Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/548

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1980 CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS OF CONGRESS. »**“=·¤·**°- insurance conhganies or associations or fraternal or beneficial socie- ties to file bi of interpleader, to insert in the title thereof, after the word "authorizi5;?’ the following: “casualty companies, surety companies," so that e title as amended will read: "An Act author- izing casualty companies, surety companies, insurance companies, or associations or fraternal or beneficial societies to file bills of inter- pleader." ‘ ` Passed, April 28, 1926.

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Resobved by the Senate (the House of Representatives cmmuzrwing), w€“{,,‘§;_°‘ °’°"‘°“’ That the statue of Crawford W. Long, presented bg the State of th$&<;¤&¢5g:;_;¤g Georgia to be placed in Statuary Hall, is acoepte in the name camera. of the United States, and that the thanks of Convress be tendered P¤¤¥.1>·1¤85· the State for the contribution of the statue of one of its most eminent citizens, illustrious for his distinguished humanitarian service. ,,,,E°”’ °°°' °° M"` Resobved further, That a copy of these resolutions, suitably eifigéossed and duly authenticated, be transmitted to the Governor o eorgia. Passed, April 29, 1926.

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` Resobved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), §§§'°,§,§},,"§' That the report of the Committee of Conference on the disagreeing ¤¤¤¤¤*¤¤¤d· votes of the two Houses on the amendments of the Senate to the Am P 635 bill (H. R. 8771) entitled "An Act to extend the time for commenc- ' ` ` ing and completing the construction of a brid e across the Detroit River within or near the city limits of Detroit, §{ichigan," be recom- mitted to the Committee of Conference. Passed, May 3, 1926. [. _ m Munson nneurns, mc. ,,§‘°""’°“ ”°*’°‘°” Whereas the Declaration of Independence of the thirteen United mamma. States of America was proclaimed on the 4th day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy-six, whereby the United States assumed " the separate and equal station among the powers of the earth to which the laws of nature and of nature’s God entitle them "; and Whereas the one hundred and flftieth anniversay.of the Declaration · of Independence is to be celebrated in 1926 throughout the length and breadth of this " indestructible Union of indestructible States," now happily forty-eight in number; and Whereas through t e overnment of the Federal Union established on the 4th dag of llgarch, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundre and eighty-nine, under the Constitution of the United States the principles of the Declaration of Independence pero iiendered eifelcitive aféd regresentative government made its orma ent intot e wor · an Whereas thelgiovement for a ievision of the Articles of Confedera- tion so as to " render the Federal Constitution adequate to the exigencies of the Government and the reservation of the Union " was conducted by James Madison, ofp Virginia, later a delegate to the Federal onvention and fourth President of the United