1044 Salt La ke City,Utah . San B ernardino, Calif . San Fran cisco , Ca lif ., marine hospital . San Pedro, Calif. Savannah, Ga. Scottsbluff, Nebr . Scranton, Pa. Youngstown, Oh io . Seattle, Wash . Imm igran t st atio n, etc . Federal office build- ing . South Bend, Ind . South Sa int Paul, Minn . Cost increased . Ante, p. 924. Spartanbu rg, S . C . Springfield, Ill . Springfield, Mass . Tampa, Fla . Taylor, Tex . Toledo, Ohio. Trout River, N. Y. Tucson, Ariz . Tyrone, Pa . Waukegan, Ill . Watertown, N.Y. White Plains , N . Y. Wichita, Kans. Wilk es-Ba rre, Pa . Woo ns ock et, R.I . Worcester, Mass . Was hin gt on, D.C. Agricultural Depart- ment, adm inis trati on building . Extensible bu ilding . Arc hiv es Bu ild ing . Si te and construc- tion. Cost increased . Vol. 44, p. 874. Department of Co m- merce . Gov ern me nt Print- ing Office . Int ern al
Revenue Building. SEVENTIETH C ONGRESS . SESS. II . CH.39. 1928. Salt Lake City, Utah, post office, courthouse, and so forth, con- tinuation . San Bernardino, California, post office, and so forth, continuation . San Francisco, California, marine hospital, continuation . San Pedr o, Ca lifor nia, post offi ce, c usto mhous e, an d so fort h, continuation . Savannah, Georgia, post office, courthouse, and so forth, con- tinuation . Scotts bluff, Ne braska, p ost offic e, and so forth, c ontinuati on . Scra nton , Pen nsylv ania , pos t off ice, cour thous e, an d so fort h, continuation. Seattle, Washington, immigrant station, assay office, and so forth, continuation . Seattl e, Was hingto n, Fed eral o ffice buildin g, con tinuat ion . South Bend, Indiana, post office, courthouse, and so forth, con- tinuation . South Saint Paul, Minnesota, post office, and so forth : For con- tinuation, under a total limit of cost of $140,000 in lieu of $120,000 fixed in Act of May 29, 1928 . Spartanburg, South Carolina, post office, courthouse, and so forth, continuation. Springfield, Illinois, post office, courthouse, weather bureau, and so forth, continuation . Springf ield, Massac husett s, pos t offi ce, cou rthous e, and so fo rth, continuation. Tampa, Florida, post of fice, customhouse, and so forth, con- tinuation. Taylor, Texas, post office, and so forth, continuation . Toledo, Ohio, courthouse, customhouse, and other Government of- fices, c ontinuati on . Trout River, New York, inspection station, continuation . Tucson, Arizona, post office, courthouse, and so forth, continuation . Tyrone, Pennsylvania, post office, and so forth, continuation . Waukegan, Illinois, post office, and so forth, continuation. Watertown, New York, post office, and so forth, continuation . White P lains, New Y ork, p ost of fice, and so forth, conti nuatio n . Wichita, Kansas, post office, courthouse, and so forth, continuation . Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, post office, and so forth, continuation . Woonsoc ket, R hode I sland, post office , and s o fort h, con tinuat ion . Worcester, Massachusetts, post office, courthouse, and so forth, continuation . Youngstown, Ohio, post office, courthouse, and so forth, con- tinuation . Washington, District of Columbia, Department of Agriculture buildings : For continuation of the construction of the central part of th e admi nistra tion b uildin g. For con tinuat ion of const ructio n of e xtensib le bui lding . Washington, District of Columbia, Archives Building : Toward the construction of building and acquisition of site, and the Secretary of the Treas ury is autho rized to ent er into contr acts f or the entir e estimated cost of such building and site, including stacks, for not to exceed $ 8,750,000 , in lieu of $6,90 0,000 fi xed in Ac t of July 3, 1926 . Washington, District of Columbia, Department of Commerce Building, continuation . Washington, District of Columbia, Government Printing Office, continuation . Washington, District of Columbia, Internal Revenue Building, continuation .