Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/8

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Vlll LIST OF PRIVATE ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS OF CONGRESS. Pan Frank W. Hoover and Edward F. Batchelor. An Act For the relief of certain disbursing omcers %tl;e9§éHce of Superintendent State, War, and Navy Department Buildings. June mu Psrley force and Company. An Act For the relief of Perley Morse and Company. June 22, mu New Jersey Shimldins and Company. An Act For the relief of the New Jersey Shgbuil and ng pany. June 22, 1926 ............,..._.__ _ ________ 1614 Franklin um. An Act For relief of Franklin Gum. June 23, 1926 .........._____ _,___ 1616 James C. llinon. An Act For the relief of James C. Minon. June 23, 1926 .......,,_____ 1616 Charles H. Willey. An Act For the relief of Charles H. Willey. June 23, 1926 ...._ - _,_____ 1616 "San Luear," Steamship. An Act For the relief of the owners of the steamshlp San Luca: andofhercargo. Juno24, 1926 .....................................,..,, ____ 1616 Th. Michaelsen. An Act For the relief of Th. Michaelsen. June 24, 1926 .......,,.._,__ _ 1616 Employer! Liability Assurance Corporation, Limited. An Act For the relief of Lawford and

 agents for the Employers’ Liability Assurance Corporation, Lim-

ited, of n, England. June 24, 1926 ..... - - - -- ...................,.,,,.,,_,_ 1616 M. S. Lawton, H. A. Halverson, and Laclair D. Schulze. An Act For the relief of certain oilicers of the Air Service of the United States Army on account of fnmds nggnded by them in connection with the American round~the-world flight. June 24, 1 6 ...... 1616 Henry T. Wilco:. An Act For the relief of the estate of Henry . Wilcox. June 25, 1926.- 1617 _ O. Dyer. An Act For the relief of 0. Dyer. June 25, 1926 .................., 1617 A. . Ewing. An Act For the relief of A. . Ewing. June 25, 1926 .................... 1617 Alice M. Durkee. An Act For the relief of Alice M. Durkee. June 25, 1926 ............. 1617 Yoonne.Therrien. An Act For the relief of Yvonne Therrien. June 25, 1926. ............ 1618 Central National Bank, Ellsworth, Kans. An Act Forthe relief of the Central National Bank, Ellsworth, Kansas. June 25 1926 ............................................ 1618 Swend A. Swendson. An Act For the relief of Swend A. Swendson. June 25, 1926 ....... 1618 Captain Edward T. Hartmann and others, Arrniy. An Act For the relief of Captain Edward T. Hartmann, United States Army, an others. June 25, 1926 ................... 1618 Francis Nicholson. An Act For the relief of Francis Nicholson. June 25, 1926 ........... 1619 Atlantic and Caribbean Steam N arigation Company. An Act For the relief of the Atlantic and Caribbean Steam Navigtion Company. June 25, 1926 ......................... 1619 Lieutenant Thomas J. Rygn, aoy. An Act For the relief of Lieutenant (Junior Grade) Thomas J. Ryan, nited States Navy. June 25, 1926. .......................... 1619 Mrs. M. McCollom and others. An Act For the relief of Mrs. M. McCollom, Margaret G. Jackson, and Dorothy M. Murplhy. June 25, 1926. ............................. . 1620 Peoples Investment Company. An Act o confirm the right, title and interest of the Peoples Investment Company (incorporated), of the State of Louisiana, in certain lands. June 25, 1926... ................. - .............................. ’ ............. 1 620 Carbon Count , Wyo. An Act To authorize leasing, for the production of oil and gas, certain publielands in Carbon County; Wyoming. June 26, 1926 ....................... 1621 Immaculate Carlino. An Act For reilef of Immaculato Carlino, widow of Alexander Carlino. June 28, 1926 ...................................................... 1621 Lieutenant Lewis Wesley Kitchens, Army. An Act To provide for payment of the amount of a war-risk insurance policy to the beneficiaries designated by Lieutenant lewis Wesley Kitclmns mend. June 29, 1926 ......... s .................................. 1622 Charles W. Reed. An Act For the relief of Charles W. Reed. June 29, 1926 ............ 1622 Edward L. Duggan. An Act For the relief of Edward L. Duggan. June 29, 1926 ......... 1622 W. B, deYaan An Act For the relief of W. B. deYampert. June 29, 1926 ........... 1623 W. R. F. Bleagzy, Miliggeademy. An Act To reinstate William R. F. Bleakney in West Point Military A y. June 30, 1926- ...................................... 1623 Addison B. McKinley. An Act For the relief of Addison B. McKinley. July 1, 1926- .... 1623 Turpin G. Hooas. An Act For the relief of Turpin G. Hovas. July 1, 1926 .......-.--... 1623 Julia F. Cole. An Act Authorizing the sale of lot 2 in square 1113 in the District of Columbia, and the deposit of the net proceeds in the Treasur%. July 2, 1926; ............... 1624 Herbert A. Wilson. An Act For t e relief of Herbert A. ilson. July 2 1926 .......-.... 1624 Caleb W. Swink. An Act For the relief of Caleb W. Swink. July 2, 1926 .......-- - --... 1624 Pensions, Civil War. An Act Granting pensions and increase offensions to certain soldiers and sailors of the Civil War and certain widows and depen ent children of soldiers and sailors of said war. Jul; 2, 1926. .........-....-..-..-...........--. - -------.. 1625 J. A. Galloway. An Act For t e relief of the estate of J. A. Galloway. July 3, 1926 ...... 1700 Mr. ang Mr? Clasézles Vanderveer. An Act For the relief of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vandcrveor. 1700 A uly , 1 ---.---....--..---..-..--.--..-..--.--.-..-..-.....-............ Edward Johnston. An Act For the relief of Edward Johnston. July 3 1926 ...--.----. -- 1701 Bdisli L. Biekford. An Act For the relief of Edith L. Bickford. July 3, 1926 .-.------.-. 1701 Joe F, Jenkins. An Act For the relief of be F. Jenkins. July 3, 1926 .....-......--..-. 1701 Major étahn D. Gould, Army. (A: Act w'Z¥€halg¥v;4a;n§l6 credit thetaccounts of lflajor John ul r , , . , represen in various ortages an suspcgided vouclmrs in his gcounts as disbursing oliicer during the late war. July 3, 1701 1926- ....-...........-....... - .....-......-.................-.........----· Genevieve Hendrick. An Act For the relief of Genevieve Hendrick. July 3, 1926 .....-... 1702 Edward R. Ledwell. An Act For the relief of Edward R. Ledwell. July 3, 1926 ...-.-.- -- 1702 Eulka Bell. Au Act For the relief of Etelka Bell. Jul{(3, 1926 .-......--.------... ---- 1702 Jgggph L, Keresey. An Act For the relief of Joseph L. eresey. July 3, 1926- --.-.- - .... 1703