Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1180

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss . II . Cu. 102. 1929. (including rubber boots and oilskins) and apparatus, contigent exp enses, tempo rary l abor, and no t to e xceed $ 10,000 for p ropaga tion and distribution of fresh-water mussels and the necessary expenses connected therewith, $524,000, of which amount not exceeding $5,000 shall be immediately available for construction of buildings at the Fort Humphreys (Virginia) fisheries station . For construction, repairs, alterations, and improvements to build- ings and wharves at the fish-cultural station at La Crosse, Wisconsin, $10,000 . The a ppropr iation of $3 0,000 for th e fisca l year 1928 for a fish- cul tural sta tion as a n auxilia ry to the station at Leadvi lle, Colo rado, is continued available for such purposes during the fiscal year 1930 . The a ppropr iation of $3 0,000 for th e fisca l year 1928 for a fish- cultural station as an auxiliary to the Warm Springs, Georgia, sta- tion shall continue available for such purposes during the fiscal year 1930. The a ppropr iation of $3 5,000 for th e fisca l year 1928 for a fish- cultural station in the State of Nebraska as an auxiliary to the fish- cultural station at Spearfish, South Dakota, is continued available for such purposes during the fiscal 1930 . The a ppropr iation of $3 5,000 for th e fisca l year 1928 for a fish- cultural station in the State of Oklahoma as an auxiliary to the fish- cultural station at Neosho, Missouri, shall continue available for such purpose during the fiscal year 1930, and not to exceed $10,000 thereof shall be available for the purchase of land . The appropriation of $25,000 for the fiscal year 1929 for con- struction, repairs, and improvements to buildings, ponds, grounds, and water supply at the Northville, Michigan, fish-culture station and its s ubstat ions, the pu rchase of eq uipment , incl uding boats, and for the acqu isition o f land, s hall cont inue avai lable for such pur poses during the fiscal year 1930 . Maintenance of vessels : For maintenance of vessels and launches, including purchase and repair of boats, apparatus, machinery, and other facilities required for use with the same, hire of vessels, and all other necessary expenses in connection therewith including not to exceed $1,000 for the purchase of plans and specifications for vessels or for contract personal services for the preparation thereof, and money accruing from commutation of rations and provisions on board vessels may be paid on proper vouchers to the persons having charge of the mess of such vessels, $152,000, and $10,000 shall be im media tely avai lable for the procu remen t of supp lies and e quip - ment required for shipment to the Pribilof Islands for the service of the fiscal year 1930 . Commutation of rations (not to exceed $1 per day) may be paid to officers and crews of vessels of the Bureau of Fisheries during the fiscal year 1930 under fegulations prescribed by the Secretary of Commerce. Inqui ry res pectin g food fishe s : For inqui ry int o the causes of th e decrease of food fishes in the waters of the United States, and for investigation and experiments in respect to the aquatic animals, pl ants, and wa ters, in the inter ests o f fish cultur e and the fi shery industries, including maintenance, repair, improvement, equipment, and operations of biological stations, expenses of travel and prepara- tio n of repo rts, $108 ,000 . Fishery industries : For collection and compilation of statistics of the fisheries and the study of their methods and relations, and the me thods of pre servat ion an d util izatio n of fi shery produc ts, in clud- ing compensation of temporary employees, travel and preparation of repor ts, in cludin g temp orary employ ees in the Di strict of Co lum- bia not to exceed $1,800, and all other necessary expenses in connec- 1129 La Crosse, Wis . Fish cultural station . Leadville, Colo ., aux- iliary . Balance available . Vol.44,p. 1215. Wa rm S prin gs, Ga., auxiliary. Balance available . Vol.44,p. 1215. Spear fish, S . Dak ., auxiliary. Balance available . Vol.44,p. 1215. N eos ho, Mo ., auxili- ary . Balance available . Vol.44,p. 1215. Purchase of land . No rthv ille, Mic h . Construction, etc . Balance available . Ante, p . 99. vessels . Maintenance, etc . Imme diate shipme nt to Pribilof Islands . Commutation of ra- tions . Food fishes inquiry . Statistical inquiry.