Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1148

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1097 inclu ding annual ground rent of the embassy at Tokyo, Japa n, for Tokyo, rent. the year ending March 15, 1930, repairs, including minor alterations, repairs, supervision, preservation, and maintenance of Government- Gov er nme nt build- ings abroad . own ed diplomatic properties in fo re ign countries, and properties Vol.44,p.403. acquired under the Act approved MMay 7, 1926 (U. S. C. Su

I U S Code, Supp . I, Y ,


pp. , p .114. p. 114, sec . 291), and including also custodial service, heat, light, water, materials, supplies, tools, seeds, plants, shrubs, and similar objects ; postage, telegrams, advertising, ice, and drinking water for office purposes, hire of motor-propelled or horse-drawn passenger- carryin g vehicl es, and purchase , mainte nance, o peration , and hi re of other passenger-carrying vehicles, uniforms, furniture, household furniture and furnishings not to exceed $25 ,0 00, typewriters and St exchange of same, messenger service, operation and maintenance of lau 01stantinople, launch for embassy at Constantinople not exceeding $3,500, compen- sation of kavasses, guards, dragomans, porters, interpreters, and translators, compensation of agents and employees of and rent and Dispatch agencies . othe r ex pens es for d ispa tch agen cies at Lond on, New York , San Francisco, Seattle, and New Orleans, traveling expenses of Diplo- in Attendance at meet• matic and Foreign Service officers, including attendance at trade and g oth er conferences or congresses under orders of the Secretary of ate as authorized by section 14 of the Act approved May 24, 19 24 Vols4 , i 11


(U. S . C ., p . 643, sec. 16), miscellaneous expenses of embassies and legations, and for loss on bills of exchange to and from embassies Loss by exchange. and legations, including such loss on bills of exchange to officers of the United States Court for China, and payment in advance of subscri ptions f or newsp apers (f oreign a nd domes tic), re nt, incl uding quarters for. Foreign Service officers assigned for the study of the languages of Asia and eastern Europe and cost, not exceeding $350 per ann um each, of the tuition of such officers , teleph one and other simil ar se rvices unde r thi s appr opria tion are he reby autho rized, $919,10 0 : Provided, That no part of this sum appropriated for con- No pa yme nt ayment for eleri- tingent expenses, foreign missions, shall be expended for salaries or cal services to persons wages of persons (except interpreters, translators, and messengers) not citizens. not Ame rican ci tizens p erformin g cleric al servi ces, whe ther off icia lly designated as clerks or not, in any foreign mission . EXPENSES OF FOREIGN SERVICE INSPECTORS For the traveling expenses of Foreign Service officers detailed for Foreign Se rvice in . inspection while traveling and inspecting under instructions from the spectors . Secretary of State, $22,000 . ALLOW ANCE FOR C LERK HIRE AT UN ITED STATE S CON SULAT ES For allowance for clerk hire at consulates, to be expended under sncl erk hire at con- the direction of the Secretary of State, including salary during tran- sit to and from homes in the United States upon beginning and after termination of services, $1 ,645,000 . CONTINGENT EXPENSES, UNl ED STATES CONSULATES For expenses of providing all such stationery, blanks, record and Contingent expenses, other books, seals, presses, flags, signs, rent (so much as may be consulates . necessary), repairs, including minor alternations, supervision, preser- Gov er nme nt build- vation, and maintenance of Government-owned consular properties inV o l .44,p p. . 403. in for eign cou ntries, and prop erties a cquired under th e Act ap proved May 7, 1926 (U. S. C., Supp. I, p. 114, sec. 291), and including also U.S. Code, Supp .I, custod ial serv ice heat light w ater, ma terials supplies , tools seeds p • 114. plants, shrubs, and similar objects, postage, furniture, household furn iture and f urnis hings not to exceed $10,000, typewriters and