Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1743

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS. SEss . II. CH. 707 . 1929 . For "Office of corporation counsel, District of Columbia, 1929," $6,400. For " Coroner's office, District of Columbia, 1929," $800. For " Office of sup erinte ndent of wei ghts, measure s, and marke ts, District of Columbia, 1929," $4,300 . For " Salaries, highways department, District of Columbia, 1929," $15 .500 . For " Sala ries, sewe r dep artm ent, Distr ict of Co lumbi a, 1929," $13,000 . For " Salaries, trees and parking department, District of Columbia, 1929," $1,500. For " Office of chief clerk, engineer department, District of Colum- bia, 1929," $1,500 . For " Central garage, District of Columbia, 1929," $300 . For " Municipal architect's office, District of Columbia, 1929," $5,200 . For "Public Utilities Commission, District of Columbia, 1929," $4,300 . For " Depa rtment of in suranc e, Dis trict of Colu mbia, 19 29," $1, 400 . For " Surveyor's office, District of Columbia, 1929," $5,100 . For " Office of dir ector of tra ffic, Distri ct of C olumbi a, 1929," $1,800. For " Salarie s, fre e Publ ic Lib rary, Distri ct of C olumbi a, 1929 ." $20,000. For " Office of register of wills, District of Columbia, 1929," $4,100 . For " Office of recorder of deeds, District of Columbia, 1929," $8,020 . Total, general expenses, $148,120 . CONTINGENT AND MI SCE LLA NEO US EXPENSES Employment service . For "Public employment service, District of Columbia, 1929," $360. STREET AND ROAD IMPROVEMENT AND REPAIR Highway Bridge .

For " R epair and main tenan ce of brid ges, Dist rict of C olumb ia, 1929 " (Highway Bridge across Potomac River), $1,320 . COLLECT ION AND DISPO SAL OF REFUSE For " Colle ction and disp osal of re fuse , Dis trict of C olum bia, 192 9," $10, 400 . PUBLIC PLAYGROUNDS City refuse . Electrical Depart- ment . Public schools. Police . Public playgrounds .

" Playgrounds, District of Columbia, 1929 " : Personal services, $11,500 ; school playgrounds, $2,250 ; in all, $13,750 . ELECTR ICAL DEPA RTMENT For "Electrical Department, District of Columbia, 19 29," $10 ,080 . PUBLIC SCHOOLS " Public School s, Dis trict of Col umbia, 1929 " : For personal serv- ices of clerks and other employees, $10,000 ; care of buildings and grounds (salaries), $92,000 ; in all, $102,000 . METROPOLITAN POLICE `` Metropolitan police, District of Columbia, 1929 " : For personal services in accordance with the Classification Act of 1923, as amended, $3 .700 ; house of detention (personal services), $950 ; in all, $4,650 .