Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1590

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SESS. II . CHs . 583, 584 . 1929 .

1539 SEC. 9. That the commissioner provided for in this Act shall be pay of commissioner_ paid an annual salary as appropriated for by Cong ress, payable Provisos . quarterly : Provided, That the said commissioner shall reside within Residence required . the exte rior bou ndar ies of s aid Rock y Mo unta in N atio nal Park , at a place to be designated by the court making such appointment And provided further, That all fees, costs, and expenses collected by Disposal of fees. the commissioner shall be disposed of as provided in section 11 of this Act. SEC . 10. That all fees, costs, and expenses arising in cases under United States fees. this Act and properly c hargeable to the United St ates shall be certified, approved, and paid as are like fees, costs, and expenses in the courts of the United States . SEC. 11 . That all fines and costs imposed and collected shall be ooDeposit of fines and deposited by said commissioner of the United States, or the marshal of the United States collecting the same, with the clerk of the United States District Court for the State of Colorado . SEC. 12 . That the Secretary of the Interior shall notify, in writ- Acceptanc eofeession . ing, the Gov erno r of the Sta te of Co lora do of the pa ssag e and approval of this Act. Approved, March 2, 1929 . CHAP. 584 .-Joint Resolution Authorizing an investigation and survey for the

1S . J . ResMarch 2,1 929 . . 117.1 purpose of ascertaining the practicability and the approximate cost of constructing [Pub . Res ., No. 99.1 and maintaining additional locks and other facilities at the Panama Canal, and for the purpose of ascertaining the practicability and probable cost of construct- ing and maintaining an interoceanic ship canal across the Republic of Nicaragua . Re solved b y the Se nate and House o f Repre sentativ es of th e United States o America in Congress assembled, That the President is In ves tig ati on In tea f

tigat i io author- hereby authorized to cause to be made, under the direction of the ized astop ract icabi lity of providing for future Secretary of War and the supervision of the Chief of Engineers, and sliippingneedsbyaddi . tional facilities to Pan- with the aid of such civilian engineers as the President shall deem ama `•n al ca nal . ties to Pan- . advisable, a full and complete investigation and survey for the purpose of ascertaining the practicability and the approximate cost of constructing and maintaining (1) such additional locks and other facilities at the Panama Canal as may be necessary to provide for the future needs of interoceanic shipping ; and (2) any other route for a Any other route. ship canal between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans .

In ves ti gat ion and SEC. 2. The President is hereby authorized to cause to be made, survey to revise , etc ., under the direction of the Secretary of War and the supervision of reports of Isthmia n 3r

Canal Co mmission as the Chief of Engineers, and with the aid of such civilian engineers to practicability of ca- as the President shall deem advisable, a full and complete investiga- nal across Nicaragua . tio n and survey for the purpose of rev is ing and bringing down to date the report s of the Isthmian Canal Commission transmitted to Congress, with respect to the practicability and advantages and approximate cost of constructing a canal across Nicaragua, and for the purpose of obtaining all additional available information respect- Information as to ing (1) the most practical route for an interoceanic ship canal across most practical route . the Republic of Nicaragua by way of the San Juan River and the Great Lake of Nicaragua, or by way of any other route over Nicara- guan territory, including suitable locations for harbors at each of the termini thereof ; (2) the practicability and approximate cost of Approximate cost. constructing and maintaining such canal ; and (3) the approximate co st of acquiring private rights, fran- cost of acquiring all private rights, properties, privileges, and fran- chises, etc. chises, if any, included in or necessarily affected by such canal route . Stations for ascertain- SEC . 3 . The Chief of Engineers, under the direction of the Secre- ing available water sup- ply of War, may establish and maintain, during the investigations ope ratin g Nicaragua nadaditiona and surveys authorized b this resolution, such stations as he ma la ocs a, at Panama y


y Cnal directed . deem necessary for ascertaining the water supply available for the