢es·of»Arneriea in Congress assembled, That inthe a ' - Mm- istration of an laws conferringlrightsy priyileges,‘and benefits upon bonorubly &rg&d.soldi¤rS,—_ grus S.. Andrews; who was aprivate in Ck>mpan£H,¢O¤e h¤¤d1‘ndtan -fcrty»;6fth. R ment Pennsylvania Volunteer fantry, shall hereafter be held ulfglconsidered to have been discharged honorably from the military service of the United States as a private of said company and regiment on the 26th da of §g°g‘;'&p” M June, 1865: Provided, That-no beunfg, pay or allowances shall be ' held as accrued prior to the passage o this Act. Approved, December"I8, 1926. 6
69.+-A.u`Act To correct the military record of Dahie1iC._Dai-roch.
>Be ·lt‘en&wted by the,»S’enete amd’1House of Represeritatives tf the {’,“H'}&.§’·,]2§,,f'§°“°;,.‘ United'S¢etee‘of Arneriea·inC"ongress'assernbZed,» That is-these min- ¤*°*°d· istratioli of the pension and homestead laws and the laws governing the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, or any branch