Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1046

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss . I. CH. 901 . 1928.


War Finan ce Co r- poration . 116 . Quarterly reports of the War Finance Corporation . (Stat- Quarterl y reports . utes at Large, volume 40, part 1, page 512 ; title 15, section 347, u .s . Code, p . 384. Unit ed S tates Code .) UNDER THr. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Library of Congress . 117. A report of the number and description of copyright publi- Copy right a tries p . catio ns for which entri es hav e been made d uring the ye ar . (Revised 957 .' Statutes, section 4951, page 957 .) 118 . A detailed report of the officers or employees of the Library outside travel. of Congress who have traveled on official business from Washington to points outside of the District of Columbia, and so forth . (gtat_ V-1- 35, p .244. utes at Large, volume 35, part 1, page 244 .) 119 . A report giving the aggregate number of the various publi- Publications issued . cations issued by the Library of Congress during the preceding Vol.41,p.1037. fiscal year, and so forth . (Statutes at Large, volume 41, part 1, page 1037 .) Architect of the Cap- UNDER THE ARCHITECT OF THE CAPITOL

itol . 120 . St atemen t rela tive t o the transf er of a pparat us, ap plianc es, rai ns tustoo otts of a ches her branches equipments, and supplies of any kind, to other branches of the serv- o f the serv ice, etc « ice of the United States or District of Columbia, and so forth . (Statutes at Large, volume 37, part 1, page 184 ; title 40, section 171, U.S. Code, p. 1298. United States Code .) UNDER THE OFFICERS OF THE SENATE AND HOUSE OF REPRESE NTATIVES Senate and House of Representatives . pos ses- 121 . Reports by the Secretary of the Senate, the Clerk of the sionr off designated pos ses- 121 .

d Reports of Representatives the Sergeant at Arms, the Postmasters of Cers« the Senate and House of Representatives, and the Doorkeeper of the House of Representatives, containing a full and complete account of all property belonging to the United States in their possession, II.S. Code, p.9. and so forth . (Revised Statutes, section 72, page 14 ; title 2, section 116, United States Code .)

Sales of waste pape r, 122 . Reports by the Clerk and Doorkeeper of the House and the etc « Secretary and Sergeant at Arms of the Senate of the sales of waste paper and useless documents and condemned furniture, and so forth . U.S. Code, p.10. (Statutes at Large, volume 22, page 337 ; title 2, section 117, United States Code .) National Home for UN DER THP . NATIONAL HOME FOR DISABLED VOLUNTEER SOLDIERS

Disabled Volunteer Soldiers . 12 3. A report of th e doin gs und er sec tion 48 33, Re vised Statut es, Outdoor relief, etc . as amended, relative to outdoor relief and use of funds in case of U.S. Code, p. 677. fire. (Statutes at Large, volume 28, page 492 ; title 24, section 133, Unit ed S tates Code .) District of Columbia UNDER THE GOVERNMENT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA

Government. 124 . Report of expenditures from the appropriations for contin- Contingent expenses . gent expenses of the government of the District of Columbia for Vol. 32, p . 565. the next preceding fiscal year . (Statutes at Large, volume 32, part 1, page 595 .)

Employees on work 125. Statement immediately following the estimates for each of for 30 days or more . the respective offices or departments, showing in detail the number of persons other than day laborers who were employed on regular and continuous work for thirty days or more during the fiscal year, Vol. 32,p .594. and so forth . (Statutes at Large, volume 32, part 1, page 594 .)