Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1517

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss. II . Cir.483 . 1929. Emplo yees .

For pay of employees at rates to be fixed by the Secretary of the Navy, $612,730 . Cu rrent expens es . Current and miscellaneous expenses, Naval Academy : For text and reference books for use of instructors ; stationery, blank books and forms, models, maps, and periodicals ; apparatus and materials for instr uction in physical training and athl etics ; ex pe ns e s of le ct ur e s and ent ertain ments, not e xceedi ng $1, 000, in cludin g pay and ex penses of lecturer ; chemicals, philosophical apparatus and instruments, stores, machinery, tools, fittings, apparatus, and materials for instruc- Library.

tion purposes, $77,800 ; for purchase, binding, and repair of books for the library (to be purchased in the open market on the written Bo ard of Visito rs . order of the superintendent), $5,000 ; for expenses of the Board of Visitors to the Naval Academy, $1,400 ; for contingencies for the superintendent. Superin tenden t of t he aca demy, to be expende d in h is dis cretio n, not exceeding $4,000 ; for contingencies for the commandant of midship- men, to be expended in his discretion, not exceeding $1,800 ; in all, $90,000, to be accounted for as one fund . General maintenance Maintenance and repairs, Naval Academy : For necessary repairs and repairs . of publ ic bui ldings , whar ves, a nd wal ls incl osing the gr ounds of the Naval Academy, improvements, repairs, and fixtures ; fo r b o o ks , periodicals, maps, models, and drawings ; purchase and repair of fire engines ; fire apparatus find plants, machinery ; purchase and main- h ides Ho,r see tc . drawn oe- tenance of all horses and horse-drawn vehicles for use at the academy, inclu ding the m aint enanc e, op erat ion, and r epair of three hors e- drawn passenger-carrying vehicles to be used only for official pur- poses ; seeds and plants ; tools and repairs of the same ; stationery ; furniture for Government buil dings and offices at the academy, including furniture for midshipmen's rooms ; coal and other fuels ; candles, oil, and gas ; attendance on light and power plants ; cleaning and clearing up station and care of buildings ; attendance on fires, lights, fire engines, fire apparatus, and plants, and telephone, tele- graph, and clock systems ; incidental labor ; advertising, water tax, postage, telephones, telegrams, tolls, and ferriage ; flags and awnings ; packing boxes ; fuel for heating and lighting bandsmen's quarters ; pay of inspectors and draftsmen ; music and astronomical instru- ments ; and for pay of employees on leave, $1,000,000, M arine Corps .

MARINE CORPS Pay, etc ., officers, ac- tive list . Retired list . Enlisted men, active list . PAY, MARINE CORPS Pay of officers, active list : For pay and allowances prescribed by law for all officers on the active list-pay and allowances, $3,691,856 ; subsistence allowance, $489,027 ; rental allowance, $634,208 ; in all, $4,815,091 ; For pay of officers prescribed by law on the retired list, $618,006

Pay of enlisted men, active list : For pay and allowances of non- commissioned officers, musicians, and privates, as prescribed by law, and for the expenses of clerks of the United States Marine Corps traveling under orders, and including additional compensation for enlisted men of the Marine Corps qualified as expert riflemen, sharp- shooters, marksmen, or regula rly detailed as gun captains, gun pointer s, coo ks, me ssmen, inclu ding i nterest on de posits by en listed men, post exchange debts of deserters and of men discharged or sen- tenced to terms of imprisonment while in debt to the United States, under such rules as the Secretary of the Navy may prescribe, and the authorized travel allowance of discharged enlisted men, and for prizes for excellence in gunnery exercises and target practice, and for pay of en listed men d esigna ted as Navy m ail cl erks a nd ass istant Navy mail clerks, both afloat and ashore, and for gratuities to