Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/2051

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INDEX. Yonmile NeIIoMlPorlt, CaIi/.--contd. !'lip. acquial.~on of landa in private owner- " eIIIp to _ildded'~,f~ ~ ~c:tD~~ti)bi-:.~G.~t.ed 187 ~________________________ 787 itodjaoea~ ,~ber et.odIt may be added , to, by pooJamatioD of the ~t____________________ 1486 YM' 8".,N••, D. C., ' , appropriation for'pa'flng~ ete., west of .. ',B'IId8MbUttr Road;, fl'om guo- . 'llne[ tUB(l______ ~ __ .;_______ 654 .YOtAfl~ RiHr . l brida'fi' ::&oKHd at'II'OIIII,. between Ver-

aaiUea and Boeton, h _____ . , ___ 1169 Y 9UNJ(9um, Olrio, - .. , ' ~propftatioli'fGr ~ btilldin8~ ____ 1044 deficfellCl1rap~tlo~ ff)r pod oftIee,'

ete'j ~OD,. ________ .- -

925 ~ autho~ *'"*" '·MabonIftg. may '='i2!b;PiDiRiver:-AiDlV(' 1168 .•on 8tree"_L,;,_ .. ____ ~----'~-_-.: 63 at Weet Av.oe __ ;.._'_~____________ '.114 reco~il'/ ••, ~. brld., tklfOIIi . .iIh~~·'Rfm'" at, 6U~C)rilfJcL 62 Y"eIG Te. "',,, bri~"'horlled acroeiJ tUo Grande, '!it_ 1017 ,

eo~of Mexico:requil'ed.;:;~ __ .:,___

1017 Y-am BiHr Alotk4, ' '" . apPrO~OD ,for maiDtenailee, etc., . of river ateamel'lt, etc., 0-' __ ___ __ 240 Y1imkJ, An •. ,. . 'ooD8truetlon' fbtMmY 'Ah'Oorpe, authOrised at____ '.: ___'_ _ __ _ __ _ _ 1305 YUMa Cou"'", An,.' lands In" to be ie..ed. f()r municipal aviation fieid __________ .: . ___ __ _ 149 YUMa Ii&tUtM~, eM". '. apprOprlatioft for ~Uoo, e~., cbaraeaon~dBof-~.------ 212,1574 share- of ericIItae. IIbpiedallrription . dfsCrio&' of water right charle, •., forJandaIn_______ .:.:._____ 1321 Yuma I~PreJ«l, A,b., deficiency appropriation· for reimbure- mg, for Colorado ltIver levees, etc___ ..; ________________ -- __ __ 903 oredit for COnstruotiOB ebaraes of ,water r!ht =rU=lr=c~ ~ ~~__________________ ~_ 1321 pro rata share in y~ Indian ~aUOn___ ._~ ___________ - 1321 Yuma Irrifatio1l Projed, An •. -cootd. p .... where ~etiQdl ~ are paid In ruD,IMI,...... 'of ered!_; to operatlOn aDd maiDtenan",___ ' __ 1321 Yuma Projed, Ari•. -€tIlif., appropriation" -for IilaIB'tenanC8,· • . of _______________ !. . ___ _ ~ __ 228,1590 maintenance of OOQlDlercial Bye- tem_____ ~ ____ __ :. ..:.: ____ ___ 228,1500 lor operatlilg etc., CoI~ RIver levee sy. adjacent to____ 231,1593 z. Zaeitary Ta"lor N~ C." . ., .", KU" deficiency appropriatioD for MtabUsh- 101 __________ .-___ ______ ____ 920 title of land to be donAted_______ '929 burialgrounda of fitnDer PNlicient , " ; . Zachary Taylor,MtabUshed M_ _ 494 Zanurrille, Olio, ' appropriation for acqUlriDC additional ," land for publie bulldfllgat______ 182 Zapata, T~'l . bridge autnorized acrosi! Rio Grande, at_ 387 conaent of M~cq required_ _______ 387 Zion NGtu1nctz Park "".il·' ,'. .' ~ ~~'h ',' app~riation for AdiniDiStrat.ion/,!.tc...236, 1599 deficiency appropriation for ,uptiDg .8ystem __ . : __ ~__________________ 904 , divrion of water from. 8PrU1gi In, to Sp~,au~or.uad--------- 787 zoolotriCal Park, D. C., N~... .' appropriation for acquiring,.\NlCUI for , connectinc parkway" ~een .Potomac and,. BOok Creek ~h ___________ • _________ 680, 1296 forezpenae8_. ___ .. _____________ &10,1296 deficienCy apPJQpriation for exhibition ~,etc____________________ 893 for salaries, 1929_________________ 1694 Zuni Indian ReaBnlClCion, N. Ma., ,appropriation for :irrigation project OD _______________________ 210,1672 deficiency appropriation for colUltruct- IUID a!t~~°far ~eti~g- road 902 .Wlthin______ ___________ ______ 501 employment of IndlaD labor________ 501 maintenance free of eost to United 8tatea, by New Mexico,etc----- 501 Zvni Indian SaMtorlum, N. M~.# appropriation for 8UPport, etc., OL____ 1582 ADDITIONAL .COPIES f1' ~ PVBLlCAnOIf JUT .11 ROCUIIIID r.>11 DB IIVPIlIlUftIlIfDIIII'1' . or DOCUHIIJmI V •••OOVIIJUOfIlll'1 ' _a ODICII W48IIDICftOIf, D. C . At t&2S PER OOPY V