Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/924

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2354 POSTAL CONVENTION-NEWFOUNDLAND., J"` °°"· ‘ .. _ , ehruary , . Dm postage thereon at the above rate being aiiixed to the bulk (psackage; "°”°°’°”‘ provi further that exception shal be made as regar legiti- mate daily newspapers of either countrgissued as frequently as six times a week, the rates of postage on w 'ch packagzs originating in either country and addressed to bona fide subscri rs in the other sha1l‘be_at themite applicable in the country; ot originnbutn not ·1ess than one wilt per pounder fractionthereo e ,· , , ‘ s E. i _ 4 ,,,,§_’°°"°‘° "°‘“ "°*°“‘ (d) Excetpt as required tby the regulations of the country of desti- nation for e collection of its customs duties, all admissi le matter

 country-rfor the`other, or received in one country {rem

the other, whetherbydand or sea conveyanceysliail be free from any detention or inspection whatever, and shall be forwarded by the most speedy means to its destinatioiind be promptly delivered _to » the respective persons to whgmlit is addresee ,_b01I1g_§IQtb]8Q¥3 in its transmission to the laws regulat;qn§jo§_such country_je§pect1ve1y. U t' { ; A M}. $2·.:';i{i.I;,.r· N- ,·v'j'F`i·..i..( 131; , m§gf°¤“°¤ °* *=°“¤·=· ' (a) Each Administration slia'l1jretain“_to its ownnsethe wliole et the postageand registration, insiiriinceor deli fees‘%it collects on postal articles exchgmged with the other, inclu ` defi- mfhg’°g§j_ P°"°°* ¥’°°° cient postage, but it is at on packages sent at parce post rates, the country of origin shall allow (tothe country of dgination thirtycentaia on the total of such pax-eel* post packages dis 'tcliedwver the numhe¥’of received; serggment ‘to ·be made in the-Gene Test “ ccduntf - tween‘the·two‘countiies, for whi ptirpose the ereditor’co1intry·islxall prepareau account at the- end of each#qmmev*ef*cbe¤mount due to 1t_ in respect of the parcels received in excess of thpse {dispatched. ~· Indemnity M me (b) In caseof the lossiofa regsteredinrticle `eifiginatmpxgéiii either '°°”°°'°d °'"°`°" country and addressed _to the 0 e1·;=the*%:¤l1§li1i;'&nde _ it shall be jrwenlti-five: dcllars,';er·thef¥actnal‘Ival 'o fthe registered Additjgggl ggggg. Aw m (mu 'i$E!l€§ A U _ 9 ud! ¤*°°” °““*°'*”d· ministrations the right arrange, athrougir correspondence by ”mutual’ agreement ‘ fextthe paymentof higher or’low·:r¤limit of indemnity, 'and·*!or"‘the payment-¤er»a¤aemmq for the riiling and _ damage of registered mai , as well as for its loss, _ _ L_ -_‘- ‘ o

..,.,,.d,,.,.,.n (cs)- In case oi Ioeepiuing or Mme? of ineured=paree1e·¤rigIne¢ing

in eitherf m¤e»y»e=¤¤,e to t ejother tHe`cbuntry‘·o origin shall; undertake" tliei · tif indemnity accordb;nce· with ‘ its domestic 1aws·an·1_ regulati6ne,¤·and;°reini urseinent tliereior shall be made by the _éekintry’ofdestinatibn‘ifith1lt *coc¤ti3iwiae*1espcnsibIe’ ¤m¤¤¤¤¤¤· forthe loss, riding or damage; i The indemnity sh Wet, xdeed i one

 dollars for arg-cne;lM&cle,*buté1él;d a%mi11isE1·a~_§’ie$ne· reserve

‘e rig _t to=ar1·ange ·t oug, correspon ce" y ugieemeeaw foriphe paymentfof higher, or lowerqliniit¥of.indemn1ty for m.'_ V — .i 1 fix. " -,+'.i,r·’~ »v»‘¢¥,;.".»·.i:"l’ }»’*. ¤1>¤¤¤¤¤ <1¤¤¤¤ff~¤· ·»(d) The special deliveryifee tobe-levied and’*col1ected"upon Hrst ’ class mail matter originating injeitlieri country me seamen, to the other shall be twenty cem;g,‘>-··_·< *;:5*/ · ·· ·‘ V _s:: <· _··i 2 I¤¤¤m¢‘¢¤*¤¤•¤¢•· i (e) =A<rticles of every kind‘not*»p1·epaid_'or i¤sumcss¤uy»pre§sna,— •.irigina’ting in either country andaddréseed ‘t1o>the*other, fsha ’bet dea t; with in accordance with the=*db‘1nestic**laws¥ and regulations of the country ·of’origin· or·destini¢tion·according·=1i> ’pvhere· the de- deieecy may be discovered: A f- ·—  »*=··¤ M j i*’ " WWF ¤* WW1 No osta e charges shall be levied in either country. en fully pre- ggemwmwmd paid dbrresgondence originating in the other, nor shall any charge