Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1837

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lxxxvi INDEX. Bmploymem 0/ Minors, D. C. - Continued. Pap. action of court, etc., for subsequent violations_______ _____________ 1005 supervision by probation officer of juvenile court_ _______________ 1005 revocation of badge, etc__________ 1005 notification to parent, etc________ 1005 effect of. _ _ ______________________ 1005 refusal to surrender a violation of this Act_____________________ 1005 person offering an article to be sold in a public place, to a minor under 16, must ascertain if minor wears his if =TarmstroBot (talk)-no-aiticie-tO-b8 1005 furnmhed____________________ 1005 punishment for failure to comply, etc.; for first offense___________ 1005 for any subsequent offense_______ 1006 punishment (or permitting violations by minor under his controL_______ 1006 loitering of boys under 16 around news- paper offices during school hours not to be permitted by publishers, etc__________________________ 1006 punmhment for permitting_________ 1006 inspectors, etc., to be appointed by Board of Education___________ 1006 competitive examination, etc., lor___ 1006 jurisdiction given juvenile court in all cases arising under this Act_ ___ 1006 former child labor Act, etc., repealed_ _ 1006 invalidity of any provmion, not to affect validity of remainder of Act____ 1006 supervision, etc., of the Board Of Edu- cation______________________ _ 1006 effective July 1, 1928________________ 1006 BmploYment SenJice, D. C., appropriation for mainteuance, etc_ 651. 1268 deficiency appropriation for mainte- nance, 1929__________________ 1692 Employment SffI'Vice, Depart"""" of Labor, appropriation for fostering, etc., welfare of wage earners, etc________ 100, 1139 objects designated ___________ 100.1139 deficiency appropriation for __________ 47 for salaries, 192fL_________________ 1685 Engineer Commisaioner's Ojfice, D. C., appropriation for office personneL _ 647, 1264 for central garage______________ 647,1264 Engineer CorpB, Army (Bee Engineer De- partment, Army). Bngineer Depart"""", Army, appropriation for civilian personnel, Office of Chief of Engmeers_ 326,1349 draftsmen, etc_______________ 326,1349 for printing and binding, under Chief of Engineers_______________ 327,1351 for fortifications, seacoast defenses United States _____________ 336,1359 insular posse8Bions~ _________ _ 336, 1359 PanamaCan.l___ ___ ___ ____ __ 336,1360 for expenses of depots __________ 341, 1363 for maintenance of Engineer SchooL 341, 1363 travel expenses of officers for in- struction__________________ 341,1364 for equipment of troops_________ 341, 1364 for operations in the field ________ 341,1364 allowance for purchase of options on materials_______________ 341,1364 temporary construction for train- ingonly __________________ 341,1364 Engineer Department, Army-O:)Dtlnued. p . . .. appropriation for military surveys and maps _____________________ ~ 1364 assmtance of other Government agencies_ ___ _________________ 342 for care, etc., Washington's birth- place_____________________ 358,1379 for California ~bria COmm~on___ 358, 1379 for roads, bridaes, etc., Alaska___ 358,1379 for regulating 1.owf)1l Creek, Alaska, for protecting adjacent Govern- ment property________________ 358 for rivers and harbors, immediately available___________ " _ __ _ _ _ 858,1379 for Miami harbor; reimbursement__ _ 358 for maintenance, etc., of exiating projects___" _______________ 358,1379 for survey of northern and northwest- ern lakes, ·etf> ______________ 358,1379 for examinations, surveys, etc., of au- thorized projects___________ 359,1380 for preventing injurious deposits, New York harbor__________ 359,1380 for prevention of erosion of Missouri River, etc., at .Niobrara, Nebr., under_______________________ 1380 for p. ·evention of erosion of Mmsouri River, etc., at Yankton, B. Dak_ 1380 for examination and survey for widening Condui-c. Road, etc., from the District line to Great Falls, Md____________________ 1380 for relocation of levee on ArkaIl8&8 River in Conway County, Ark_ 1380 for purchase of Inland Waterways Corporation stock, etc________ 1380 for Dam No.2, Muscle Shoals, Ten- nessee River_______________ 359,1380 for flood relief, M&issippi River_ 359, 1381 for flood control, Miss&ippi and Sacramento Rivers_________ 359,1381 for emergency fund, tributaries of of Missi8Bipp'i River__________ 1381 for return to Cahfornia contribution for Sacramento River, dood control _____ ~----------------- 1381 deficiency appropriation for rivers and harbors, collision damage claims_ for Cape Cod Canal purchase, etc __ _ for military surveys and maps_____ _ 38 38 928 for preserving hmtoric fortifications, San Juan, P. R _____ ______ ____ 928 for flowage easements, protection of of the Woods, and Rainy River/ Minn__________________ 930 for operatlOns in the field_________ 1619 for transportation atlas____________ 1665 for survey, etc., of Interoceanic canals to determine future needs of ship- for i~d~~g -c -b-;'"u-nel; -B;y~;~-ii~:1667 bor_________________________ 1667 for salaries, 1921!z..~lDder"---------- 1689 for California vebris Commission, salaries, 1929 ___________ " _____ 1691 authorized to aid relocation of levee on bank of Arkansaa River, in Con- way' County, Ark., from funds for control of Mississippi River floods___ "___________________ 1380 Engineer School, D. C ., Arm" appropriation for equipment, mainte- nance, etc ___ • __ __ __ __ __ __ 341,1363