Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1839

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lxxxviii INDEX. lIf1lMnolow B~ Depor1trUmt oj Agri- Paae. Cd" ontillueci. defi~d2e01:09, 25 September 2010 (UTC)TarmstroBot (talk)_TarmstroBot (talk)_TarmstroBot (talk) 01:09, 25 September 2010 (UTC) 1677 for iJlIeots alfeoting man and domestio animals _n __ n __ nnn_n___ 1634 for tropical and subtropical plant in- sects________________________ 1634 for pneral expeoaee. __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 1670 Bf&IomoliJw, IntemanonGl Congreu oj, foreign governments invited to lend delegate. to__________________ 482 BfWOy.1h:traordinM'1/ and Mini8Cer. Pleni.- potrntiary, appropriation for aalarlee __________ 66, 1096 deficiency appropriation for u.lariea___ 48 Epa, Ala., bndp authorized ac1'Oll.l Tombigbee River, at__________________ 308, 7M reconstruotion authorised of bridge acrOllll Tombigbee River, at____ 115 Epidemia appropriation for prevention of____ 174,1040 deficiency appropnation for preTention of___________________ 31,42,48,1619 EquiM Meat, appropriation for inspection, etc.; labels requUed __________________ 548,1198 Equipage, Army, . appropriation for, toilet ldte, etc___ 332,1356 deficiency appropriation for___________ 1619, 1622,1672,1674 Equip1Mnt Shopa, Po. OJJi,ce D~n-', appropriation for care, maintenance, . etc., of ___________________ 188, 1050 for materials, labor etc., for manu- facture of bap" iocka, etc., in_ 192, 10M EquiP-' Supplia, NiBy, appropriation for Bureau of Naviga- tion______________________ 62~ 14M for Bureau of Ellginee~------ 629,1457 for Bureau of COnstruotlon and Re- for lfFureaii--~i-s~pPii~--~~I- As:.°' 1458 counts___________________ 633, 1461 Erie, Ohio, construction authorised 01 hOllPital, ordnance depot at____________ 1302 Erie, Pa., "ppropr.ation for publio buDding____ 178, 1042 B.cambia and Sa7WJ ROI(J Countiu, Fla., may bridge Santa Roea Bound________ 752 Eacambia County, Ala., bridseautnoriJed acl'Olll Conecah River, in.__________________________ 295 Estate TGJ:, Revenue Ace oj 1918, lUnit on deductions from groIIII eetate of nonreeident deoedents repealed_ 862 applicable to dtoaths he~ter __ ____ 862 of rUDDin! of statute of limitationa during period of pro- hibition of aa-ment, etc ____ _ until alter .1eciaion of Board_ applicable to Pl'EJllent CII8eII ______ _ in transferee c_________________ _ applicable to PrNeJlt c_________ _ 862 863 863 863 863 credit of gift red'lction repealed by, revived. as of January 1, 1926___ 863 Estaies and Tnu'" (.ce aUo Income Tax, Revenue Act of 1928),' tax impoeed on inoome ot.___________ 838 deduction for dits under will, etc.• __ 838 E.tonia, Latvia, ana Lithuania, a9Propoiation for minister to_______ 65, 1000 Btlaiopia, Paae. appropriation for expensee of American prisonerain__________________ 1107 allowance for consular prisonain, 1928, 1929 ________________ ~------- 1~12 EthfWlogy, American, . appropriation for researchee in_____ 583,1241 coo~tion authorized of Secretary of Smithsonian Institution with States, etc., in researches among American Indiana_ ___________ 403 Etowah County, Ala., may bridge Coosa River, at Gilberta Ferr,y_______________________ 1526 Etu:1au, Okla., .appropriation for Indian school at__ 219, 1579 EufaUla, Okla., appropriation for Indian school at__ 219, 1579 Eureka, Calif., terms of court at___________________ 1424 Europe, appropriation for expenaea of promoting commerce with, etc _________ 86,1117 deficiency appropriation for headstones for American soldiel'll' graves in_ 37 for expenses, promoting commerce with,etc--------------------- 897 European Corn Borer, appropriation for research, etc., on_ 558,1208 for cooperative expenaea to control spread 01.___________________ 565 for special research, etc., for control of___________________________ 568 for preventing spread of__ _________ 1216 amount from former appropriation available____________________ 1216 BUm authorized for applying methods of eradication_ ____ _____ _____ _ 734 expended in cooperation with States, etc_________________________ 734 no expenditure until affected State provides regulatory legialation, and money is contributed for State cooperation_ ____________ 734 limitation of amount for farm clean- nou:a;xro~ril:et~~, -d~t~yed::: ~g! money received from States to be de- posited into the Treasury as miBcellaneous receipts_________ 734 Emtia, Me., defioiency appropriation for inspection station,oonstruotion---------- 1657 Eutaw, Ala., bridge authorized acrOllll Warrior River, at___________________________ 754 Eeam, LleweUyn, m.l. may bridge Puget Mund, Wash., at the ~arro~_____________________ 1403 EeansviUe, Ind., terms of court at____________________ 438 Eoam St~et NE.t D. C., Appropriation lor paving, etc., Twen- tieth to TwentY-BeCOnd Streets; from gasoline tax fund ________ 1270 for paving, etc., Ninth to Tenth Streets· from gasoline tax fund_ 1271 Examining and Retiring Boorda, NQ.IJfI, appropriation for civilian pel'llODDeI' ~avy Department_________ 641,1470 Examining Surgeon. lor Pensiom, appropriation for fees, etc., fiscal years 1928 and 1929_______________ 226