Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1258

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SESS. II . Cu. 227. 1929. 511, 512), relating to the application of chemistry to agriculture ; for the biological investigation of food an d drug products and . substan ces us ed in the ma nufact ure th ereof, includ ing in vestig ations of the physio logica l effe cts of such product s on t he hum an org anism ; to cooper ate with associati ons and s cientific societie s in the develop- ment of methods of analysis, $286,570 . Color investigations : For investigation and experiment in the utiliza tion, for co loring , medi cinal, and te chnica l purp oses, of raw mater ials grown or produ ced i n th e Uni ted S tates , in coop erati on with such perso ns, assoc iatio ns, or co rpora tions as may b e fou nd necessary, including repairs, alterations, improvements, or additions to a building on the Arlington Experimental Farm, $78,000 . Sirup and sugar investigations : For the investigation and develop- ment of methods for the manufacture of table sirup and sugar and of methods for the manufacture of sweet sirups by the utilization of new agricultural sources, $37,600 . Insecticide and fungicide investigations : For the investigation and development of methods of manufacturing insecticides and fun- gicides, and for investigating chemical problems relating to the composi tion, action , and applic ation of inse cticid es and fungi cides, $83,765 . Plant dust explosions and farm fires : For the investigation and development of methods for the prevention of farm fires and of grain-dust, smut-dust, and other dust explosions not otherwise pro- vided for and resulting fires, including fires in cotton gins and cotton-oil mills, independently or in cooperation with individuals, associations, or corporations, $51,500 . Naval stores investigations : For the investigation and demon- stratio n of i mprove d meth ods or proce sses of prepa ring n aval s tores, the weighing, handling transportation, and the uses of same, in cooperation with individuals and companies, including the employ- ment of necessary persons and means in the city of Washington and elsewhere, $32,000 . So il che mical invest igatio ns : For che mical invest igatio ns of soil types, soil composition, and soil minerals, the soil solution, solubility of soil and all chemical properties of soils in their relation to soil formation, soil texture, and soil productivity, including all routine chemical work in connection with the soil survey . $36,100. So il phy sical invest igatio ns : For physical investigations of the important properties of soil which determine productivity, such as moistur e rela tions, aerat ions, heat c onducti vity, textur e, and other physical investigations of the various soil classes and soil types, $18,100 . Fertilizer investigations : For investigations within the United States of fertilizers and other soil amendments and their suitability for agricultural use, $311,500 .

V Soil survey : For the investigation of soils, in cooperation with other branches of the Department of Agriculture, other departments of the Govern ment, State agricu ltural experi ment s tation s, and other State institutions, and for indicating upon maps and plats, by color- ing or otherwise, the results of such investigations, $274,000 . Soil-erosion investigations : To enable the Secretary of Agricul- ture to make invest igatio n not otherw ise pro vided for, o f the causes of soil erosion and the possibility of increasing the absorption of rainfall by the soil in the United States, and to devise means to be employed in the preservation of soil, the prevention or control of destruc tive e rosion and t he con servat ion of rainfa ll by terrac ing or other mean s, in depe ndent ly or in coope ratio n wit h ot her b ranch es of th e Gov ernme nt, State agen cies , cou nties , far m or ganiz ation s, 1207 Biological food and drug investigations . "Utilizing native raw materials for colorants, etc . Arlington Farm building . Table sirup, etc . Insecticide a nd fun- gicide investi gations . Plant dus t explo- sions, etc . Methods for p revent- ing . Naval stores . Investigat ions, demonstrations, etc . Soil types, c omposi- tion, etc ., investiga- tions . Physical productiv- ity of soils . Fertilizers . Cooperative soil sur- vey. Soil erosion . Investigations, etc., for control, etc ., of des tru cti ve . Cooperation.