Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/336

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1788; JJ ’.»>‘ SIXTYQIZINTE. CONGRESS. ‘S1·.ss. II. Cas.; 117-120; .1927.

   if · A   117.-iAnA•t`Fo¤··the relidlof Btantonand Jones. I A .7 ·-

- " Qc it the •md·Houe ae1ttat·£we of the Q*‘“‘°g,,&‘§,°°·m Umted States of America m 6'ongress as _ , That and ?.;•:.*‘....°‘.....@ ·T¤¤¤¤ ·sa·*>¤¤¤bn e¤¢h<>=¤·>·1.!¤ bees sw Exams the Umm Saws mmm:. under 0011#ljQ¢t`.·W1tl1_t$l16 en A eerswodicqgiated June;12, 1918, for rev¤¢m¤nt.v¤rk» Palmas i , W ver be re<=¤v¤r.rwh¤t¤v¤¤· damages or losses which ey. may havepsudered action by 8¤V9¥'9m°¤t*1V¤8°n°*9$ W °°¤¥m¤¥!d°9*¥¥8ii1PPY°h%8mHS» .¥P°Vmg» orcausipgto be-;moved_from the ver eetof the Kansas City Missouri River Ilavigation Company, or of any other I www ¤f$}9¤ 0; lgellglgibwhlch. 111 arg losste the ¤¤‘¤“=**¤¤- caunan ., 01118 { _yc0nerred_ upon ,e_Courto · Claims of the Umted.States;_to hear, consider, and determme such ’¤*¥¤¤•¤*~ action,enter decree or judgmentagamst the United States for the amount of any loss 0I',d§D18§8S_8S11I183 be found to have been - suiferedlbypthe sa1d.Btanton and ones un er the said contract, if

 d any:_l?rq{p;d.ed,   such action _shall be brought. and commenced

su:. .W1l2l11l1, four months the date that this Act becomes effective. Approved, February¤12,l1927.. FQll’||N’!;%lN7. ‘ , V A · ~

¤2sL1J.. ‘CHAP. 118.-—An Act For the relief or Gem-dan A. Dennis;
r>m.¤,m.s4».1 so . . ,

» Beit essactedby the Senate and House Rapresmtatioee ·o the ,?,?{’“ ·*;,,Q,,;"'§"§,,_ United States ofximaerioa £n<C'¢mge·eaa auewgled, That in the nhnin- rwwd- 1strat1on of all laws conferring mghts, privileges, or benefits upon h_onora'bly soldiers, Gordan A. Dennis, late of the Twen- tieth Infantry, beiheldto have been discharged honorably from §{,°$,‘;gk mm, the military service of the United States on May 5,.1999: Provided, That no baizlr pay, pensgonilpr gllowance shall be held to have accrued prior to t e passage 0 t `s i ct. Approved, February 12, 1927. A. Febnuryli, 1927. ` · ~ » V . ‘ *‘ . ' [H. R.¤7.l· CHA]?. _1 19.-An Act For the relief of Columbus P. ‘ ,0 · Be it etheSenate and House of Repreaen¢at~x?vea of the §gu**ggtg¤¤r;£¤g£ Um2`ved‘ 1S{#atee—?;o in 0'gmgress abeembled, That ‘ in the rema. adrxrinistwtion ’any laws·coxffer11&:·ights,_benefits,‘ and xprivileges upon,lioii6i:ghy`dischamsoldiérs * unibusZP:Pieree sh lbeheld and=ei3nsid` to*liave` ‘ ‘ mustered the-militaryservil "eeof the United States as a private in Company ‘G§'·Thirteentlr Tennessee Volunteer Cavalry, on November 11, 1864, andpto have beenhqnor- I§;°{L•&m,_ M ably discharged from same orgamnationpon April 12, 1865: Promded, Thai: no bout? mh or allowances shall be held as accrued prior tot epassageo t ' _ ct. . .; Approved, February 12, 1927. I F°in".°°a°". cxA1>Q_i§o.+An Apt To quieh at title ei the United States to the [Prime, No. 351-1 l:}ng]:·z;¤t!h1: of_Moses A _ , sltuate in the county of Baldwin, State iBe the.Senate and House of R entativea of the {fm°°_g°§8°9l;“gmb°n_ United States of America Gongreaa asaembleg""I?liat all the right, amen w ¤w¤é¤ or title, and interest of the United States in and tothat certainland °,§?,°'2’,‘§, ml" °°° in Baldwin County, Alabama, known as the Moses Steadham Tract, L°°°‘*°°· section 50, township 2 north, range 2 east, and section 42, township 3 north, range 2 east, Saint Stephensnieridian, Alabama, be, andthe