Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/177

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss . I . Cg. 87. 1928 . Agreement-Contd . ART ICLE XV III The States of New York and Vermont do hereby pledge themselves, and it is hereby agreed with those subscribing to the obligations issued by the Lake Champlain Bridge Commission for the construction of such bridge and incidental purposes, that the States will not authorize the construction or maintenance of any other highway crossing for vehicular traffic over Lake Cham- plain between the two States in competition with the said bridge, nor will it limit or alter the rights vested in the Lake Champlain Bridge Commission to establish and levy such charges and tolls it may deem convenient and necessary to produce ,sufficient revenue to meet the expenses of maintenance and operation and to fulfill the terms of the obligations assumed by it in relation to such bridge until the said obligations, together with interest thereon, are fully met and discharged : Provided, That such crossings shall be consid ered a s comp etitiv e with such bridge only i f they shall form a highway connection for vehicular traffic between the two States across Lake Champlain within a distance of twenty-five miles from such bridge . The provisions of this article, when approved by the two States, shall constitute an agreement between the two States for the benefit of those lending money to the Lake Champlain Bridge Commission for the construction of such bridge, and the Lake Champlain Bridge Commission may include in the bonds or other evidences of its obligations issued by it for the construction of the said bridge, or incidental purposes, such part of this agreement as shall seem proper as evidence of the foregoing agreement made by the two States with the holders of the said bonds or oth er obl igatio ns . ARTI CLE X IX The States agree that the construction of the said bridge herein authorized be by contract to be executed as follows The Lake Champlain Bridge Commission shall advertise for proposals for the construction of such bridge according to the plans , spec ificat ions, and es timate approv ed by it the refor . T h e adver tiseme nt sha ll be limite d to a brief descri ption of the work proposed to be done, with an announcement stating where the maps, plans, specifications, and estimate may be seen, the terms and conditions under which proposals will be received, the time and place where the same shall be opened, and such other matters as the Lake Champlain Bridge Commission may deem advisable to include therein . Such advertisement shall be published at least once in each week for two successive weeks in such newspapers as the Lake Champlain Bridge Commission may designate . Each proposal shall specify the gross sum for which the work will be performed, and shall also include the amount to be charged for each item specified in the estimate . The Lake Champlain Bridge Com mission may prescribe and furnish forms f or the submission of such proposals, which shall be sealed, and may prescribe the manner of submitting the same, which shall not be inconsistent herewith . Accompanying each proposal there shall be a draft or certified check for 3 per centum of the amount of the gross sum bid, which check, in case such proposal be accepted, shall be retained by the Lake Champlain Bridge Commission until the contract, and the bond hereinafter provided for, shall have been duly execut ed, wh ereupo n such check shall be ret urned to the bidder . In case the bidder, to whom the contract shall be awarded, shall fail to execute such contract and bond, the money represented by such draft or certified check shall be regarded as liquidated