Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1431

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1380 SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SESS . II. CH. 366. 1929. Examinations, sur - tion ; for examinations, surveys, and contingencies of rivers and veys, etc'

harbo rs, provided that no funds shall be expe nded for any prelim- inary examination, survey, proje ct, or estima te not author ized by New York Har bor law ; and for the prevention of obstructive and injurious deposits deposits.

within the harbor and adjacent waters of New York City, for pay of inspectors, deputy inspectors, crews, and office force, and for maintenance of patrol fleet and expenses of office, $50,000,000 . Missouri River.

For bank protection for the control of floods and the prevention Bank protection, etc ., of er osion of the Missouri River at and near the town of N iobrara at Niob rara ,Nebr .

in the State of Nebraska, $85,000, said work to be carried on under the control and supervision of the Chief of Engineers of the War Loc al Proviso. interests to Department : Provided That the local interests shall contribute two- contribute .

thirds of the cost of said work . Ban k pr otect ion, etc ., For bank protection for the control of floods and the prevention of at l ankton, s. Dak. ero sion of the M issouri River at and near t he town of Ya nkton in the State of South Dakota, $85,000, said work to be carried on under the control and super-vision of the Chief of Engineers of the War Proviso . L Loc al 30 interes ts to De par tmen t : Provi ded, That t he loca l inte rests s hall co ntribu te two- contribute thirds of the cost of said work . Arkansas River .

That as a. contribution in aid from the United States, in view of Relocation ofleveeon the unprecedented conditions obtaining in Conway levee district bank of, in Conway

b~ County, Ark.

numbere d 1, Conway C ounty, Arkansa s, in the rec onstruction of the Ante, p. 537. levee along the left bank of the Arkansas River iii the said Conway levee district numbered 1, as provided under the terms of section 7 of the Flood Control Act, approved May 15, 1928 (45 Stat ., p . 537), authority is hereby granted to the Secretary of War, upon the recommendation and approval of the Chief of Engineers, to relocate all or any part of said levee when in the opinion of the Chief of Proviso.

Enginee rs such reloc ation shall be deemed pract ical and feasi ble . Exp ense limi ted .

Provided, That the total expense occasioned to the United States by reason of the provisions of this paragraph shall not exceed $20,000. Inland Waterways

INLAND WATERWAYS CORPORATION Corporation. Purchase of capital For the purchase of the capital stock of the Inland Waterways Ante, p . 978. Corporation, authorized by section 2 of the Act entitled "An Act to Vol . 43, p. 360. amend the Act entitled `An Act to create the Inland Waterways Cor- u. S. Code, p.3685. poration for the purpose of carrying out the mandate and purpose of Congress, as expressed in sections 201 and 500 of the Transpor- tat ion Ac t, and for o ther purpos es,' " approved May 29, 1928 . Use of amounts.

$10,000,000, to remain available until expended : Provided, That of of the amount herein appropriated $2,500,000 shall be available immedi- ately, and of the balance not more than $1,500,000 shall be withdrawn from the Treasury during the fiscal year 1930, not more than $3,000,000 during the fiscal year 1931, and not more than $3,000,000 during the fiscal year 1932 . Con du it Roa d, D . C., That the Chief of Engineers of the United States Army, under et survey, etc ., to Great the direction of the Secretary of War, is authorized and directed to Falls, id ., for widen- ing road, etc . make an examination and survey of the Conduit Road from the District of Columbia li ne to Great F alls, Marylan d, of Cabin Jo hn Bridge, and of land contiguous to that part of such road and to such bridge, for the purpose of making recommendations for improving and widening that part of such road and such bridge, and, upon the Report with rocom- completion of such examination and survey, to report to Congress rneu datio n . the results thereof, together with estimates of the probable cost of carrying out such recommendations, and together also with recom- mendations as to the amount, if any, which justly should be advanced therefor by the Governm ent of the Un ited States . The re is he reb y appropriated the sum of $3,000 to carry out the provisions of this paragraph .