Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/928

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2358 = ’ ,TREATY—MZEXlOO. Dncmnmn 23, 1925.

 Oonvention between the United States and   to prevent mugigling

' and or other objects. ~S£gned at Washington, December 23, 925;

 Izzlextco, January 29 19.96; T¢lt1:!b¢Xl!7:Wl»Gd1!i86d» by the

Senate, areh3», 1.926; ratwjmd by t£e ,1§§g·c}t gb] 92g;

.r¤t·ificattanaexc7aa‘ ngedi at aeingtcn, , ;pr ime,

March .18,19.96. ` ~ BY Tim Pimsmmwr or rim Um·@ Srrxrns or Anmucn A PROCLAMATION s. e,T,SY-2$Z¤`{*Z1}¤.1{’igg°‘ii¤°§ WHEREAS a Convention between the United~ States ot America gQ°d‘g{,,°g{Q°' d°°‘¤‘ and the United Mexican States to prevent into their Preamble.- respective territories of merchandise, narcotics and other commodi- ties the importation of which is prohibited by the laws of either country, and of aliens, as well as to promote human health and to rotect animal and plant life and to conserve and develop the marine lifearesoyxrces. off. of their coasts was concluded and signed by their respective `Plenipotentiaries at Washgpgon on the twenty- third day ofpljiecember one thousand nine _h _ ed and Twenty-ve, the original pf_which_G0nvention, being in and Spanish languagesgjiséword for word as follows: °°°"'°°““* P°"°”· ' The Government of the United ` El. Gobierno ,de·los Estados States of America and the Gov- Unidos de América y el Gobiemo ernment of ’the‘ United Mexican de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, States being desirous of cooperat- deseando cooperargpara impedir ing to prevent the smuggling into la importaciénileg ·a sus·respec- their respective territories o mer- stivos territories de mercancias, chandise, narcotics and other narcoticos » y otros productos commodities the importation of cuya importacién esté prohibida = which is prohibited I the laws ~ por las leyes de algxmo de dichos of either- country, an of aliens, paises, y la·miFraci6n ilegal de as well tas utc promote human extranjeros, as como para fa- health and toiprutect animal and vorecer el mejoramiento de la plant life an {to conserve and salud tg proteger lavida develop .tl1e.marine life resources animalyvege p ,yparaconservar oif certain of’ theiryicoasts, have a ¤l08*!60`¤1$0B` de vida resolved for these ipurposes to marind·frante a algunas de sus conclude a Convention, and to costas;. h&D.~·I$l1G1t·O`, para eetos that_ end have named as their Enee concluir una Convencion, y Plempotentiaries: para ello han nombrado sus

 ·· {1:-L Ji   _ 1enipotenciarios,asaber:

P‘°°‘¤°“°“°"°'· The Presndent of the Umted El Presidente de los Estados States of America, Unidos de América, a Frank B. Kellogg, Secretary of Frank B. Kellog, Secretario de State_ of the Umted States of Estado, de los tados Unidos America and de América y The Frosident of the United El. Presidente de los Estados Mexican States Unidos Mexicanos, a Don Manuel C. Téllez Am- Don Manuel C. Téllez, Emba- bassadorExt1·aordina1·yand Plen- jador Extraordinario y Plenipo- ipotentiary of Mexico at Wash- tenciario de México en Wash- mgton. mgton. [Note by Department of State: Convention terminated March 28, 1927, on notice given by the United States.]