Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1345

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1294 SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss . II. Ca. 314. 1929. Advances authorized In expending the foregoing sum the disbursing officer of the Dis- to Director of Public

foreg oing

b Welfare. trict of Co lumbia is au thoriz ed to advance to th e Dire ctor o f Publ ic Welfa re, up on req uisiti ons pr evious ly appr oved b y the audito r of t he District of Columbia, and upon such security as the commissioners Limit . may require of said directors, sums of money not exceeding $300 at one time, to be used only for deportation of nonresident insane persons, and to be accounted for monthly on itemized vouchers to the accounting officer of the District of Columbia . RELIEF OF THE POOR Relief o. the poor . For relief of the poor, including, medical and surgical supplies, artificial limbs, and for pay of physicians to the poor, to be expended under the di rectio n of t he Boa rd of Public Welfar e, $7, 500 . Payment to aban- For payment to beneficiaries named in section 3 of "An Act making doned families, etc . Vol. 34, p . 87.

it a misdemeanor in the District of Columbia to abandon or willfully Vol. 44, p . 758 . neglect to provide for the support and maintenance by any person of his wife or his or her minor children in destitute or necessitous circumstances," approved March 23, 1906, to be disbursed by the disbursing officer of the District of Columbia on itemized vouchers duly audited and approved by the auditor of said District, $3,500 . Ex-service men . Burial of indigent, in Arlington Cemetery, etc . BURIAL OF EX-SERVICE MEN For expenses of burying in the Arlington National Cemetery, or in the cemeteries of the District of Columbia, indigent Union ex-sol- diers, ex-sailors, or ex-marines, of the United States service, either Regular or Volunteer , who have been honor ably discharged or retired, and who die in the District of Columbia, to be disbursed by the Secretary of War at a cost not exceeding $45 for such burial expenses in each c ase, excl usive of cost of g rave, $22 5 . TRANSPORTATION OF INDIGENT PERSONS Transporting indi- gent persons.

For transportation of indigent persons, including indigent vet- erans of the World War and their families, $3,500 . Militia .

MILITIA Expenses authorized under the commanding For the following, to be expended under the authority and direc- general.

tion of the commanding general, who is hereby authorized and empowered to make necessary contracts and leases, namely Per sonal serv ices .

For personal services, $18,950 ; temporary labor, $7,000 ; in all, $25,950 . Expenses of camps, drills, etc . For expenses of camps, including hire of horses for officers required to be mounted, and for the payment of commutation of subsistence for enlisted men who may be detailed to guard or move the United States property at home stations on days immediately preceding and im media tely foll owing the annu al en campm ents , dam ages to pr ivat e property incident to encampment, instruction, purchase, and main- ten ance o f athl etic, gymnas tic, a nd rec reation al equ ipment at ar mory or field encampments, not to exceed $500 ; practice marches, drills, and parades ; rent of armories, drill halls, and storehouses ; fuel, light, heat, care and repair of armories, offices, and storehouses, machinery and dock, dredging alongside of dock, construction of buildings for storage and other purposes at target range, telephone se rvice , ho rses and m ules for mount ed or gani zatio ns, m ainte nanc e and operation of passenger and nonpassenger motor vehicles, street car fares (not to exceed $200) necessarily used in the transaction of official business, not exceeding $400 for traveling expenses, including attendance at meetings or conventions of associations pertaining to the National Guard, and for general incidental expenses of the service, $13,500 .