Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/447

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,SIXTY·NIN’l'H OONGRESS. Sms; 11. 1 cn. 525. 1927. 1879 shalloease and determine: And ovided Hier That in the event ’°°'°¤m‘°,,b[ °° of the death of Ella E. Snydei•,:`the·nan]';rof,1iaid Maud Snyder and ` shall be placed on‘ the pensionroll subject to ·the»provisions·and limitations of the pension laws, at gifgtafe of $0 per month from and after the date of deathpof said _ E. %iyder. j Q ,,m,,,,,_ Themune of ·Brown, of , Brown, late of 1.•u¤am¤. Companye F, hundredi an f¢i`rt§s1`xtgi` ' ent·yNew“York Volnmteev- Inf•ntrye= and Conipany* ’S_ h { l ' __ Veteran Reserve VCorps,,1·and*pay here a*i`pensio;o;·’at··the )·ate"of $30 per

h•’   iv V     Z,,- ,,‘ ,’.;   . `i_ r·‘Y if Jn,. » _   D
 The·name¤of Jennie ML·Lambert,"wid6w‘ofe CliarIes`W. Lambert, ¥¤¤¤i• M·I·•¤‘>¤*·

zlate of Comgmany G, First‘Begimenti Miehigan Volunteer Sharpe shooters, an pay her a pension at the rate of,$50 per, month 1n u6l10fu18i28l161Sll0’WTBO€i.·v{`." t Q The name , of gilogullough, hel less and dependent °°°°"“M°°°u°““°‘ daaghtereof Daniel MéCu1l<§h’ late _pf,,€g>mpanies,H and A, 30ne hundred and ni¤ety·seoo A 1i.e‘§iment`.;Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantrfgi and pay her aipension ` jthe rate tqf’_$20‘per month in lieu ot_ at»sheis¥now_1*eceiving.* ’ ° _ , _ ` . — 2The namei of·Nannie me rmt., www of -;ramee 12. Ferns, late Nm “·’°¤°·· of Company ‘F,f Seventh Regiment Iowa‘ Volunteer Cavalry, and · pay her a pension at the rate of $50 pen; month in lieu of that she . asznowueoeiving. ’ ~· I A , mm, nf The name of Annie Christley, former widow of William C. ·*““*° ”·°’”'°“°’· Ohristley =late of company H, Seventy—eighth Regiment If _` ‘_ ` I- vaniayoiunteer-Infantry, and pay her a pension at.the, rate of—%0

:41 ’ ' 2 i   __~, l i V   l .,' 1 fl v_ ._ J _ D Pguggugigqrgggd,
name oisarsh A. Augustine widow ·ofJqhn Augustine, im ¤·¤¤·~·-¤¢¤·¤¤·-

of Company A,‘,First REgi1!l€Dt'MiSSOUlTiir?St£tB.,Mi1ltl&· Vplnmteer _. Cavalry, and pay *a pension at the rate of $50per moqthlin lieu ‘of¤that=s'heiis nowpreoewingi j’· .‘ ·_ ‘ ‘_ · . _ _ 00The o§E1iza Snuth, Elf imfith, late og Eu" °‘ °“"°" ` ·‘ in · ‘Reg1m4 _ `o‘ `0 r ant an

 pensio1itzt_ the rate of $50 per _lI161l?l?i11‘ lieu or   she

1sn0w·1'eoei is . . ~ _ gi The nameY<iFi·llizabeth"C;i1•r, widow?ofiWinslow,A. Carr, late of m"'°°°' °""‘ Coinpuly<L,‘ Eighth Regin1eht‘Il1inois‘Vol¤mteer Cavalry and psy her a `on at the tate of.°$50 pefmonth in lieu of that she is now , reu **·. A 5 A e. » .· W »=. uThe¤name’o! Polly ’jB.,Wa1·ner,‘*widow ofDariusiWarner, late of P°u’ B' '"*‘ Conipamy ‘ and; 'twelfth Regiment New York Volunteer Infant , and payxhera pension at the rate of $50 per monthrinylieu ofigat she isrnow _ .. ‘ ·¥’The·’1iame of ennie Read"‘widow'of‘ _ucius H. Read, late of ’°"“‘°“°“‘ Co1nEny=K, One hundred and twelfth New York Volun- teer fantry, and pay her, a pension at the rate of,$50 per month in lieu of that she is now reeeivuig. ’,‘_ Q ‘ __‘ `_ I _ _ ‘ mm. 1 The name of Ainnetta L. Pruden, mdow of John B. Pruden, late ““‘°“‘ I" P'°°°°‘ private unassigned, Third Regiment Illinois Volunteer .Cavalry, and pay her a pension at the 1'8.tQ__0f$30' per month. - t ransom 1¤¤••¤. V The {name of ' Ellen Hogan, widow of Owen Hogan, of EM H°“"’ Company B Van ·Horn’s battalion, United States Corps Mimom-1‘Volimteer‘Infantry,‘and pay `hér’ a peusm an the rate of $50 r month in lieu_ of that she is gow. reoeivipg. _ T ` _ A 4

 Tg: nEe·_’bf‘Ann Mli3Co1*mielr, wi owggf Francis P. McCormick, *”““°°°""°‘°

late-of mpany C, iflfeenth TRegiinent‘=lNew York- Volunteer Clavalry, and Company C,_Seeond,Be _ ‘ ent New York Provisional Volunteer Cavalry, and pay her ’a ]§ii;ion‘at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that she is now receiving.