Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1761

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Appro~ontlnued. authorileci for enrployment of county , . e :rtenslon agents, etc., for reb&- '~t&~'rarm l&nds,deV8ltated , byfk;0d8 of 1927___ .:.',, ________ _ ~~rative exped!lnentl·· a\" EIouth CSr()lin& . ~'Jhperi­ JDet1t 8tJIiU~!'~ _ .. ';' __ ';': __ Mexican water botiD\f&rY,iI4ditiotIaL additio~ buUdingsiif?anta ~o~ca; 0aIIf•• 8cIIdler8' 0IIMr.;. __·__ __ _ _ · ,.coDlltl'ucCiOJki:·at'dealguted military j, posts,ek_• ___ • _____________ _ pariiclipatil\S .in. lntep!aUonal Dairy · COngress, in Great Britain ____ _ UDupeDded. bailaIicee due' Wisconsin . Pottawatomie IndianS________ _ tabklt jn mmlorial tosoldien killed at battle '01 PerrYville, Ky ___ _ panicipatina;' iJ), .• ~uicentennial oelebration or disoovery of Hawaiian ISlands____________ _ est!'00:56, 25 September 2010 (UTC)00:56, 25 September 2010 (UTC)00:56, 25 September 2010 (UTC) paJibut exjlenaeii incident to. recovery ~ olbodiee;cfTarmstroBot (talk)' soldiers, and ~.m1.'. . ,emPI~.:::----- . e quippb l."iIi ..C)~ b.uU ~- ~ilwt 8erVicee of women .... p~\C~J~d~W:rdttioDk;FOrl ,. nmouth Military Reaerva- · ., '..,Uon,·N.J____.._~_____ - __;.____ .,eSppnae8 of dispOsition of :remains of

.... Army om~! ~men, etc.,

" .' inOIU~AmiY NU1'8e COrps___ _ · . ' I.'e6Overy~.. added--------- 'trUafer of ' Coma ~ng plant to ·,permanent alta at Wright Field, . . Dayton}Ohio... ___ "' __________ _ horiicultUral . experimenfiIJ in dis- , ·tributing' ~ .cuttinp of ·f;~1etc., b. semlAri."d lands___ _ c()~'I1c1lOD ·aI ~ ACfOII8 Lummi pTarmstroBot (talk)rvath~~f1!.--~ .' .', .lDarck rnt.s:t~,~ e~,~~, ~ • ; .r~. at~:f..,t.'l'eDD .. ~ __ ... .. __ -_ co~~':.~Iat; etc••. Fori FortBici~mo!tcaHt:;h(;Pi~= BOhool.~.. --:..------------ Burve1Bl et,., . .,~ feulbillty of irri- · ptnW='.' icha.uddivision, ~rt . '. tioa. Idaho__ _ .eTarmstroBot (talk)=rn~= , :tipu,~ ~ ~------~ bOY~s=tTarmstroBot (talk).00:56, 25 September 2010 (UTC)~ partioi~iIIg , .. Sec.oDd Pan American ConfereD,~ oJ]. HighwaY8- ____ _ stwb, eWfl; ,;01 "~nl Kings "¥6~"'Wefieldi s. C ___ _ eooperattve ,eQnelolloal researches _0JI8,.~~, Jndiapa, with States, eW~ ___ ~·_·____________ _ payment ·w,Gennany, in behalf of deceased, Garinans, lIIt&IIleD ·on - ~fioAlubiPB:-____ ~ _______ ~_ paying part fl}l' ,oonatruotinl road on _ Cro" ~Reservation, Mont., fr!>~ tribal (linds _________ ,, __ _ INDEX. p .... AppropNatiom-Contlnued. 1'.... authorized for ')a!i!g Govemment . ' road, Saint , Tenn., to Roaa· . ville, ()a_____________________ 430 53 camp ndlroad, Camp McClellan, AIa. _________________________ 430 " land &Dd'b~ in southem 'Great 57 '·PlaiDa area, or trees, eto_____ -' _ 431 60 uuuauy, 'for" propaptiOD" experf-§;n~MODic8: 431 '61 CaUf; Volua eel' ldien' Home_ 447 129 taxee to OkanOgall County, Wash., for tues on'trust allotted coI- 148 vUle Indiao landa In. __ ___ __ __ _ 447 establishinR, etc., Bear River Migra- 159 tory Bird &luge in Utah______ 450 purchase of l&nda far conservation 160 of navigable waters, etc________ 468 study, .de!0 provide means tod!l'e- vent truction of fish by ov- 247 ernment ditches, etc___________ 478 payment to· Great Britain as indem- 248 nity for death of Reginald Ethel~rt M~-------------- 484 military roads, Presidio of San 248 Franeisco, Calif_______________ 484 9jlellBe& of conference of concilia- tion aDd arbitration at Wash- 250 ington during 1928 or 1929_____ 487 payment to China 81 indemnit~ for deaths of Chang LiD and ong 251 Huan,Yah_____• _____________ 488 paying Dominican Republio as in- demnity for death of Juan 251 Soriano _____________________ 488 250 payment to China as indemnity for injuries to Sun Jui-chiD ________ 488 payment to Great Britain as tn- 299 demnity for death CIt Edwin Tuoker, a Briti.Bb 8ubjeet.. __ __ _ _ 489 payment to Netherlands; as indem- 323 ·~1 ~~d:~:~~:~I00:56, 25 September 2010 (UTC)~ 489 366 malntenance of Gorpa Memorial Laboratory at Panama l)r 366 Canal Zone, permanently______ 491 erection of tablet at Medicine Lodge, 369 Kans., to commemorate&:oe treaties made there with owa, 374 etc.• India:aa, in 1867__________ 492 375 pavi(f.~_~~:~:~_~~_~: 493 375 road construction Zuni Indian Res- ervatiODtN. Mex _____________ 501 377 payment to ranee for co11isl.on dam- ~'i:~tdne'~~c_~ __ 00:56, 25 September 2010 (UTC) 512 378 removing Confederate monument, etc.hsto Garfield Park, Indian- 401 apo ,from Greenlawn Ceme- tery__________ ~ ______________ 533 403 project for oontrol at' MissilBippi River, etc., ,ftoods_____________ 535 413 agricultural stations, Hawaii; 193~ li41____• _______ ~ ____________ 572 cooperative agiioultur8l atenslon work, increased annually__ • ___ _ 572 413 purchase of land Selfridge FIeld, !4icbL ___________________ ~ _ __ 572 414 purchase of land in HaWaii, for Army heavy artillery firing installa- tions____ ~. _________________ ~ 572 429 bridge and 1'08d; Boo})a Valley In- dian Reservation, Calif ________ 590