Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/749

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PARCELPOST CONVENTION~CUBA. P OoroB1:1z»31,’ ¥925. 2179 ARTICLE X; ·· ->X. ·1. Each dispatch of registered »·1L·‘Cada envio ide? os— §’°'°°gtb*“ °' *°=** · {pest"accompanied tales=~ certi§cadcs‘¤‘~debera “ac%m+ t° °dp mk" a parcelrbill in duplicate ofall pauarse-de·unaVfaetura, por dupli~ the parcelsvsent which cado,·_ de=todcsV·=lcs bultos certifi- must- enclosed of the cados queisé trasmitan, yla Guhl sacks of such dispatch; V P ` ‘V sera incluidw enune de las »· V V · del·mism0envie.=>~ 2; As. soon aetthe reqigtered 2;VdDanpronto como’se*reciba el d§,‘g;§§§§gb>’ °“°° °’ parcel.mailshgn.llhave··reac V dthe desgsehc certilicadcen la ciiciua. office of destination, that ohice der estiuc esta verificara el con- shall check the ·contents·of the tenido·de·las valijas. V i - · 3. ~ In the event of aa registered 3. En elcaso de ue no se. reci- B°b¤‘¤*°° ¤¤°°“>“L parcel bill not having been re- biere la factura d6ql)lL1ll’»QB‘001‘l?l£.· ceived,. as substitute should be cados,V se _ preparara inmediata- prepared at once. - mente una que lwsustituya. · 1 4. Any errors in the entries on · 4. Los errores que se descubrie- 0¤rr¤¤¤¤¤ orerwrs. the parcel bill whichmay be-dis- ren errlos detallesde ladactura ccveredshall, after· »ver1iicat1on de =bultcs Vpcstales, Vdespués de by a second oflicer, bmccrrected comprobazdor por ~un esegunde and noted for reporttcthe dxs· cmp eado, deberan ser anotadcs patchi1{F_oHice onVaform*‘_*‘Bulle- yl corregidos, ¢ ·de tin ef · eriiication" whichsheuld ello a la ozdcina remitente, eu be sent in especial envelope. ‘ modelo "Bolettn*de Veriiicacion", · * · . V  » ·. queifserii ‘enviadot cn= un¤` sobre 5.V Ifj a registered parcel :ad· »5.··S1”:I10"I'bC1b18I'6' bulto Nonreceipcorpawon visecl on the ill be not received, postal de lcs anotadosen lat fac- after ·the nonreceipt been tura, después dei corrdrmada la verified by a seccndfoiiicer, the faltgepcr unsegundc empleadc, se entry- on the bill should be can- can are Vla auotacion vespectiva celc ,tl1enotaticn. " not received" de@la’»factura,*·poniéndese» a frase placed after that entry, and the "ho 1'6Glb1d0,??dBS(Yll& de dicha, act reported at once. * * » anotacién dau 0 cuenta rdel - le=‘ · pj = hecho inme `atamente, 6; Should a parcel be received 6. ·Ouando— se recibiere alguin D““¢°dP“°°'°- in damztped or imperfectacondi+ bulto averiado o» e11·mal=Vestado, tion, -fu particulars of=Vthe· fact debera informarse de lcs? detalles should be refported on the same dclhecho en el mismomodelo- y kind of V a erm. and the facts anotarse los particulares deaquel noted on the bill ’andé the cover en lafactura yen lacubierta del of the parcel by the-exchange bultoupcr la Votioina de cambio 0Hiceofreceig`t;—_ V — receptors. - VV  » 7. *I;f* no “’ tin of Verifica- ’ ~7. Si no se recibiereboletin de uv*;’,‘;§“mP“°” °' d°‘ tion" or note of errcrbe received, verificacion c ncta del error, el a registered parcel mail shall be bulto- postahcertificado se cou- considered as duly delivered, hav- siderara como dcbidamente en- ing been found on examination tregado y como si el resultado de correct in all respects. ‘ su examen hubiere sido correcto. ARTICLE XI. ARTIOULO XI. 1. Exec t in cases of loss 1. Excepto enV los cases ·de I“*§§,’§§“"°{*°“° °* through fogee majeure (circum- pérdida mctivada pc1·_fuerza ma- mis pam stances beyond control, such as yer ~ (circunstancias mevitables,