Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/731

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TREATY—GERMANY. Dncmnmn 8, 1923. , 2].6]. standekornmens des Vertrages entschlossen, sich vorbehaltlich der P§gQ*}°g§*;ft§§Cf}g Ratiiikatron mit dem Deschluss des Senats oinverstanden zu erklaeren. uma. [ch benutze auch dresen Anlass Euerer Exzellenz die Versicherung memer ausgezerchnetsten Hochachtung zu emeuern. MALIZAN.

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em taa taer er. ereinigten taaten Hemi Faarur B. Knnmoe l ~Washiagton, D. Ol AND WHEREAS, the reservations and understandings have been appnivedthby the éegasltaltrve bodies of the German Rerch and

e ` ent y _ S: ·

KNQW', TEEREFQRE, be Sit known that I, Calvin Coolidge, lfresrdent of the Umted States of America, having seen and con- néilered this said »treagy;i1do hereby, rlrgpursluance of tire aforesaig viceaneonsento e ’terat`— an co stesamean evelry Article ang claus; thereof; subject to the reservations and unerstan oresa.i.=`-e »— UglI;I°d Ot1;lYh_WHEREOFéd I have caused the seal of ·the ° , tates to· e ereunto . ’ . DONE at the cityof Washington this sixth `day of October in e » · the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and [s1:a1.]· twent -iive, and of the Independence of the United States Y . . A. . · · of America the onehundred and fiftieth. ‘ie’’ ” e _ ‘ Oanvm ACOOLIDGE ‘ By the President: “ S S " · FRANKVB Knnnooo . Secretary of State U " (Translation of note of German Ambassador.) Mr.Seoretar{1ofBtate:` D Q" I have the unor inthe nameand by direction of m Government, toacknowl· edge toggur the receggt of the nogecgf giarculu h=_19;f this oon- V cernmg . Tree , mmercean ns Rrgh 4 I i Germanytand theyllnitetl Stategon December 8; 1923, and to follpvwi-rg: statemen.-, ·‘ ·-·* ’. " s ’· · The Germant°G:‘v?·nment lizs itself- the Resolution or the »’ GQH _ ,1 ll _ Z . ..`·.;»-J "Beso1ved (twoe T of the SenEtors°_ ws t concurring therein),. §‘¥"§..?° %i‘€*° "’“’° °°"’°°° *°t.§. ’:r*‘¥§**’3.”s§{~ "‘*..°°......."°"° -er Congress session, en " add rights netéses the Unite: Statele and Germanyfgigned at T W on 8, 1923, subject to the following reservations 2§$¤`§¤ ¤¤i¥2‘?$?&%“ wp¤ubqs:°:ef:snl`¤i:¤:1:»i:°h1:-i¤g°¢1l)4:tIiirt¤2°ib°'dl'u°:u A l con ifsunderstood and agcepted by each ofthemt P ` ’ ` u lo ‘*"'**tt"..»...**‘°'°., h"“*“ "° .‘.1’."‘$ .U ’“§‘:"° '..‘.r..`°‘.;'$"i‘ *32**% *Eé°"e

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 of either country invrelation to the immigration, of aliens o? ,

theright of either- country to enact such statutes." · · S Second, that the lifthlparagraph ofarticle VII and Articles IX and ‘- XI_shal1 remain in force or. twelve months from the date of exchange of · rgtguhcation, andfif not thtgn haeln ninetty giwgareyious notice s remain rn orcs un ngress s nac therewith, when the sameshall automaticglly lapze at tg days from such enactment and on such lapse each high contracting party shall enjoy allthe rights which it would have possessed had su

,or articles not been embraced tn the treaty." ’ s

Notsn __ serious fundamental obyections to the second resolution of the Senate referring to navlgtion the Government, forjthesake of the , givhegsrzfoghuxiéhlgmskw wect to ratification, decided to declare that it agrees - na . , · · · I avail myself of thhopportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurances of gig high consideration. MAMZAN. enc s » The Secrgtary of State of the United States Mr. Fam: B. Kmmoeo Washington, D. C. ·