Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/787

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PARCEL POST GONVENTION——LATYIA. . 2217 Article III. 1. No letter or communication of the nature of personal corre- p$§°*§£§§lt°“‘”°”' spondence shall accompany any parcel, or be attached thereto. mm in Q 2. If such communications be found, they will be placed in the °° °“° ordinary mail if separable, and, if the communications he insep- arably attached, the whole package containing them will be rejected. If, however, any such should be inadvertently forwarded, the coun- (tl? of destination may cglleét on this gem cg lettegs double rates o , according, ° to t e niversa o onven ion. , A . Noggarcel shall contain packages intended for delivery at an mIdg?1°m°{m°tmt address other than the one borne by the parcel itself. If such 1n- closed ackages he detected, they shall be sent forward singly, chargedp with new and distinct parcel post rates. Article IV. The following rates of postage shall be required to be fully pre- R°*°“ °“’°““°°‘ paid with postage stamps of the country of origin, viz: In LATVIA: ‘”L°*“‘· For a parcel not exceeding 1 kilo am, 1.90 lats. I For a parcel over 1 kilogram angr not exceeding 3 kilograms, 3.30 ats. For a parcel over 3 kilograms and not over 5 kilograms, 4.40 lats. For a parcel over 5 kilograms, 4.40 lats for the Hrst 5 kilograms, adding10.60 lats for each additional kilogram or fraction thereof. mmmd stm In t e UNITED STATES: V ` For a parcel not exceeding 1 pound (455 grams) in weight, 12 cents· an for each additional pound (455 grams) .or fraction of a pound, 12 cents. ~ mm The arcels shall be promptly delivered to addressees at the post ' ohice og addressiin the coimtry of destination free of charge for postage· but the country of destination may at its option, levy and collect from the addressees for delivexg a charge not exceeding 25 centimes in Latvia and 5 cents in the nited States, on each single parcel of whatever weight Article V. 1.,The sender shall, at the time of mailing the parcel, receive R°°°i°° °"’°°°°°‘ from the post oilice where the grcel is mailed a certificate of mail- ing prepared in accordance wit the postal regulations of the coun- try of origin. _ 2. The sender of a parcel may have the same registered b pay- B°"“"· ing, in addition to the_postage, the registration fee regularly cgarged m the country of °r1gm' . . . _ Acknowledgment ol V 3. An acknowledgment of the dehvery of a registered parcel shall aeumy. be returned to the sender whenever recpuestedg but either ww may require of the sender prepayment o a fee therefor not ex - ing 25 centimes (5 cents). · ‘ 4. The addressee of a registered parcel shall beadvised of the N°“°°‘°“°°‘°“°°‘ arrival of the parcel by a notice from the post oilice of destination. Article VI. 1_. The sender of each parcel shall make a customs declaration °'"°°”” °°°1“”°°°' which shall be attached to the parcel,-upon a ?ecial form provided for the purpose, giving a general description o the parcel anda de- tailed statement of t e contents and value, date of mailing, and signature and place of reddence of the sender. *