Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1041

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SESS. I . CH. 901 . 1928 . Po st Office Depart- ment . RE POR TS UNDER THE POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT Prop erty in ven- 49 . A repor t to Co ngress and th e prepa ration and ke eping, in tor ies, et c'

proper books, of full and complete inventories and accounts of all the property belongi ng to th e United States i n the bu ildings, rooms, offices, and g rounds occupied by the Postmaster Genera l and under U.S. Code, p.49.

his charge, and so forth . (Revised Statutes, section 397, page 67; title 5, section 371, United States Code .) Post maste rs' losse s .

50. A repor t in eac h partic ular cas e of the result of his i nvesti- gation of claims of postmasters for the loss of money-order funds, post al funds , postag e stamps , and so forth, r esulting from bu rglary, U.S. Code, p.1237. fire, and so forth . (Statutes at Large, volume 25, page 1 35, as amended ; title 39, section 49, United States Code .) Unusual conditions . 51. Report of the amounts expended from the appropriation for unusual conditions for the employment of clerks and carriers at vol . 36, p .1332.

high rates, and the places at which such amounts were expended . (Statutes at Large, volume 36, part 1, page 1332 .) Cost of franked mail.

52. Statement of the cost to the postal establishment of the matter ma iled und er f rank by each dep artm ent and inde pend ent esta blis h- ment of the Government, and so forth . (Statutes at Large, volume U.S. Code, p.50.

41, part 1, page 1037 ; title 5, section 390, United States Code .) Fi nan ces for pre- 53. A report of the finances of the department for the preceding cedin g year.

year , showin g the am ount of balance d ue the d epartmen t at the begin- ning of the year, the amount of postage which accrued within the year, the amount of engagements and liabilities, and the amount actu ally pai d during the yea r for car rying th e mail . (Revised Stat- U.S. Code, p.50.

utes, section 413, page 68 ; Statutes at Large, volume 29, page 647 ; title 5, section 387, United States Code .) Contingent ezpenses . 54 . A report of the amount expended in the department for the prec eding fi scal yea r, inclu ding deta iled sta tements of expen ditures made from the contingent fund . (Revised Statutes, section 413, U. S. Code, p.50. page 68; Statutes at Large, volume 29, page 648 ; title 5, section Conne cting

387, United States Code .) s and telephone system . 55. To report to Congress the probable cost of connecting a tele- graph and telephone system with the Postal Service by some feasible Vo1.31,p .11o4 .

plan . (Statutes at Large, volume 31, page 1104.) Navy D epartment . REPORTS UNDE R THE NAVY DEPARTMENT Naval lands leases .

56 . Report of leases of naval lands . (Statut es at La rge, vol ume 39, U.S. Code, p.1122. part 1, page 559 ; title 34, section 522, United States Code .) Dam ages by nav al aircraft . 57. Report of adjustment of claims for damage to private property Vol.44,p.1291. growing out of operations of naval aircraft not exceeding $250. Naval pension fund (Statutes at Large, volume 44, part 2, page 1291 .) claim s . 58. Estimates of the claims and demands chargeable upon and pay- R.S.,sec. 3667, p.721. able out of the naval pension fund . (Revised Statutes, section Adjusted Compensa . 3667, page 721 .) tion Act adm inistra - 59. Report of admi nistra tion of World War Ad justed Compens a- tion . U.S. Code, p.1231.

~'1 tion Act . (Statutes at Lar~e volume 43, part 1, page 124 ; e 124 ; title 38, >

, Damages to private section 617, United States VOde . ) property, subsequent 60 . Report of adjustment of claims for damages to and loss of pri- to April 6, 1917 .

vately owned property occurring subsequent to April 6, 1917, for which damage or loss men in the naval service or Marine Corps are U.S. Code, p.1127. found to be responsible . (Statutes at Large, volume 41, part 1, page 132 ; title 34, section 600, United States Code .) Interior Department.

REPORTS UNDER THE DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR p Indian schools, sup- 61 . Report of expenditures under "Indian schools, support," as contemplated by the Act of March 2, 1887 . (Statutes at Large, vol- U.S. Code,p.708. ume 24, page 465 ; title 25, section 299, United States Code .)