Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1829

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!xxviii INDEX. INtrict oj Colu1llbio-Continued. Faa de1icJenoy aI;'propriation for Providence HospltaL ________________ 892,1631 for Garfield Hospital ___________ 892, 1631 for Georgetown University H08J>i- tal_______________________ 892,1631 for Home for Incurables___________ 892 for G~r MuniciI;'al Hospital- _ _ _ 892 for National Training School for . Girls________________________ 892 for District TraiDing SChool. ___ __ __ 892 for 01:07, 25 September 2010 (UTC)TarmstroBot (talk)_TarmstroBot (talk)_TarmstroBot (talk)e~ for payment to abandoned families __ for transportatioD of paupers______ _ for I!ark police __________________ _ for Zoological Park______________ _ for completing two bathing pools.. _ _ _ for Howard University dormitory for 892 893 893 893 893 893 youn'women________________ 904 for acquisItion of certain lands in, as sites for public buildings_______ 925 for care, e~'l publio grounds_______ 933 for Center Market_ _______________ 1609 for rent, etc., of temporary quarters; for Government offici&ls_______ 1614 for model of proposed Government buildin~81n the triangle_______ 1614 for cooperative vocational rehabilita- tion of disabled residents of. 1626, 1628 for special investigations, etc., 1929 and 1930; accounting__________ 1628 for investigating, etc., I?ropoeed Gravelly Point airport 8lte_____ 1628 for ~hwlioY Bridge, repairs________ 1629 for bndges, conskuction and repair, from unexpended balance, fiaoal year 1928____________________ 1629 for sewers______________________ :.. _ 1629 for House of Detention____________ 1629 for maintenance of public order, inaugural period, 1929_________ 1629 forsupreme court, additionala alaries, 1929________________________ 1630 for support of jail prisoners________ 1630 for~ormatory------------------- 1630 for sup~rt of indigent insane______ 1631 TarmstroBot (talk) ~~n:~=ng;-and--hbiic 1631 Parks_______________________ 1631 for water department_____________ 1631 for aid to Grand Army of the Repub- lio, Memorial day services______ 1632 for Economics Building Company, reimbursement_______________ 1662 for acquisition of trianale properties, as sites for public 6uildings; bal- ance reappropriated______ . _. __ 1663 for general expenses, salaries, 1929__ 1691 acquiring sites for, and constructing, municipal center, authorized___ 1408 acquisition authorized of land in, for use of United States___________ 1415 by Federal authorities by condem- nation_______ ._ ___ __ __ ___ __ __ 1415 proceedings in rem to be brought in District Supreme Court hold- ing special term as a district court _______________________ 1415 petition to be filed; papers annexed thereto_ ____ ___ ___ ___________ 1415 prayer for condemnation and vest- ing title in United States______ 1416 public notice of proceedings and parties eited to appear_________ 1418 INCrict 01 Columbia--Continued. acquisition authorized of land in; pub- lic notice of proceedings, descrip- tion of lands; newspaper publi- cation_______________________ _ personal notice to residents; by mail to nonresidents__________ _ default in appearance, deemed .. consent to taking the lands, etc_ persons claiming any right, etc., to the land may be permitted to ap~ in the proceedings_____ _ guardians ad litem b for persons

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declaration of taking the lands for United States use, to be filed; accompanying~ pa~ etc_____ _ title to vest in United !:States upon filing of, and estimated com- pensation deposited in registry of the court_________________ _ upon application, money in registry of the court may be paid forth- with________________________ _ if award exceeds deposit, judgment for deficiency to be entered____ _ trial proceedings, when persons sum- moned have answered, etc., on date to be set _______________ _ drawing and impaneling of jury; oath and qualifications _______ _ vi«;w of ~nds by jury before hear- mg eVidence. ________________ _ procedure; evidence of party claiming interest may be submitted as to value, etc___________________ _ no alterations to enhance value after proceedings instituted, to be taken into consideration____ _ exception to rulings allowed_____ _ verdict to be returned in open court; contents ______________ _ court may set aside, and grant new trial________________________ _ Dew panel to be drawn, and cause proceeded with anew______.__ _ _ time limit for motion for new trial, etc.; if none made, verdict to stand and judgment entered___ _ judgment for sum awarded as just compeuaation, entered against United States, when verdict be- comes final __________________ _ payment provisions ____________ _ appeals allowed; title in United States not delayed thereby____ _ payment into registry of court ad- jud~ed as compensation_______ _ title 1D United States declared upon _______________________ _ money deemed vested in owners of; determination of parties______ _ provisions for delivery of lands; writ of &BBistance if possession not delivered ____________________ _ court may allow amendments at any stage of tile proceedings ______ _ authorized to make ne~ orders, etc________________ : __ pending proceedings not affected hereby______________________ _ in condemnation suits, if appraise- ment commissioners have not been appointed, trial, etc., to be accordmg to this Act_________ _ Faa 1416 1416 1416 1416 1417 1417 1417 1417 1417 1418 1418 1418 1418 1419 1419 1419 1419 1419 1419 1420 1420 1420 1420 1420 1420 1421 1421 1421 1421 1421