Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/609

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.2aN ..AM;n1¤1c·A1N·*‘s1tN1’1¥AIe`” - ’ Y“i§0NVE“ A ‘1f6+i&i¥£i4, ‘FQll$¤vH blwinfi · u1·1¤1m¤=aasaw·w we seam sam <黣<msa » m» municable diseases of man _ new_ invasions of such thi sanitary measures und ah8,¤`tHe* progress effected in the control or eradication of such ' eases· new methods for combating disease; morbidity and‘n¤?6¥tality* st1lf»is‘¢ii$‘ jitiblic health organization and ·,p¤> of !h¤,.l>r¤¤<=hsm<>f- ¤v. tive i ··-· — ~

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”°,Y,. , , = ‘=> •‘·· _ ., °,;‘ T` ``_s A 5 br u$t';lw&g,:`° A J .f¤¤1¤$¤¤,~¤¤¢¤¤i; Yhbih" "vi ed feéiims-—aaa w e · ay’a»1ig?gue¤¤¤i. " 9% ‘,u, ,i; ABT. 57. The Pan American Sanitary Bureau shall"advisd and ,,§2'§¥,*?,‘,}2.P°,,t,§,Y*$}‘} consult with the sanitary a¤the1·ities’of!>h•;variot¤·sig¤atory Gtivem- *¤• °<>*•¤=}¤•¤*·· ments relagive tp;i1p¢health1p1:obl1gm*:;:’iS•n§_;¢l`;lthe manner of inter- pretmg an a ying eptd A us;. 5 ‘ 6.; _ Am. 58. Ogihials of,the National.Heal , Sermons may.l§¤§il¤S1g~ ¤§$12*a?v°5?‘?2“¤°S nated as 1·epresexitatives·‘exsqH;_iciq,=qi igiqy _;,g1FAme1~iem `tary ¤¤v¤mm¤¤¤. Bureau, in addition t Eilqirdzgés, ’ d when so designated they may be €nipo·vl·eg*ed’to" *as°s 'ta ` representatives of one or m<>r¤ of the signatvryyiiwvsmmcets>v£¤¤z·pr¤p¤r1J1’¢l¤¤isn¤¢¤d angnaccrediigd to so serve.f th_.;_,_;: ,,1. ,u f f mm • at 1*.59. on uesto__esanit au oriiesoanyo e ‘ signatory Gogernxlngitsj Bureau is mm- authorized to take the neoess;y~·f>i’eparato lsteps to bring about an exchange of prof rs,.—,m V 'calkancl ,hq$ »gHicei·s,.»expeqts or advisers in pubhc‘hq'ls£h‘ gyany ,.0 thqj ` ‘ 'sciencés, for the purplose of mutual'aid`an advai1ceiifé1it'in' e' protection of the P“XQ° h€3‘"°% °ft1€h° °i"“°”°‘2}fa°°’°1.c1.J'°”°‘*"°`“£’1; ti ·g·»·~····==···· ~ ·r. . or e u1·po•e" aigng e. consan ues ,,,,,,_,,,,_ imposed upon Rae. Bureau, a fund of not mu M less than $50,000 shall be collediedcibyi 0.Pad American Union, apportioned among the s' at•Yy’.GdvB1‘mnen?|B`&on the same basis as are the expensesxdf ztheg Alrleniéati iUnion..;`>5 .··.,>.s.-;.a,,; . = an . .¤

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U ,u§cQ",mw `—¤.?'¤`?=`· 2 ,,,,,,,,_ ABT. 61. TH‘_’_>·€;L_£.{,i£_ aj { ;‘-HT; if QED ]_>mypg°m·pp]gm_bg° ....1 the .1g¤¤t2.‘§’°(`§L?$esi.*¤d.;}.’}§‘.€’.g,‘%. ;1.,:.1.;';lI§i.;.1J’f’...i'd1..c§ places "‘“° for aircraft which shall have the g arantine an orages.

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Am. 62. The pmv1¤1¤¤sio1;A;ru1e1¤¤·s;»e,· 13;. 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, ,,,,,’$°**·*··¤· °··¤¤·· 25, 30, 32, 33, 34, 37,,38, B , .40 .41, 43, 43, 44, 45,, 49, and ,50, the MP-W Pan American __ 'vdntion co£xl.cli1¢}iaii‘1i1'W’asl1‘in on October 14, 1905, y”‘contii1ued in·‘full force an effect, except in so far as they maybe in 00lln.lO{3‘Wi#l1;tdl.Q_,])1'QYi§l{.>I1S,‘Gf this C°¤V°¤ti°¤· .x.41;2z f ‘>~

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Be it understood-‘tL*alt$ithis€ any way abrogate _,cN°,m•I*f}:‘§ **°•*¥· or impair the validity or force of any existing treaty convention or " °