Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1625

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1574 Yuma Reservation, Calif .

. Advancing charges, on land s of, and in Ariz . Vol.36,p.1063. Fo rt Hall Reserva- tion, Idaho. Operation . Koo te nai Indians, Idaho . Drainage of all ot- ments . Ante, p. 938. R.E. Hansen. Reimbursement. Post, p. 2027. Sac and Fox Indians in Iowa . Drainage of lands . Provisos . Reim burs ement fro m proc eeds of l ands bene- fited . Lien agai nst, but not enforceable, while title in Indians . Lands sold subject to lien . Fort Belknap Reser- vat ion . Operating, etc . Vol . 36, p . 270. Flathead Reserva- tion, Mont . Construction. Vol. 44, pp. 464, 945. Ante, p . 212. Balances available . Proviso . Power plant balance may be used for power distributing system . Ante, p. 212. Fo rt Peck Reserva- tion, Mont . Operating divisions of systems on . SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SESS. II. CFI. 705. 1929 . equipment therefor to provide water for the irrigation of lands and for dom estic purpose s for the San Carlos Indian s and shall re main available for the fiscal years 1930 and 1931 . For reclamation and maintenance charges on Indian lands within the Yuma Reservation, California, and on ten acres within each of the eleven Yuma homestead entries in Arizona, under the Yuma reclamati on project, $3 3,800, reimbu rsable as pro vided by the A ct of March 3, 1911 (36 Stat., p . 1063) . For improvements, maintenance, and operation of the Fort Hall irrigation system, Idaho, including $4,500 for replacement of build- ing s dest royed by fir e, wh ich sh all be imme diatel y avai lable, $28,500. For the purpose of carrying out the provisions of the Act approved May 29, 1928 (45 Stat ., p. 938), to provide reclamation of Kootenai Indian allotments in Idaho within the exterior boundaries of drainage districts that may be benefited by drainage works of such districts, $114,000, reimbursable as provided for and subject to the provisions and conditions of such Act . To reimburse R . E . Hansen for destruction of crops, $2,480.65, payable out of funds received from the sale of stored water in the Blackfoot Reservoir, Fort Hall irrigation project, Idaho, as author- ized by the Act of May 29, 1928 (45 Stat., pt. 2, p. 327) . For the construction of a drainage system for lands of the Sac and Fox Indians in Iowa, $10,000 : Provided, That said amount or so much thereof as may be used in the construction of the drainage system sh all be reimbur sed to the Un ited States f rom the procee ds of leases covering the Indian lands benefited by the drainage work, and the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to lease such lands for periods not in excess of five years, and the proceeds derived therefrom shall be used for payment of the cost of said work and the balance placed in the Treasury to the credit of the Indians, to bear interest at the rate of 4 per centum per annum : Provided fur- ther, That there is hereby created against such lands a first lien which lien shall not be enforced during the period that the title to such lands remains in the Indians, but that in case of sale of any such lands said l ands s hall be sold s ubject to the first lien h erein c reated, and a recital of said lien shall be made in all patents or deeds issued for any lands benefited under the drainage ditch . For maintenanc e and operati on, including repairs of th e irriga- tion systems on the Fort Belknap Reservation, in Montana, $15,000, reimbursable in accordance with the provisions of the Act of April 4, 1910 (36 Stat., p. 270). The unexpended balance of the appropriation for continuing construction of the irrigation systems on the Flathead Indian Reser- vation, Montana, contained in the Act of May 10, 1926 (44 Stat ., pp . 464-466), as continued available in the Act of January 12, 1927 . (44 Stat ., p . 945), and the Act of March 7, 1928 (45 Stat ., p . 212), shall remain available for the fiscal year 1930, subject to the reimbursable and oth er conditions and provision s of said Act s : Pro vid ed, T h at not more than $10,000 of the unexpended balance of $395,000 made available by the Act of March 7, 1928 (45 Stat ., p . 212), for the construction of a power distributing system and for purchase of power, or for construct ion of power plant, shall be available f or operation and maintenance, and $40,000 shall be available for con- struction of laterals near Ronan . For maintenance and operation, until January 1, 1930, of the Poplar River, Little Porcupine, and Big Porcupine divisions of the irrigation systems on the Fort Peck Indian Reservation in Mon- tana, by and under the direction of the Commissioner of Indian