Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1826

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INDEX. Dilttrict of Columbia-Continued. Paae. appropriation for salaries, executive office ______________________ 645,1262 compensation of Engineer Com- JD18sioner _________________ 645, 1262 salaries limited to average rates under Classification AcL _ _ _ 645, 1262 if only on'9 position in a grade_ 645, 1262 advances in unusually meritorious cases _____________________ 645,1262 restriction not applicable to cleri- cal-mechanical service______ 645,1263 no reduction in fixed salaries___ 645, 1263 payments under higher rate., per- mitte~ ___________________ 645,1263 for purchasing division _________ 645,1263 for building inspection division __ 645,1263 for plumbing inspection division_ 645, 1263 for care, etc., District Building_ _ 646, 1263 restriction on additional engineers, etc_______________________ 646, 1263 for operating expenses __________ 648, 1263 for elevators. safety, etc., devices_ _ _ 1263 for assessor's office _____________ 646, 1263 license tax required for practice of phrenology___________________ 646 for collector's office ____________ 646, 1263 for auditor's office _____________ 646, 1263 for corporation counsel's office ___ 646, 1263 for coroner's office _____________ 646,1264 morgue wharf reconstruction_ _ ___ 646 for superintendent of weights, meas- ures, and markets__________ 646,1264 Western Market repairs and equip- ment________________________ 647 for highways department _______ 647,1264 shops construction, etc__________ 1264 for sewer department___________ 647,1264 for trees and parking depart- ment _____________________ 641, 1264 for en~neer department, office of chief clerk ________________ 647,1264 for central garage______________ 647,1264 for municipal architect's office ___ 647, 1264 apportionment for services of draftsmen, etc., on construction work _____________________ 64~ 1264 for Public Utilities Commission __ 647, 1265 for board of examiners, steam en- gineers ___________________ 647,1265 for insurance department _______ t}47, 1265 for surveyor's office ____________ 648,1265 for Employees' Compensation Fund _____________________ 64 ~ 1265 for compensation to injured employ- ees__________________________ 1265 for Director of Traffic's office ____ 648, 1265 for free publ!c library __________ 648,1265 library stations restrictioDe_ ___ 648, 1265 establishing northeastern branch_ 1266 rent of branches _____________ 648, 1266 for office of register of wills _____ 648, 1266 for recorder of deeds' office______ 648,1266 amount for recopying old land records______________________ 1266 rent of offices_ __ _ _ _____________ 1266 for contingent, etc., expenses ____ 649, 1266 for printing and binding ________ 649,1267 discontinuance of printing reports, preservation of originals_ ______ 649 for motor vehicles, maintenance, etc_______________________ 649, 1267 District oj Columbia-Continued. Paae. appropriation for allowance for private- ly owned motor vehicles ____ 649,1267 regulation for use of vehicles, etc_________________________ 650,1267 expenses of horses, etc. ,limited_ 650, 1267 payment for fire insurallce for- bidden ___________________ 650,1267 specific telephones allowed ____ 650,1267 for postage____________________ 650,1268 for car fares, etc.; limitation _____ 650, 1268 for judicial expenses ____________ 650,1268 for advertising... ____________ ~ __ _ 650,1268 taxBaleadvertisin~----------- 650,1268 fOT employment servl(:e _________ 651,1268 for tablets to mark ilistoric places_ 651, 1268 foremergencyfund ____________ 651,1268 for refund of erroneo\UI collections_ 651, 1269 for aid! National Conference of Com- JD18siorers on Uniform State Laws_____________________ 651, 1269 for assessment and permit work; street improvements.._ . ____ __ 651, 1269 for paving roadways; permit sys- tem ______________________ 651,1269 f9r street and road improvements, under gasoline, etc., tax fund_ 651, 1269 for Sixteenth Street, Alaska Avenue to Kalmia Rooo ___________ .___ G52 for widening, etc., Wisconsin Ave- nue, River Road to District line_ 653 for v:idening.l . etc_, Connecticut Ave- nue, M I:>treet to Dupont Circle_ 655 for widening and repaving_ Seven- teenth Street NW., H to K Streets_ ________ ________ __ __ _ 6'l5 for widening Connecticut Avenue NW. Florida Avenue to Colum- . bia &ad____________________ 655 for widening Water Street NW., Wis- consin Avenue to Thirty-fifth Street_______________________ 655 for widening east side of Seventh _ Street NW., Massachusett" to New York Avenueil__________ 655 for widening Fourteenth Street !;W. Park Road to Monroe Street __ . 655 for widening Tenth Street NW_, If Street to New York Avenue___ _ 655 for widening H Street NW., Seven- teenth Street to Pennsylvania Avenue______________________ 655 former provisions repealed____ ____ 655 assessment of 40 per cent of cost of widening, etc., agaiDlit abutting property_____________________ 655 for grading streets, etc.; under gaso- line tax fund_ _ ___ __ __________ 12'/2 for surfacing block pavements, UD- paved center strips of paved roadways, etc.; under gasoline taxfund_____________________ 1272 for minor changes to facilitate traf- fic; under gasoline tax funeL_ 650, 1272 for curbs, gutters, etc.; under gaso- line tax fund ______________ 656,1272 disbursed from gasoline tax fund__ 656, 1272 fund restricted to specified im- pr.Jvements________________ 656, 1272 assessments in accordance with existing law_______________ 656,1272 priority to through thorough- faroo ______________________ 656,1272