Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1191

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1140 January 26, 1929. IS .J . Res. 142.] [Pub. Res., No . 76.] Federal Res erve Bank of San Franc isco, Calif . Erection of building for Los Angeles branch, autho rize d . Proviso . Subject to approval of Board . January 26, 1929.

CHAP. 108.-Joint Resolution Authorizing the granting of permits to the [S.J. Res. 180.]

Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies on the occasion of the inauguration of the Pres ident elect i n March , 1929, and for other purposes . Resolved by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the Inauguration of the Un ited S tates of America in Congress assembled, That the Director President . T

se of reservations,

of Public Buildings and Public Parks of the National Capital is ete ., in Washington, D. c ., anthorizedn hereby authorized to grant permits, under such restrictions as he may dee m nec es sar y, to the Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies for the use of any reservations or other public spaces in the city of Wa shi ng ton under his control on the occasion of the inauguration of the President elect in March, 1929 : Provided, That in his opinion no serious or permanent injuries will be thereby inflicted upon Designation of streets, su ch reservations or public spaces or statuary thereon ; and the avenues, etc.

Commissioners of the District of Columbia may designate for su ch and other purposes on the occasion aforesaid such streets, avenues, and sidewalks in said city of Washington under their control as Supervision ofstands, they may deem proper and necessary : Provided, however, That all etc .

stands or platforms that may be erected on the public spaces aforesaid, including such as may be erected in connection with the di sp lay of fireworks, sh all be under the supervision of the sa id inaugural committee, and in accordance with the plans and designs to be approved by the Engineer Commission er of the District of Columbia, the off ic er in charge of public buildings and grounds, and the Arc hite ct of the United St ates Cap itol

And provi ded Prompt removal of further, That the reservations or public spaces occupied by the stands or other structures shall after the inauguration be promptly restored to th eir condition before su ch occupation, and that the inaugural comm ittee shall indemnify the War Department for any damage of any kind whatsoever upon such r eservations or spaces by reason of such use . Overhead wires per- SEC . 2. The Commissioners of the District of Columbia are hereby muted for ifiumination . authorized to permit the committee on illumination of the inaugural comm ittee fo r said i naugural ceremoni es to st retch su itable o verhead conductors, wi th su ffi ci ent supports wherever necessary, for the Provisos,

purpose of con necting with the present su pply of light for the Supervision of work, etc

purpose of effecting the said illumination : Provided, That if it shall . be necessary to erect wires for illuminating or other purposes over any park or reservation in the District o f Columbia the work o f erection and removal of said wires shall be under the supervision [Pub. Res., No.77.] Provisos . Condition. structures, etc. SEVENTIETH CONGRESS. SESS. IT. CHs. 107, 108. 1929 . CHAP . 107 .-Joint Resolution Authorizing the erection of a Federal reserve bank building in the city of Los Angeles, California . Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Un ited S tates of A merica in C ongre ss ass emble d, That the Federal Reser ve Bank of San Franci sco be, and it is he reby, auth or- ized to cont ract for and erec t a buil ding in the city of Los Angeles for its Los Angeles branch on the site now owned by said bank, prov ided the total a mount exp ended in the ere ction of said bu ilding, exclusive of the cost of vaults, permanent equipment, furnishings, and fixtures shall not exceed the sum of $800,000 : Provided, however, That the character and type of building to be erected, the amount actually to be expended in the construction of said building, and the amount actually to be expended for the vaults, permanent equip- ment, furnishings, and fixtures for said building shall be subject to the approval of the Federal Reserve Board . Approved, January 26, 1929 .