Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1083

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1032 R. S., sec. 3512, p. 696. U.S.Code,p.995. Recoinage of minor coins . Public Debt Service . Office personnel and other services . Ante, p. 1030. Co mmissi oner, etc . Provisos . Services in the Dis- trict. In defini te appr opria- tion discontinued . Vol. 40, p. 292. U.S. Code, p. 1027. Ra dio ad vertisi ng ex- pen ses . Vol. 40, p. 292. U.S.Code, p.1027. Di stinct ive pap er for sec urities . Quantities author- ized. Appointments Divi- sion. Chief of division, and office personnel . Di sbursi ng cler k, and office personnel . Customs Bureau . Collecting customs revenue. Customs court jus- tices. Vol. 42, p.973. U. S. Code, pp. 597, 1948 . Services in the Dis- trict . Vol. 42, p. 975. U. S. Code, p. 597. SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SESS. II . Ca. 39. 1928. of the Treasu ry, as requi red by secti on 3512 of th e Revi sed St atutes (U. S. C., p. 995, sec. 319), $3,000. Recoinage of minor coins : To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to continue the recoinage of worn and uncurrent minor coins of the United States now in the Treasury or hereafter received, and to reimbur se the Treas urer o f the United States for t he dif ferenc e be- tween the nominal or face value of such coins and the amount the same will produce in new coins, $15,000 . PUBLIC DE BT SE RV ICE For necessary expenses connected with the administration of any public debt issues and United States paper currency issues with which the Secretary of the Treasury is charged, including the pur- chase of law books, directories, books of reference, pamphlets, peri- odicals, and newspapers, and including the Commissioner of the Public Debt and other personal services in the District of Columbia, $2,619,500 : Provided, That the amount to be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia shall not exceed $2,594,500 : Provided further, That the indefinite appropriation " Expenses of loan s, Act of September 24, 1917, as amended and extended," (U. S. C., p. 1027, sees. 760, 761) shall not be used during the fiscal year 1930 to supplement the appropriation herein made for the current work of the Public Debt Service . For the payment of expenses of radio advertising in connection with public-debt issues and refunding operations in the public debt for the fiscal year 1930, $10,000, to be payable from the appropriation "Expenses of loans Act of September 24, 1917, as amended and exten ded " (U. S. ƒ., p. 1027, sees. 760, 761). Distinctive paper for United States securities : For distinctive paper for United States currency, national-bank currency, and Feder al re serve ban k cur rency , no t exc eedin g two mil lion pound s, includi ng tra nsport ation of pap er, tr aveling , mill , and other neces- sary expenses, and salaries of employees, and allowance, in lieu of expenses, of officer or officers detailed from the Treasury Department, not exceeding $50 per month e ach when actually on duty ; in a ll , $1,000,000 . DIVISION OF APPOINTMENTS Salaries : For the chief of the division, and other personal services in the District of Columbia, $62,185 . OFFIC E OF DISBURS ING CLERK Salaries : For the disbursing clerk and other personal services in the Dis trict of Col umbia, $55,0 00 . BUREAU OF CUSTOMS Collecting the revenue from customs : For collecting the revenue from customs, for the detection and prevention of frauds upon the customs revenue, and not to exceed $10,000 for the securing of evi- dence of violations of the customs laws, including not to exceed $5,000 for the hire of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles, $21,415,000, of which such amount as may be necessary shall be avail- able for salaries of general appraisers and justices of the United States Customs Court retired under the provisions of section 518 of the Tariff Act of 1922 (U. S. C., p. 597, sec. 405 ; p. 1948, sees. 405a, 405b), and $190,980 shall be available for personal services in the Distric t of C olumbi a excl usive of eig ht pers ons fr om the field force authorized to be detailed under section 525 of the Tariff Act of 1922