Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1607

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1556 March 4, 1929. [S. 2594.] [Public, No . 1022.1 Sh ip Island Light- hou se Reservation, Miss. Portion transferred to Shi p Is land Mili tary Res erva tion . Military reservation to be appraised and sold . Vol. 44, p. 205 . e March 4, 1929 .

[S. 150 .] [Public, No. 1023 .1 Naval Reserve Fares and Ma rine Corps R e- serve . Mil eage to be paid for mer offic ers of, f or travel to their homes, when released from ac- tive duty, etc ., at other places. .P rov iso . Applicable on ly to releases prior to July 1, 1922 . March 4, 1929 . [S . 5512 .] CHAP. 696 .-An Act To provide recognition for meritorious service by mem- [Public, No. 1024 .] bers of the police and fire departments of the District of Columbia . Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the Unit ed St ates of Amer ica in Cong ress ass embl ed, That for the official recognition of outstanding acts in the line of duty by the me mbers of the pol ice and fire dep artments of the District of Colu m- bia there shall be awarded annually one gold medal and one silver medal, appropriately inscribed, to those two members of each department who have by outstanding or conspicuous services ea rned suc h aw ards . Comm ittee to ma ke SEC. 2. The awards shall be ma de annually by a committee of awards,

five persons, consisting of the head of each department and three civilians appointed by the commissioners of said District


Preference to hold- serve wi tho ut compensation on such committee of award . ers thereof in making SEC. 3. When promotions are being made in the departments the promotions .

holders of such medals shall be preferred to other members of said departments, other things being equal . District of Columbia. Medals to be awarde d annually, to two mem- bers each of police and fi re departments for conspicuously meritori- ous services . SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SESS. II . CHs . 694-696 . 1929 . CHAP. 694.-An Act Transferring a portion of the lighthouse reservation, Ship Island, Mississippi, to the jurisdiction and control of the War Department . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the U nited State s of Americ a in Congr ess as sembl ed, That so much of the lighthouse reservation, Ship Island, Mississippi, as the Secretary of Commerce deems unnecessary for lighthouse purposes is trans- ferred to and made a part of Ship Island Military Reservation under th e juri sdict ion a nd con trol of th e Secr etary of War. Su ch Sh ip Island Military Reservation, wi th the portion of the Ship Island lighthouse reservation hereby made a part of it, shall be reappraised and disposed of subject to all the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act authorizing the use for permanent construction at military posts of the proceeds from the sale of surplus War Department real pro perty, a nd autho rizing t he sale of certa in milit ary rese rvations , and for other purposes," approved March 12, 1926 . Approved, March 4, 1929 . C H A P . 695 .-An Act For the relief of former officers of the United States Naval Reserve Force and the United States Marine Corps Reserve who were released from active duty and disenrolled at places other than their homes or pla ces of enroll ment . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the General Ac counti ng Of fice is hereby authorized to pay mile age at the rate of 8 cents per mile, computed by the shortest usually traveled route, fo r trav el ac tuall y perf ormed with in one year from date and p lace of release from active duty or disenrollment to their homes or places of enrollment, to such former officers of the United States Naval Re serve Force or U nited States Marine Corps Reserve who have been released from active service or disenrolled under honorable conditions and not at his own request at places other than their homes or places of enrollment, upon the presentation by such former officers of satis- factory evidence showing that they actually performed such travel to their homes or places of enrollment : Provided, That the provisions of this Act shall be applicable only to former officers of the United States Naval Reserve For ce or United States Marine Cor ps Re se rve who we re actually released fr om active du ty or disenrolled un der honorable conditions prior to July 1, 1922 . Approved, March 4, 1929 .