SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SESS. II. Cias . 587, 682 . 1929 . under its seal and be served by the Sergeant at Arms of the House or his special messenger ; to sit during the sessions of the House until adjournment sine die of the Seventieth Congress and there- after until said inquiry is completed, and report to the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of the Seventy-first Congress . SEC . 2 . That said special committee be, and the same is hereby, authorized to employ such stenographic, clerical, and other assistance as they may deem necessary, and all . expenses incurred by said spe- cial co mmit tee, inc ludi ng t he expe nses of such co mmit tee when sitting in or out side the District of Colum bia, shal l be paid out of t he contin gent f und of the H ouse o f Repr esentat ives o n vouc hers o rdered by said committee, signed by the chairman of said committee : Pro- vided, howe ver, That the total expenditures authorized by this resolution shall not exceed the sum of $5,000 . Approved, March 2, 1929 . CHAP. 682 .-An Act To provide for the relocation of Michigan Avenue adjacent to the southerly boundary of the United States Soldiers' Home grounds, and for other purposes . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representativ es of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That in orde r to relocate the line of Michigan Avenue from Franklin Street as laid down on the plan of the permanent system of highways for the District of Columbia to Lincoln Road, bordering the southeast corner of the grounds of the United States Soldiers' Home, and to straighten and shorten the route of said avenue, the Commissioners of the District of Columbia be, and they are hereby, authorized to close, vacate, and abandon the portion of Michigan Avenue known and designated as Parcel E on map filed in the office of the surveyor of the District of Columbia and numbered as map 1429, containing fifty-four thousand three hundred and eighty square feet, said part so closed, vacated, and abandoned to be transferred by said Com- missioners of the District of Columbia to the United States as part of the grounds of the United States Military Asylum, known as the United States Soldiers' Home . SEC. 2. That the Commissioners of the District of Columbia are authorized to use for street purposes all that part of the United States Soldiers' Home grounds designated as Parcel A, containing fifty-seven thousand six hundred and thirte en square feet, and Parc el B con tain ing ele ven thou sand eig ht hund red and seve nty square feet, as shown on map filed in the office of the surveyor of the District of Columbia and numbered as map 1429 ; and the proper authorities having title, control, or jurisdiction are authorized to make the necessary transfer of said parcels of land to the District of Columbia for street purposes . SEC . 3 . That the Commissioners of the District of Columbia are authorized to close, vacate, and abandon the portion of Michigan Avenue known and designated as Parcel D, containing sixty-nine thousand three hundred and thirty-six square feet, and Parcel H, containing seven thousand two hundred and seventy-nine square feet, as shown on map filed in the office of the surveyor of the Dis- trict of Columbia and numbered as map 1429, title to said parcels so closed, vacated, and abandoned to revert in fee simple to the owner or owners of the parcel numbered on the assessment records of the District of Columbia as parcel 120/1, said closing of said street and the transfer of title thereto to be upon the condition and with the express stipulation that the owner or owners of said parcel 1543 Report to House Ju- diciary Committee . Clerical, etc ., as sis t- anc e, and exp ens es, autho rize d . Proviso . Expenditures limited . March 4, 1929 .
[S. 5843.] [Public, No . 1010 .] District of Colum- bia . Michigan Avenue . Relocation of, from Franklin Street to Lin- coln Road . Portion vacated and transferred to Soldiers' Home grounds . Soldiers' Home grounds . Use of part of, for stree t pur pose s. Transfer auth orized . Desig nate d portion of Michigan Avenue vacated . Reversion in f ee sim- ple to owners of desig- nated parcels. Condition .