Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1379

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1328 SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss . II. Ca. 352. 1929 . hospital training, but must be subjected to an examination to Onstfp .lassn favorable report determine his professional fitness, under section 26, it shall certify of exam inin g board, him to the proper examining board for that purpose ; and upon license to issue . receipt of a report from any such board, satisfactory to the commis- sion, showing that the applicant has passed such an examination, the commission, being of the opinion that the applicant is in all other respects legally qualified, shall issue to him a license to prac tice the heali ng art in the manner descri bed in his ap plication and as authorized by law, in whatever class the commission shall find him officers an d employ- quali fied to so pr actice . ees authorized .

SEC . 7. The commission may (a) appoint, suspend, and remove such examiners, counsel, clerks, inspectors, and other officers and contracts for near' ters. employees as may be authorized by law ; (b) enter into contracts for the use and occupancy of such quarters as may be necessary for its purposes ; but the Commissioners of the District of Columbia are hereby authorized to furnish such quarters without cost to the commission if the necessary space is available in any building under Purc hase of s uppli es_ their control ; and (c) buy such supplies as may be necessary for its Indebt' work and for the execut ion and enfor cement of thi s Act : P rovi ded, That the commission incurs no indebtedness in excess of money Boards of examiners actually available . to be appointed . SEC . 8 . The commission shall appoint boards of examiners as fol- lows : (a) A board of examiners in the basic sciences ; (b) a board of examiners in medicine and osteopathy ; (c) a board of examiners in chiropractic ; and (d) a board of examiners in naturopathy . The commission shall appoint (e) a board of examiners in midwifery ; Membership . and (f) s uch other boar ds of examine rs in drugles s healing as a re necessary under the provisions of this Act . The board of examiners in the basic sciences, and the board of examiners in medicine and osteopathy, shall each consist of five members . Boards of examiners in midwifery and boards o f examiners i n drugless hea ling may con- Terms. sist of three to five members, as the commission deems proper . No examiner shall be appointed for a term longer than five years, and all appointments shall be made so that the term of one member of each board s hall expire o n the 31st da y of December of each year . Citiz enshi p an d res i- The commission shall appoint no person as a member of any such dence required .

board who is not a citizen of the United States and who has not been a resident of the District of Columbia for at least three years Gover nmen t em ploy- immediately preceding his appointment. The commission may ees eligible . appoint as mem bers of such boards persons employed in the service of the Federal Government and of the government of the District of Col umbia ; a nd persons so employed may accept such a ppointment and may rece ive such comp ensation for their services as examiners as may be provided by law and by the regulations of the commission . A member of any board is not debarred by such membership from employment under the Federal Government or the government of the District of Columbia, not inconsistent with the discharge of his Duties, etc., of exam . duties as a member of such board . fining boards . SEC. 9 . Each examining board shall elect a chairman and a secre- tary and may make such rules regarding the discharge of its duties as the commission may approve . Each board shall conduct examina- tions and make reports as r equired by law and by the r ules of the commis sion . Board of examiners SEC . 10 . The commission shall appoint the several members of the in basic sciences . board of examiners in the basic sciences so that there will be on said Qualifications, board at all times one or mor e memb ers ca pable of de termin ing whether applic ants have or have not a suf ficient knowl edge of the sciences of anatomy, physiology, chemistry, bacteriology, and pathol- ogy to enabl e such appl icants to un dersta nd an d to apply such sciences in the study and practice of the healing art . No member