Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/945

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EXTRADITION TREATY-4CZECHOSLOVAKIA. JUL1'2 1925.izf 2375, the expiration of that 'od of tim u smlouvu vypovédéti, its intention to the meme v latncsti jeste rok Treaty It shall continue in force ggudni, kteréli,0 ta neb ona Vysoka until the expiration of one year uvni Strana vypovi smlouvu. from the date on which such no- tice of termination shall be gzrcen hy of the High°Con_ _ t- _ min 'witnesswhereof-the‘ above ` Cemui nai svederni vyse jme- °*¢¤·*°¤*· named - “P1enipotentiaries X have novani zmocnenci podegsali tuto signed the &resent ·Trea]iy,rand `smlouvu a pfipoyli ni · své have hereun ‘a§xed their seals. pecete. ‘ ‘ I ‘ Donejn dupli(¥ate._at,,,PragueY . Dano v_ Vdvojinrtvyhotoveni v this second day o July, nineteen Pi·aze,‘dnes, dne2‘6ervence 1925, hundred and twenty live., e ieden tisic devét set dvaeet Lnwrs Emsrnm [snr,] »Dr. Enmum Bmmé {sidai.]" . AND WHEREAS the Treaty has beenduly ratified on both ,,,,Q';,‘$$°"°” °" parts, and theratiflcations ofr the two Governments we1·e exchanged m the city‘of Wuhi:fwn‘·oniNhe tv_venty·ninthvday of March, one thousand nine hundr andzwauggm; V V s = » - NOW, THEREFORE,~·be¤ own _that I, ceeudge P~¤¤·¤¤·¤¤¤· President of the Umted States ’·o£ America, havetcausedv the Treat N ;to be made publie, to the end that thesame and ever; Vutiels and ciiiusejlnereof maybe observedand fulfilled good. sith hy the United States}§d.the crtizégig thereof} . _ _ ‘ · ‘ _ IN a J, I have hereuntoset my hand_ and caused thexeai of up United States to be a$xed. ` _ _ ·° ` DONE _t the orig of Washingltgn, this twenty-ninth dey of ` March, in e year of our rd one thousand nine hnmdredi [sur.] b,nd_twenty·six, and of the Indggfendenee of the United ‘ States of Americathe one hun and iiftieth. * e , Cuvm Coonmam By the President bi ,__: ’ ‘ . _ _ Fmux B 4 ' ·‘ ‘ Secretary of State.