Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1933

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,clxxxii INDEX. National Home/or Diaabled Volunteer Sol- Paae. cliBn-Continued. Santa Monica, Calif.' additional build- ings authorized at_____________ _ 61 specified veterans, including women, entitled to benefits oL_______ 366 submission to Congress discontinued, of report of outdoor relie!t etc_____ 995 NatiotwJl Library lor the Blind, u. C., appropriation for aid w ____________ 677,1293 National Memorial Commi8non, creation, and composition of ____ _____ 1699 procurinlS, plans, etc.} by, of buildin~ as a tribute to the negro's achieve- ments in America for National Memorial Association (Incorpo- rated)_______________________ 1699 construction on site approved by Com- mission of Fine Arts; supervision_ 1699 contract authorized for sum pro- vided by the Association_______ 1699 employment of artists, architects, etc., authorized___________________ 1700 services of designated Federal, etc., officials_ ________ ____ _____ ____ 1700 sum authorized for expenses, when $500,000 collected by Associa- tion_________________________ 1700 National Military Parks, appropriation for Chickamauga and Chattanooga ______________ 355,1376 for Fredericksburg and Sl>otsylvania County Battle Fields MemoriaL 1376 for Gettysburg ________________ 356,1376 for Guilford COurthouse ________ 356,1376 for Moores Creek ______________ 356,1376 for Petersburg____________________ 1376 for Shiloh. ____________________ 356, 1377 for Stones River _______________ 356,1377 for Vicksburg _________________ 356, 1377 for survey of battle fields__________ 1377 for national monuments; Fort Mc- Henry, Md_ _________________ 1377 Meriwether Lewis, superintendent_ 1378 deficiency appropriation for additional land, etc_____________________ _ for Moores Creek; reappropriation __ for Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania Countl .Battle Fields Memorial for Stones River, Tenn____________ _ for Fort Donelson, Tenn__________ _ additional amount authorized for estab- 37 37 38 38 929 lishing Fort McHenry, Md_____ 248 easement for highway granted acroBB Vicksburg, MiBB_ _ ____________ 434 establishment authorized of Fort Donel- son battlefield, Tenn., as_______ 368 National M onumems, appropriation for maintenance, etc., of under Secretary of War_____ 357, 1377 for Fort McHenry, Md _________ 357, 1377 for Meriwether Lewis __________ 357,1377 for Kill Devil Hill, Kitty Hawk, N. C _ 357 for Chalmette, La_________________ 357 for Tomb of Unknown Soldier, Ar- lington Cemeterx, Va_________ 1378 for tablet on site of Battle of Kettle Creek, Ga___________________ 1378 for Battle of Perryvill~:.Ky-------- 1378 for William Rufus lUng, Clinton County, N. C_ _______ _______ _ 1378 for administrstion, etc., under Na- tionalParkService_________ 236,1599 Casa Grande___________________ 236 PetrifiedForest____ ~ __ __ __ __ __ __ 1599 National Monumenta--Continued. Pace. appropriation for administration, etc., Montezuma Castle____________ 1599 Tumacacori.___________________ 1599 Chaco Can~on----------------- 1599 for Carlsbad Cave, N. Mex _____ 236,1599 lighting installatioi1s_ ___________ 236 for purchase of privately owned lands within b ' condition__________ 237,1600 Badlands, S. ak., established________ 1555 National M UBeum, appropriation for furniture, etc ____ 584. 1242 for heating, lighting. etc ________ 584,1242 for preserving collections; employees etc_______________________ 684, 1242 for repairs, books, etc __________ 584, 1242 National Park Commissioners, appropriation for salaries __________ 79,1110 National Park Service. appropriation for Director, and office personnel ___________________ 223,1596 for accounting tlervice&___ _______ 233, 1596 for Bryce Canyon, Utah___________ 1596 for Crater Lake, Oreg __________ 233,1596 for General Grant, Calif ________ 233, 1596 for Glacier, MonL _____________ 233, 1596 for Grand Canyon, Ariz ________ 233,1596 for Hawaii____________________ 234,1596 for Hot Springs, Ark ___________ 234,1597 for Lafayette, Me ______________ 234,1597 for Lassen Volcanic, Calif_______ 234,1597 for Mesa Verde, Colo___________ 234,1597 for Mount McKinley,Alaska____ 234, 1597 for Mount Rainier, Wash _______ 234,1597 for Platt, Okla_________________ 235,1598 for Rocky Mountain, COlo ______ 235,1598 for Sequoia, Calif ______________ 235,1598 for Wind Cave, S. Dak_________ 235, 1598 for Yellowstone, Wyo __________ 235, 1598 for Yosemite, Calif_____________ 236, 1598 for Zion, Utah_________________ 236,1599 for national monuments ________ 236,1599 for Casa Grande__________________ 236 for Petrified Forest________________ 1599 for Montezuma Castle_____________ 1599 for TumacacorL__________________ 1599 for Chaco Canyon________________ 1599 for Carlsbad Cave, N. Mex _____ 236,1599 for southern Appalachian national parks; Shenandoah and Great Smoky Mountains _________ 23~ 1599 for Mammoth Cave, Ky ________ 23"1,1599 for repairing damages to roads, etc., from storms, unavoidable causes, etc_______________________ 237,1600 for fi~hting forest fires, etc., in __ 237, 1600 limitation and restriction on ex- penditure _________________ 237, 1600 for purchase of p'~vately owned lands for; condltlOn _________ 237, 1600 physical improvements appropria- tions immediately available; re- striction___ '__ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ 237,1600 for roads, trails, etc., in parks, monu- ments,etc ________________ 237,1601 approved contracts for projects deemed Government obliga- tions _____________________ 238,1601 for additions to Absaroka and Galla- tin Forests and Yellowstone Park for winter feed facilities for game animals_________________ 1601 use of appropriations forbidden where charges are made for campgrounds _____________ 23~ 1602