Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/45

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SIXTYZNINTH GDTGBESS;. E Sus. I.» Ci? 343. 1926. 1477 . · Additional homestead J La Grande,Oregon, numbered 016165 W¤¤•¤ W· ¤¤¤¤¤· made ey William W. l[me~•m·No+tm·ber 11, 1918, tlor the south; ·°Aw¤¤¤.1 home- eastkgarter-ohtha southeast quarter, secton east half of the “°°“‘ northaaiz-quarter and southwest quarter of e northeast quarter, se¢ibn25, township -7 south, · —: nmms muy, Elko,—Nev ,<¤¤m1»rs1 oem, meas by·1z»b¤·¢ £‘?$.;.E..’5;5i*·¤**·- Fitzhugiion June 1, 1918,»under·the Act of- Jnne·1-1, 1906 (Thirty- "°*·”*·¤-m- ~ fourth- tutesat Large, for a tract of land described as homestead entrysurvey num .111;- ; V . . - · Homestead , Santa F3, New Mexico, numbered 039126, made ,§,‘§°’° "“‘” P"' by Joseph Janes on suiy·22, 1920, forthe south half of- the H¤¤¤*•¤¤· southeast quarterzan southeast quarter. of the- southwest quarter, section,7€,.lots 1, 2, east half of the northwest. quarter and- northwest gguartenofzthe northeast quarter, section 18, township -5 north, range ea? New Mexico principal meridian. ·- - L · 6 . Ad tional homestead entry, Glenwood S rings, Colorado, num- {f§‘$‘,,Y;,E,m°,‘{'j;m°_ bored 017680 made by John-W. Smoot on ¥)ecember_22, 1919, for ¤¢·¤d· ` lot: 15, 16, li and -18, section 30, township 6 north, range 90 west, sixth £ri.ncipal meridian - . » · - _ ‘ · , hmm mum Ad `tional homestead entry, Cheyenne, Wyoming, numbered Additional uhm- 025755, made by Jennie Ireland, widow of Joseph .W. Ireland, ‘°°°"· deceased,·on- April 23, 1920, for the north half of section 33, township 19 north, range.66 west, sixth principal meridian; _ » _ _

 Homestead entry, Douglas, Wyoming, numbered 025896,, made §§,{§,E;,§‘}“‘”“·

by Iddings on October 14, .1920, for the. southwest quarter, . ` section 28,·and the south half, section. 29, township. 29 north, range 77west,sixthprincig:l°l`x:’1eridian. · . _ .3 _ -Sae.» 2. That the tary of the Interior be,,a,nd he is hereby, "·""“°““°'“ °“°"°‘* authorized to allow the following apggcations to maiwentry :. _, _ Homestead application, Durango,. lorado numbered 99864, filed §{,',‘,§,§;,,f““"‘· by Syrus M. Austin, November 25, 1921,1 for the s0utheast·g_uarte1· of the southeasti quarter, section 4, southwest quarter of the southwest quarter, section 3, east half of the northeast quarter andssoutheast quarter, section 9, west half ofgthe southwest quarter and west half of the northwest quarter, section, 10, township 41 north, range 18 west, New·Mexico· principabmeridiau, subject to. thef provisions of the asgiztof December 29,.1916 (Thirty·ninth Statutes at Large, "°‘·‘*°·¥’·°°2· •. 5i V- ‘: t_ . .-·,- Edditional homestead a plication, Glasgow, Moutanmuumberod i°.i`5`i¤itKi°"”sem¤- 061215;;filed by-J0hnJ. Wiall, December 10, 1924, for the east half med- of thi southeast_quarter, -18,,townsh1p 31 north, range Q5

 ontanau nnci ,meri °an. _,   . g . t i
 sw. s. Thatpthe §:•;lretary.of the _Interior,be, ma was semi, ¤.i'is‘{s£•€'..°‘§‘r.¥¤‘§.‘3

authorized and directed to sell the lands described as the south ha "g»,,,,,m, by wm gf, of the south- half of_·section·.9, township l5_ north range least, ¤¤**¤>¤=¤d· Choctaw: meridian,-Mississippi, to the legallneuts of H. McCarty and Sallie. McGee. McCarty uponathepayment of $1.25 an acre tl101$ftI'Q.i' . · ·‘¤ 1;* ‘  ;  » ,- H] Ibhmm — Sno. 4.»That- homedead entiiy,-Santa Fe, New Mexico, numbered 1;,,,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,, ,,3; 044079, made by Hubert L.- -atterson-on February 20, 1922,Qfo1; “”°·°•°· the southwest quarter, southwest_quarter of the- southeast quarter, section 29,-andtheunortlrwest, quarter, west half .0f the northeast quarter, southeast quarter of the northeast quarter. and the northwest quarter - of lbf; B0�§1W¥6St quarterylscction {1 north, 6 ‘ ew , exico princi a · _ ,_,an’ {tue same is hrgy, - ·and that thmgtate of Hepv_,Mexico through its proper} oicenycbe, .it;£1s-.hereby, autbtnganzeddm select areao surv nonmine, __ ropria ;p.n unresery _u_ c _. __ land in lieucdgihat part of dhs agve described tract situate iii said ` v L · ` section 32.