Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1832

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INDEX. lxxxi DKmct 01 ColumlM Code Amendmem- p .. .. Continued. Sec. Ill0. - Supreme court clerk's fees DlodWaed_____________________ 410 Diatrict of ColumbiG, Colli/fling Law., re- lating to, deficie~ClY appropriation for e:q>enses of House CODlDlittee on Revision of the Laws, in completion oL_ 1608 Diatrict oj Columbia, CommiNioMr" appropriation for salaries, office of_ _ __ 1262 defiCiency -appropriation for special fund (or use of, conducting in- vestigations, etc______________ 1628 accounting_____________________ 1628 amount authorized, for Dl&intaining -_. . .- order, etc., at presidential in- augural cereDlomes, etc_ _______ ll46 area for enlarging Capitol Grounds to be transferred to Architect of the Capitol, by___________________ 1695 teInporary retention of streets and roadwars, allowed____________ 1695 authority of, m connection with cere- Dlonies at inauguration of Presi- den~ 1929___________________ 1140 authorized to discontinue 8uits for re- fund of expenses grading, etc., First Street east, due to subsi- dence by constructing railroad tunnels thereunder____________ 398 amount to be paid by railroads in relo~:TarmstroBot (talk),m-Av-e~-;;,-ir,m;f~r 398 portion to Soldiers' Home grounds, etc__________________ 11543 provisions authorizing, to settle claims and suits against the District__ ll60 District oj Columbia Code oj LaWIJ, bills relating to proposed, authorized to be printed_________________ 1007 copies of, when completed, to be con- clusive evidence of the origina.ls_ 1007 distribution of, when completed, and supplements_________________ 1007 no slip copies to be_printed-------- 1007 to be separatepartsof Statutesat Large_ 1007 additional bound copies to be printed, etc.; distribution ______ ~______ 1008 one copy of, and SUl>.plementB to each Senator and Representative at first session of a Congress; for personaluse _________________ 1008 no Dlore than, during his tefDl of servicc______________________ 1008 additional annual appropriation for, authorized___________________ 1008 Diatrict 0/ Columbia Law., appropriation for employment by House CoDlDlittee on Revision of the Laws, of assistance in compiling and codifying; unexpended bal- ance available________________ 521 Diatrict 0/ Columbia Traffic Act, operators permits issued without charge to enlisted men of Army, etc., for operating Government ve- hicle on official business________ 1226 Diatrict Training School, D. C., appropriation for personal services. 675,1292 for maintenance, etc____________ 675,1292 for repairs, etc_________________ 675,1292 for water supply__________________ 675 for bridge across Little Patuxent ltiver_______________________ 675 DUtrict Training Sc1aoo~ D.C .- Continued. p .. . . appropriation for power house, boiler___ 675 for schoolrooms and dormitories fur- nishing, etc__________________ 675 for motor dump truck_____________ 1292 for employees' building, construction, etc__________________________ 1292 for constructing two silos__________ 1292 for purcilase of additional land_ _ _ _ _ 1292 for constructing residence for super- intendent____________________ 1292 deficienoy appro}2l"iation for outhouses_ 892 Dividends (.ee al80 Revenue Act of 1928), inforDl&tion of payments of, etc., re- quired of corporations_________ 837 licenses required for collecting payments of foreign, etc _______________ _ punishment for transacting busineas without.____________________ _ Diving, Navy, 838 838 additional pay to enlisted Dlen on duty of__ _________________________ 412 erlra for salvage operations in depths over 90 feet____________ 412 Division Avenue NE., D. C., appropriation for grading, Ames to Blaine Streets_ _______________ 655 Dixon1 1U., 63 briage authorized acroas Rock River, at Document Room, HOUIJe 0/ Reprl18entotiHB, appropriation for superintendent, El- Dler A. Lewis, aasistants, etc_ 522, 1392 Document Room, Senate, appropriation for superintendent, as- sistants,etc_______________ 617.1387 Dodge City, Kam., " deficiency appropriation for public building at___________________ 1667 DOm/18tic Commerca (.u also Forei- .l l1 and Domestic Commerce Bureau, Department of Comme~), appropriation for investigations, etc., of raw Dl&terisls and Dl&nufac- tures in____________________ 87,1118 Dominican RIlP1A.blic, appropriation fOl' Dlinister to _______ 65,1096 deficiency appropriation fQ1: indemnity to, for death of Juan Soriano, citizen of.___________________ 912 payDlent directed to, as indemnity for death of Juan Soriano, killed by Marine Corps airplane_ _ _ _ _ ___ 488 Dominion 0/ Canada (.ee alao Canada), appropriation for Dlinister to_______ 65, 1096 Donna Bridge Company, may bridge Rio Grande, at Donna, Tex_________________________ 1182 consent of Mexico required_________ 1182 Donna, Tex., . bridge authorized acroas Rio Grande, at___________________________ 1182 consent of Mexico required. _ __ _ __ _ _ 1182 Donora, Pa., deficiency appropriation for post office, etc. J • cODlpletion ______________ _ 32 Doorkeeper, n ouse 0/ Reprl18entativl18 appropriation for, special employee, measengers, etc ____________ 522,1392 janitors of coDlDlittees placed under, after close of COngresa. __ __ _ 522, 1392 Door-kuper, Senate (8ee Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper, Senate). Douglas, Ariz., deficiency appropriation for public buildirig_____________________ 920