Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1909

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INDEX. LocomtJHw B"fi1WJ Boa-" tIIc.,54/6, PQe. apTarmstroBot (talk) for ~ C!OJIIIieUfng

' Iaflroads to UIe;.' __ .;, ________ 6~1, 1239

~=:1oz:/~ftCh.;~!---- 66. 1097 .~, authoiUed reS.;' particnpa~ in ~~ At, f~, 8afe~y of


, . eatSea.. ___ ~__________,..--- 1016 Londtm.,{ltaiffr.. PotIGI C~ 'aPPfO"tfoD for' e%peD8ell 01 dele- .....'to ___ .. __ ;. _______ ~______ 191 Lmg B.cA, CoIi/., " appropriatioJlfOl' pubUo b~g___ 921,1043 free admiaaJOn of artloW. iJDJ)Oried , IOleIy fOl'exhl~at PaoI1Io South- west ExpositiOD aL_________ .. 396 executive aepartmeMe,' •., may pre- pale, etc., ariiollill .. exhfbite-"_ _ 397 Long I~ltmd 9'tv.N. r., ,, approprlatioD fo~ pubUo buDding; cost defiTarmstroBot (talk)"OQ.-for--P~bllO 177 . ~----------~___________ 1665 Lon,'~'. on4 HGf6or WorW. ,eow.~..Act, In couri prooeedinp' the diatrict attor- ~ rot' the ~ to appear ~.~eea' COmp.DI&tion provisions OiI&PPUC&bie-O~h-O;~: 490 l~em~Y.....ofu employer plo D" at 01 Columbia.________ 600 . em ymei1tia exCepted; veiael muter ~w----••------- .. ---------- 600 00 .-r.0yeer -..:.---- .. ------- 600 600 • .~ ,e~---~----- .. ... . Of"N~o 1eI"VI08, or .patiQD-____ __ ._ _ _ _ _ 600 Lool:oul MotWaiA, T .... dedcieacy . apptopriab for ~ving 001'erllDlent Road, Saint Elmo to RoaaviUe, Ga.. _____________ ~ 929 Lopu I ..... Woe.... , lot in abandoned mfiitary reeervation ~~bf:=-~-01:20, 25 September 2010 (UTC)::~~ 1091 Lordlbur" N. Me:c., aOll8tructioQ on, Army Air Corpe, au., ~horized at_____ .. _____________ 1304 Lot AnpU.,Coli!., . defioieaoy appropriation 'ar.lumiabing copiea of patent apeeiJicationa, etc., 1911S-192lStojrebnbunsable 1637 erection authorized of building for" branch 01 San Franeieoo Federai ~.Bank ________________ 1140 '3ubject "to approval· of Federal Reaenre BO&rd-• .:____________ 1140 terIru! of court at__ • .; ...____ ._ _ __ __ _ __ 1424 uncertified copies of patent specifiea.- . tions1913to 1925, to befW1liahed public library of____ __________ 1497 payulent for, to be depolited in the . Treaeur.y_______ ~ __ __ • __ _ _ _ .__ 1497 SUlD authorized for Patent Office Upe~~_--_.. --..... ---------- 1497 Loa Angelu COf;m1/, Calif.' . lands in Los" An¢ea National Forest Withdrawn from minIng entries . for reforesting watersheds of____ 956