Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1275

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss . II. Cu. 257 . 1929 . State jurisdiction not SEC. 8 . That the jurisdiction of the State, both civil and criminal, affected offenses except for

er al red - over persons upon areas acquired under this Act shall not be affected or changed by reason of their acquisition and administration by the United States as migratory bird reservations, except so far as the punishment of offenses against the United States is concerned . State game laws not SEC. 9 . That nothing in this Act is intended to interfere with the interfered with'

operation of the game laws of the several States applying to migra- tory game birds in so far as they do not permit what is forbidden by Federal law . 1nSSpe`ifiedtactsetaffectt- SEC . 10. That no person shall knowingly disturb, injure, or destroy gamerefugesforbidden . any notice, signboard, fence, building, ditch, dam, dike embank- ment, flume, spillway, or other improvement or property of the United States on any area acquired under this Act, or cut, burn, or destroy any timber, grass, or other natural growth on said area or on any area of the United States which heretofore has been or which hereafter may be set apart or reserved for the use of the Department of Agriculture as a game refuge or as a preserve or reservation and breeding ground for native birds, under any law proclamation, or Executive order, or occupy or use any part thereof, or enter thereon for any purpose, except in accordance with regulations of the Sec- retary of Agriculture ; nor shall any person take any bird, or nest or egg thereof on any area acquired under this Act, except for scientific or propagating purposes under permit of the Secretary of Legal fishing not Agriculture ; but nothing in this Act or in any regulation thereunder prevented .

shall be construed to prevent a person from entering upon any area acquired under this Act for the purpose of fishing in accordance with Compli

the law of the State in which such area is located : Provided, That ula ion ce with reg- such person complies with the regulations of the Secretary .of Agri- culture covering such area . ftn i grato ry b irds de- SEc. 11 . That for the purposes of this Act, migratory birds are Vol.39,p. 1702. those defined as such by the treaty between the United States and Great Britain for the protection of migratory birds concluded August 16, 1916 . Am ount s aut hori zed SEc . 12 . For the acquisition, including the location, examination, f°r to 01 . A x209

and survey, of suitable areas of land, water, or land and water, for Post, p • 1634 . use as migratory bird reservations, and necessary expenses incident the reto, and for the administ ration, mainte nance, and de velopment of such areas and other preserves, reservations, or breeding grounds frequented by migratory game birds and under the administration of the Secretary of Agriculture, including the construction of dams, dik es, ditches, flumes, spill ways, building s, and other necessary i mpro veme nts, and for the eli mina tion of the loss of migr ator y bi rds from alkali poisoning, oil pollution of waters, or other causes, for co operat ion wit h local autho rities in wild life conserv ation, for in ves- tigations and publications relating to North American birds, for per- so nal se rvices, printi ng, en graving , and i ssuanc e of ci rculars , post ers, and other necessary matter and for the enforcement of the provisions of this Act, there are authorized to be appropriated, in addition to Ye arl y allotment s, all other amounts authorized by law to be appropriated, the follow- ing amounts for the fiscal years specified- $75,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1930 ; $200,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1931 ; $600,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1932 ; $1,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1933 ; $1,000,000 for each fiscal year thereafter for a period of six years

an andothereafte ear 1940, $200,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1940 , and for each Amount for adminis- fiscal year thereafter . Not more than 20 per centum of the amounts tration, etc ., expenses yearly .

appropriated pursuant to this authorization for the fiscal year